Profile For VivaciousVal

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Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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45/90 sight side angle backing, how do you pros do it?

Backing Video

I've been out of the truck for a few days now, and in my desire to keep up with my training I've been using a lot of youtube. (The internet is always right, ya know?!) Anyways I found this video a while back and now I totally want a "toy" truck to practice backing with. But while I can't say that I know that this methodology works, it certainly makes sense.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Another Hurdle...

Just curious, what exactly is "Attempted Animal Running at Large"? Is that when you try to let your dog loose but it won't go?

I have been LOLing at this or way to long!!!


Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Questions about this industry

I just sat in on a meeting where it was explained that women only make up about 5% of the trucking population.

I can't answer the question as to why more aren't coming aboard, but I had to explain to my family at least a dozen times why I wanted this and most of my FAMILY tried to talk me out of it.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Letter for HR...

Is this guy from another country by any chance? If so, this could be an issue of how people in his culture view women. If that is the case, he definitely should not be training females.

Now, if he treats both males and females like that he shouldn't be training at all, unless he changes his ways. Now, I know at Werner, with many trainer issues, it will just cost them their ability to be trainers and not their job. Of course there would be exceptions to that.

He was American... from what I understand this isn't his first complaint that he's received. And they came from both men and women.

At first, I thought it was because I'm a chick. He was just starting the divorce process, and I know when I was going through mine I had a little built up discrimination for the other gender, LOL. But now, I think I just understand WHY he's going through a divorce...

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Letter for HR...

As I'm starting to ask around, I'm discovering its not too unusual for things to not work out with the first trainer. And most of the time its just personality conflicts, not anything extreme.

I don't even like to look at my situation as being that bad. It sucks, yes. But I'll get over it. My trainer had a huge ego and told me repeatedly how lucky I was to have gotten him because everyone else does this or that. Now that I'm getting a chance to double check stuff that he said, I'm learning that he did not tell me much truth. I'm looking forward to being able to actually LEARN stuff, rather than just using my common sense out there.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Letter for HR...

Thank you all for the replies. I don't feel so bad writing a long statement. Like I said I'm not out to ruin anybody, but if he's going to do it for himself, then that's not my problem.

I was informed that this wasn't his first complaint, and its not a sexist thing, he's done the same thing to both males and females. I'm actually glad I'm female in this situation, what if he tried to share a urinal with me! embarrassed.gif

There are better out there, while I hope for the best; I'd honestly settle for just better... its a temporary situation.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Letter for HR...

I'll update my diary within the next day or so... but here's the short version.

First I would like to start that given some really bad experiences, I still want this. Driving truck was AWESOME! Getting glimpse at what's to come... I'm ready to continue on!

I got on a truck for my student driving and my trainer turned out to be an egotistical control-freak. A lot of the issues were borderline tolerable but a few of the issues certainly pushed the limits.

For example...

He didn't like that I kept in touch with some of the other students from my class, told me that the only reason that people talk to me is because I'm pretty. And didn't want me to get any advice from other students and/or truck drivers. In fact if I talked to anyone at a truck stop or my school he would question me endlessly about what we talked about. And they were always wrong, I personally enjoyed the little tidbits of information that people would share, but to him they were always WRONG... even if they were right. Not to make it black and white.

Now I don't know much about trucks and trailers parts and what not, and most of what I've learned as been in the past 2 weeks. But I can recognize the difference between drum and disc brakes. I eventually gave up on the argument after about 20 minutes of asking if there was anything extra/ left out I would have to do for my pretrip test. He was a complete "Know it All" and would never ask questions or look up questions that I had, but instead would make up these RIDICULOUS answers.

He really liked to talk about religion and politics, both subjects that I don't keep strong opinions about. Usually that keeps me safe, but for the past week the only way to get him to shut up was to agree completely with him. Like I was in love with the subjects... grr.

He would tell me when to sleep and he was the type that sleeps for at least 12 hours a day, me.. I need about 5-6. He would send me to the bunk and tell me to not get down until sometimes 16-20 hours later. My trainer, a guy, would follow me to the first bend of the women's bathroom, everytime! I'd have up to 7 missed calls from him during a 20 minute shower, just checking on me. And he told me what to eat, what to drink, and when to do it.

Now like I said, most of this stuff, I would classify as barely tolerable. Combined it was overboard, threatening my job because I would call my family every day pushed me to the point of calling my Fleet Manager. I did not ask to get off the truck, but simply explained my situation and said that I did not want to do my next phase of training with him. Nothing unusual about that. She ended up pulling me from the truck anyways, he's gotten other complaints and apparently the controlling continues to progress.

So now my question... I'm not trying to ruin anybody's career. I simply want mine to start with adequate knowledge and understanding. But I've been asked for a written statement to give concerning my training. How detailed would you be, if you were in my situation... I feel like I can more openly complain here because its not going directly into someone's personnel file. But if he's done it before... I just don't know.


Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Prime PSD :-)

Congrats to HATS and Zach!

Yesterday (Day 3) - We had a pretrip class in the morning, boy that's a lot of stuff to remember. I think that may be the most difficult part of this program, but I know that its super important. After that the DMV was at the school for testing and I passed my airbrakes test and then went downtown to get my permit! YAY! I didn't have simulator class until later in the evening so I just hung out until then. A driver who was upgrading showed me his truck, which was awesome because I had never been in one before! At sim class I scored a 97% on my final and will learn backing today, I'm still incredibly excited to be here and love it!

Today (Day 4) - We had health insurance class this morning, Prime offers some really good benefits, I knew this before coming here, but they are even better than I thought! I had finished everything so I had nothing to do all morning so I went out for a drive, in a car..., with a couple of the guys here. It was awesome to get away for a short time! Next class in about 2 hours, where we will get our official badges and learn how to be a good student in a trainers truck. After that I have Simulator class at 7:30pm where I will get to work on backing.

I'll update again soon!

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Prime PSD :-)

I have made it through my first day and a half here, and I have no complaints yet. I have yet to meet a driver, experienced or in training, that doesn't really enjoy working for Prime. I'm so glad I made the choice that I did!

Day 1 was to be in class at 7am for going over paperwork then off to do an "agility test". This was followed by my drug test and physical. For the physical you wait in a small room packed with people and its so hot in there. Usually my blood pressure is unusually low but it came up well within range due to the environment. This may be helpful to know for anyone that is on the high end of the cusp for cut off. Anyways no problem there, for me!

I followed it up with the background screening and no problems there, either! I'm an angel, lol, yeah right, but on paper it appears that way!

The Sim lab was amazing! I picked right up on double clutching and even got to be the first in my class to "drive" down the road; only upshifting.

The food is good for cafeteria style food, I have no complaints there. And everyone in my class seems to be in a fantastic mood about everything.

Day 2 (well the beginning) started with a class on logging and then a trip to the dmv. Now, we were told we could take the tests twice a day for the next 4 days and to not be afraid if we didn't feel ready, yet. I've got HORRIBLE study habits and wanted to be a little more prepared, but after hearing all this I decided to take the morning bus down there anyways. After almost 4 hours and taking every test twice I managed to get 3/4! Tomorrow all I have to work on is Air brakes, or tonight; I should study tonight...

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Taking a dog along with you

You mean like this? These guys are pretty bad arse if you ask me. LOL!



I had never thought about wearing my dog as a backpack though!

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