Profile For Michael M.

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    Warfield, KY

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Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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And just to add. I could even go OTR if that's what I wanted to do(which I do want to do at some point). The two main reasons why I don't want to go to company sponsored training is because of the month worth of training, then the what? 2-4 weeks or more out a time is what would cause the problem.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Michael I have to agree with Guyjax on this one. If your mother's health situation requires you to be close by and or if you are the only person available to her for support this just may not be a good time for you to get into this field. I've a friend at TMC who actually missed his mother's funeral and the company did everything possible to get him there, but the bus they put him on missed a connection which caused a huge unexpected delay in hes travel plans.

Being on the road causes some logistical problems as far as emergencies go, and it can be very heartbreaking for all parties involved when you can't be there for the people you love. I realize we don't know your whole situation, but this is definitely something you'll need to weigh in the balances to determine if this lifestyle is right for you.

It's not that I can't go into trucking. That's why I was wanting to go to private school. There is several places around here in my home town that hire people straight out of CDL school. Such as coal trucks, logging, and a few others.

That's why I was asking if anyone knew if there was anything else I could do other than company sponsored training or taking out loans (which there would be no way I could do that). Especially in my case that might help my situation out a little bit. Something I could do/say to the WIA people to help them pay for it.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Mainly because of my moms health situation. And just being able to have several options on who I could drive for.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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I was planning on going to private school for my training, but I needed the money. I turned to my local WIA program for the funding I needed. So I do everything they ask, did all the tests, paid for my own physical. Then all of a sudden their funding changed at the last moment and they said I needed to get a job offer. Which I said you don't get job offers you get pre-hire letters. And they told me that should work.

Then I applied for a pre-hire with some companies and I was accepted to them all. I took my letters to my case worker who turned them into her supervisor. A couple of days go by and I get an email from my case worker telling me i've been turned down for funding all because my pre-hire letters didn't have my name on them, they didn't give a hire date. And she told me that there is nothing they can do for me now.

So other than taking out loans and going to company sponsored training. Is there anything else I can do to get them to change their minds? Or am I just going to have to go down the road of company sponsored training.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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A little help if anyone can.

Even if she said you didn't need to bring anything. I would still bring something with me just incase. I'd rather be over prepared then not prepared at all. Ya know?

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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A little help if anyone can.

In my pre-hire letter from Werner on the back they gave me a list of things I needed to bring with me. Which included.

Adequate clothing for 7-10 days, including casual work clothes and a coat.

Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.

Sleeping bag or bedding (twin sheets), pillow, towel and a washcloth.

Laundry detergent

Soft-sided luggage bag or duffel bag.

Backpack or book bag (Including pen, pencil, notebook and handheld calculator).

Work gloves, flashlight and sunglasses.

So if you was wondering on what you needed this could be used as an example for you when you head out for training. You might not need all of that^, but I know most of it you will.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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A little help if anyone can PART 2

From what i've read you'll be in walking distance of places to get supplies. And if you're not in walking distance then you'll have to take a cab or bus.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Finally going to training!!!!

Old School, I planned on it. I figured i'd apply to everyone and anyone that had a flat-bed divison. At least the ones that I can apply for. That's really the only thing I really want to do. And if something was to happen to where I couldn't get to drive a flat-bed. I'd go to the dry van divison.

And thanks for the support.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Finally going to training!!!!

When I said it's kinda sad when I think about it. It's not me saying i'm sad that i'm going to become a trucker or anything. I just said that cause I tend to waste my free time just thinking about it, lol. Besides, I do believe that I was born to do this. When I was a baby the only way they could get me to sleep on some nights is to take me for a drive in a big rig, lol. So it's been in my blood for a long, long time.

I was looking at TMC, but i'm pretty sure that I saw something to the fact of their required driver age is like 23 and up. And i'm only 21. Or would it really matter? And about me getting home. I don't really need to get home every weekend, just more of maybe every 2-3 weeks.

And I just wanna say that I love this site. You've done a hell of job. I spend most of my time just reading in the forums and blogs, and doing the High Road program. Way more positive people on this site then all the others i've been to.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Finally going to training!!!!

So, after months of delays. I'm finally going to be going to my CDL training in a matter of 7 long as there isn't anymore setbacks! I'm going the private school way. Why you might ask? Simply because I wanted to have tons of options available to me. And if you're curious on how I will be paying for it. My local WIA program....even though I had to pay for my D.O.T physical!!! As I've been waiting i've just been dying to get behind the wheel and set out on the open road.Just day dreaming about the whole thing...kinda sad now that I think about it, lol. Either way. I've always dreamed of getting behind the wheel since I was a small child. I grew up around big rigs so I have some knowledge on how things go in this industry. I have already got one pre-hire letter so far from Werner who is actually my number 1 choice. And I know..only one? I plan on applying to some more pretty soon just incase that one falls through. I figured once I get done with my training I would go after the flatbed dream. I don't mind the manuel labor, i'm use to it, anyway. Oh, and I was wondering once I go through all my training and i'm out on my own, even though i'd be a rookie. Would it still be possible to get more home time? The reason why I ask is because my mother is in bad health and i'm pretty much the only one who helps her out with things. Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. If anyone gets curious about what i'm up to. I'll try to keep things updated from time to time. So until next time. I'll catch ya later, lol.

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