Comments By John M. avatar
  • John M.
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Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Nervous about Roadmaster

Quick question, are you looking for working with Werner? The reason I ask is last I knew, roadmaster was owned by Werner and if I had to take a crack at it 75% of our trucks are automatics if it helps, I drive for Werner and I love it here

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Always Pre-trip Your Trailer

I know that feeling, I was due home yesterday and I hooked up to my home load to find the breakshoes warn down to just above dot limits and my tire on the tandems had. A nice 5 inch hole in the tread, then I sat waiting 5 hours cause the shop that Michelin sent out forgot about my companies call then get to the TA for the breaks and companies all hey while your there replace your steers, get an oil change I made it home 5 am this morning lol

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Questions about Truck Driving?

Hello, love your name and welcome to TT a vet or mod should post links to all the neat info such as the basics and how to go about obtaining your cdl i unfortunately do not have those. But I can try to answer anything you might have, question 1: as I'm a man I cant exactly answer that but as I see alot of women driving trucks (which is a good thing) I suppose it can't be that bad. Question 2: absolutely, with most starter companies one call and you can change divisions, might require a bit of experience before you can do that but you can. Question 3: nope, atleast not any time soon. Hope I helped and if you need anything else just ask, we're all here to help.


Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Wintery fun.

Also is it weird that when I see a WS truck I think of you? Thats not creepy is it?

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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I'm Fixing The Lost Photos In The Forum

Er mer gerd bret changed his photo, nice puppy also

Also thank you for bringing the photo update thingy

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Wintery fun.

Snow isn't so bad but do be careful, especially of any ice. Don't hesitate to find a safe place to shut down if roads become treacherous.

Winter tip #1:. When parking for the night, roll back and forth slowly to cool your tires.. otherwise, the heat from them can melt ice and snowpack and literally refreeze your tires to the pavement during the night as you sleep.

Winter Tip #2:. Only set your TRACTOR brakes when parking for the night. The rain/slush can cause the brakes to freeze. Feel like laying under your trailer beating them with a hammer to try to get them loose? If your drives freeze they're easy to break loose just by moving. A small torch is useful to have.

Winter Tip #3:. Drain moisture out of your airtanks regularly. Yes most are automatic drain, but it sure won't hurt to take extra precautions.

Thanks for the tips Susan I appreciate them, I did one I think anyway, I had to move a few times to position the truck to park how I wanted it so maybe that counts? And just did 3, with two I found my truck is on a bit of an Incline and I don't know if I'm just paranoid or what but I'm not sure I like the idea of leaving my tractor breaks the only thing holding me in place, would wheel chocks help here or can I expect some A-hole to steal them?

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Wintery fun.

Had my first little taste of winter today, it's been raining, sleeting and or snowing today and the temp fluctuated around through out the day, I was a little nervous at first but I kept my cool, increased my following distance and slowed down as needed and kept alert for any issues. Wasn't as bad as it could be but was enough to make me say I'm not a fan, as I shut down for the night it started snowing heavily and now there is half an inch or so on the ground I'm hoping it's gone by morning, if not, well tomorrow will be interesting.

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Swift speeding the trucks up!!

Eh, you swifties just want to stop saying "shutup Werner I'm friggen tryin" rofl-3.gif

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Swifties: If you get a TEXT about trainee back pay from Swift

I’ll go make the popcorn. Who wants some?

Oh, oh me!

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Opinion on driving a fuel tanker truck right out of cdl school?

smile.gif Thanks for the replies and I hope the little joke made some of you smile but as a new driver I cant even fathom pulling double box trailers let alone a single fuel tanker, nevermind doubles, one day maybe I'll grab that tanker endorsement and hazmat but for this solo driver, I'm content and quite happy pulling 53 dry van.. I mean hell, I've seen double 53's rolling down the road and thought to myself not only does that driver have a bigger pair then I do but I can barely drive one trailer why on earth would I want to add another.

Double 53... that's 106 foot of trailer not including the

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