Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Weeks away from swift training
Good to hear, thank you. :)
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Weeks away from swift training
Hey everyone just thought I'd come show my face and let you know my progress I am literally weeks away from going to Richmond,Va for Swift Training and I am super excited. Ever since I figured out that trucking was going to be my career of choice I haven't gotten much support in my immediate family because I'm a girl. I don't take time anymore to explain how much I am going to take care of myself and that I'm learning how to be a safe driver above all. On the plus side my significant other and my father both support my dream of becoming a truck driver. So at this moment I'm waiting for my birth certificate to come thru the mail and then set up my start for sure this time and then off to training I go. Anyone want to fill me in on some of the trainers in Richmond?
Congratulations! I'm hoping to get into Swift myself, and I wanted to ask you how long it took for them to accept you to the academy. Is there a waiting period, or are they able to accommodate new students immediately?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Wow. So I arrived at prime orientation on the 16th. I lucked out and got a trainer (awesome one at that) and I've been driving since Wednesday morning. I must say, I LOVE it. Besides dealing with alot of crap at home and once the initial feeling wears off, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it. I've learned ALOT in the 3 days driving and I'm excited that there is so much more to learn. I've wanted to do this for a few years now and my only regret is not doing it sooner!
Thanks to everyone on this forum.for the help and support you all have given.
P.s. I didn't realize how bad people in cars are jerks when driving by trucks. Definitely made me realize how much regular car drivers affect those driving a truck! !!
I've always tried to be respectful of big rigs on the road when I'm in a regular car, but I imagine I've lost patience in my past as well. Just remember it's not aimed at you, it's just that your truck is in their way and they are the most important people in their universe. Keep rolling safely, and have fun!
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I've passed all written portions of the test! The CDL program from this website were extremely beneficial. Don't relay on powerpoint presentations to pass.
Congrats! I really think the High Road program here is a huge help for anyone seeking their permit. And I'm almost stunned at the apps to help you learn your pre-trip inspections. Keep on rolling safely!
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Link to some natural cure info for high BP . . .
I just want to (someday) provide what I consider to be a significantly healthier alternative in fresh produce at a price point that is competitive with factory farms.
Do you want quality or do you want cheap? Because that's going to be the two alternatives. If corporations could produce significantly healthier alternatives at their current price points they would. Without pesticides, herbicides and genetic modification you could never produce the volume of food they're producing reliably. Every year you'd have something different wipe out major amounts of crops - bugs, fungi, drought, etc.
I raise some animals and have a big garden and I do everything 100% naturally except for the vitamins and minerals I feed the animals and the antibiotics I give the babies the first few weeks to help them fend off illness. Humans can sterilize their environment a lot easier for ourselves than we can for cows, chickens, and turkeys. So a few antibiotics prevents a lot of illness and suffering, and then leaves their system quickly anyhow.
So I'm all for 100% natural, sustainable farming and ranching. But the idea that you're going to produce high quality, healthy fruits & veggies using sustainable farming methods and compete with the corporate farms is a pipe dream. Corporations are always willing to take shortcuts to save a few bucks.
I agree with you, I still have much to learn. I'm trying to say that I'm coming from a different perspective than they are. Their entire focus is the bottom line and making their shareholders happy. If I have to fund this out of my own pocket, I'm willing to think about it. My goal here is not making money. My goal is getting nutrients out there in a very, very depleted world, and the best way of doing so, to my understanding, is to make it price-competitive with the crap that's out there.
Like I said, this isn't happening anytime soon. But it is a (pipe?) dream of mine for the future.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Link to some natural cure info for high BP . . .
Im not picky when it comes to the area the fruit/veggie comes from. So long as it's not beat up or going bad.
That's part of my concern, to be honest. In the drive to be cheapest to market, too many farms go with monoculture, seriously depleting the soil of the necessary nutrients found in balanced farming (crop rotation). Throw in pesticides, herbicides and genetic modification, and I'd personally have trouble deciding between that sort of fresh produce and a can of Chef Boyardee in terms of which is less toxic, or more nutritious.
Now, granted, that's me for which I'm speaking, and only me. I know that a lot of people don't have any problems with one or more of those farming techniques. And I'm not here to bicker about them, either. I just want to (someday) provide what I consider to be a significantly healthier alternative in fresh produce at a price point that is competitive with factory farms.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Link to some natural cure info for high BP . . ., I mangled that blockquote reply rather nicely, didn't I?
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Link to some natural cure info for high BP . . .
I'm VERY interested in your technique . . . I'd LOVE to get some good food out there . . . whenever we have passed roadside stands, my trainer always says there is "no place to park . . . " which I guess is true mostly but I'd sure like to make a try at it . . .
This isn't going to happen anytime soon, but I've been interested in hydroponics farming for a while now. I also have a friend who's made quite a hobby out of designing and creating more advanced and efficient LED grow light arrays optimized for plant growth. He also recently took a business trip to Texas to help design and build a self-sufficient growing shed, complete with automated watering systems. It's not completely self-sufficient, as you'll want to be monitoring the system on occasion, not to mention adding nutrients on a regular basis, but it's designed for minimal work.
I've been thinking hard that I'd want to get something like this going for myself in the future, just so I can have quality fresh produce to take with me when I'm done with home time. Yes, you can always pick some up at Wal-Mart, but considering their usual sources, IMO it's not much better than just getting canned food-like industrial byproducts and eating that instead.
But this is all in the future.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Truckers Tablet Computer with GPS
Holy crap, THANK YOU for this!! I had been looking at getting a Garmin nĂ¼vi from Amazon, but the very extensive comparison of feature sets up on that page have sold me on the Rand McNally 720 model. It looks to me like it's going to be worth every penny.