Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Um, I thought u were talking about a trailer connection swiveling. Never seen a swiveling gladhand connector on the hose end (I.e. tractor). Can't see what the purpose for that would be. Maybe have that checked out anyway; sure wouldn't want a hose popping off in the middle of a tight maneuver, if you know what I mean.
Yep, guess I could've been clearer. The odd thing now is that it doesn't spin anymore; now it's stationary again. I'll just chalk it up to weird stuff we have to deal with and keep an eye on it...
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Look closely are they a matching set?
As far as I can tell they are. I've had this truck for about 4 months now. I recently took it in for a B Service. Maybe they switched it out, I don't know.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Okay sounds normal then. I haven't notices any air leakage and everything seems to be doing what it's supposed to. I just don't remember the fitting moving like that before, and the blue line doesn't move at all.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Hi all... I noticed this morning that the glad hand connector on my emergency (red) brake lines spins. It doesn't appear to be getting looser or anything, but the blue line connector doesn't turn and the red one didn't either until recently. Any ideas?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Well, I've been solo for about 3 months and love it so far. One of the main purchases I made was when I bought a Garmin 770 last week. My Qualcomm navigation is okay, but it has a bad habit of saying I'm out of route when I know I'm not, and it takes forever to reroute.
One issue I've had with the Garmin really bit me in the butt today. I'm in Maryland, which as most of you know can be a bugger when it comes to finding places to park. I searched for truck stops and picked one about 6 miles away. After following the directions which routed me through streets I had NO business being on (jumped 3 curbs and almost took out a telephone pole), my destination turned out to be a convenience store, not a truck stop! Luckily I found one but it's kinda dangerous if the GPS routes you to places not meant to accommodate semis. Has anyone else had issues like this with a Garmin? I double-checked, and it still says that place is a truck stop.
P.S. I also use trucker path, but that's hard to do when you're on the road.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I've been seeing quite a few drivers recently using around the neck Bluetooth headphones, as well as many truckstops selling them. I'm interested in getting some (probably the LG Pro). If anyone has any insight on them, specifically call quality and noise cancellation efficiency, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Sorry I haven't posted lately; we've been running ragged. Lol
This last 2 weeks we've been assigned to a dedicated Hobby Lobby account so it's been a lot of back and forth between OKC and various stores. Last week we went to Chicago (ugh), Missouri and too many others to mention. This past week has been nothing but runs to Texas. I've seen enough of I-35 to last me a lifetime.
My backing has gotten a bit better. The other night I drove to the OKC distribution center while my mentor slept. Ordinarily I would wake him up when we got there but this time I said the heck with it. I took care of checking in, backing in the trailer and unhooking. THEN I woke him up. He saw what I had done and just said good job. He seems much more at ease with me. One morning we got to a dock. He looked at the dock and didn't say anything, just went back to sleep. So, I guessed he wanted me to figure it out for myself, which I did. Lol
Today he told me he's ridden with students who he just didn't feel comfortable with, but with me the thought of me on the road didn't scare him at all. He told me I was a very safe driver and that was the main thing as far as he was concerned. I gotta say, it felt pretty good as he isn't the type to throw around platitudes like that.
Tomorrow is Houston. Sigh...
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Been a while, so here goes...
Made quite a tour of the western part of the US...Washington, California, Utah, Oregon, etc. I did my first set of team driving from California to New Mexico, where my mentor took over. I woke up today to the word that we were headed back to Oklahoma for a 34 hour reset, then team driving running dedicated for Hobby Lobby. My mentor said we'll be running our butts off, but we'll make good money, I'll gain some good experience and we'll most likely be getting weekends off back at home. Sounds good to me! My backing is slooooowwwwllly getting better. I'm getting the concept but I don't think my trainer is comfortable yet with me attempting backups without him spotting. I'll get there though. I did my first blind side backing the other day and it went okay. Haven't hit anything yet! Lol
So far still loving the whole experience. I drove all night the other day and actually enjoyed it, minus not being able to see poorly painted center lines in Arizona. Made it one piece though, which is ultimately the goal.
Maximum Effort!
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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Congrats Charlie! I'm in the second week out with my mentor, and I'm learning a lot. What kind of stuff is covered on the written upgrade test? I haven't heard much about it.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Load shifted
When I have to use load locks I set it up at around a 20 degree angle, then use a small sledge to hammer the raised end down til it's level. I've never had them drop after doing that.