Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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BY, in your case you have “grandfathered” status.
[The FMCSA's Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) took effect on February 7, 2022. This set the baseline for training requirements for those seeking for the first time to obtain: 1.) Class A or B CDL, 2.) Upgrade Class B to Class A, or 3.) A school bus (S), passenger (P), or hazardous materials (H) endorsements. The ELDT regulations are not retroactive, so individuals who were issued a CDL or an S, P, or H endorsement prior to Feb. 7, 2022 are not required to complete training for the respective CDL or endorsement.]
Rob T. is correct on the procedure needed for new CDL-A, B/endorsement applicants. For example, according to these regulations, in order to be eligible for the (P) endorsement skills test (pre-trip, backing maneuvers, road test), the ELDT requirement is:
1.) an applicant must obtain a CLP for the (P) endorsement by passing the DMV computer knowledge test (minimum score of 80%). this also is in order to be in legal compliance during the behind-the-wheel training component of the ELDT; 2.) theory/classroom and 3.) behind-the-wheel training components both must be successfully completed with an average, minimum passing grade of 80% before skills testing at the DMV.
Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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Smoked weed 5 months ago can I get cdl
I concur, Errol.
Zero presence of scalp/body hair does amount to refusal to test. I believe BY means that once an individual is sure to be clean and clear of substance use, a shave of scalp/body hair, then followed by a subsequent regrowth of the required 1.5" hair length should produce a clean slate specimen for the test.
Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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Smoked weed 5 months ago can I get cdl
Joshua S.,
The current group discussion, especially BK, Ramper Romper, BY, Errol V. and Old School all give sound advice and information.
In this case one size does not fit all. The key here is the THC metabolites and the body’s ability/rate to metabolize substances, which differ individually. The 90-day benchmark is the average, probably for active metabolisms and body types. The best investment now is patience and caution, 1-year to be certain. Stay clean and once you’ve waited a period of time for which you’re confident and certain to be “clean” of past substance use, a sound strategy is to shave scalp and/or body hair in the approximate 3-months before the test, perhaps longer for body hair growth. The resulting regrowth of hair specimen should be fresh and clean.
Good luck, dude.
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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KLLM Driving Academy No Longer Offering Free Hotel For CDL Training?
I believe when I trained with WestSide they didn't offer a hotel if you lived less than a hour away.
But that was only 4 days not 3 weeks.
It does seem odd. It very well could be a company cost saving measure, especially given your close proximity to the training facility. Regardless, perhaps call and ask the recruiter to give a more thorough explanation particular to your circumstance.
An important thing to consider is accounting a daily 2-hour, roundtrip commute alongside lengthy training days/weeks. Safety first! Also, you could ask for a fuel reimbursement, especially to offset the fuel cost.
Posted: 1 year, 8 months ago
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The FMCSA's Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) took effect on February 7, 2022. This set the baseline for training requirements for those seeking for the first time to obtain: 1.) Class A or B CDL, 2.) Upgrade Class B to Class A, or 3.) A school bus (S), passenger (P), or hazardous materials (H) endorsements.
The ELDT regulations are not retroactive, so individuals who were issued a CDL or an S, P, or H endorsement prior to Feb. 7, 2022 are not required to complete training for the respective CDL or endorsement.
According to these regulations, in your case to be eligible for the (P) endorsement skills test (pre-trip, road test), the ELDT requirement is both theory/classroom and behind-the-wheel training before testing at the DMV.
Another thing, you may need to obtain a CLP for the (P) endorsement, in order to be in legal compliance during the behind-the-wheel training component of the ELDT. Your CDL-A will remain intact as the permit is simply for the endorsement training. Contact your local DMV about this.
Good luck.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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Help! A Career Change Decision
Hello, everybody.
Please, the guidance of this community is needed. I earned a CDL July 2016, yet have not put it to work to date. It took nearly two years (2014-16) for me to make the decision to attend the local community college’s CDL training program. I’d do it again knowing the credential would be unused for a couple years and perhaps more.
The cause of the delay, then and now, is me; the struggle of mind (logic) vs. intuition (soul) in decision. All of my major life decisions have been made by logical thought. It always has the most influence and power than my intuition. This time is different. It seems my intuition has become powerful enough to rival the mind, in decision, thus a nearly two plus year struggle to make a choice. My mind tells me to not drive a truck while intuition tells me yes. The major reasons against directly stem from the overall lifestyle; the long hours, high stress levels and sedentary lifestyle. The major reason in favor takes root in that my soul craves the travel and the substance it can add to this life experience. The alternative is to pursue a career change to bookkeeping. This is what my mind tells me to do. It certainly plays to my left brain strengths of logic and analytics/numbers. Ironically, this choice shares the sedentary lifestyle with truck driving only without the long, longer hours.
The motivation always has been to career change. What career change is the correct fit for me? The only bit of clarity in all this is, no matter the decision, my lifestyle needs and must have a healthy work-life balance. This means balance in stress level, sleep cycle and home time. The smart decision is to listen to my logic as it tells me to pursue the more balanced option in bookkeeping. In spite of this, my intuition continues to push me to take the option of higher risk of unbalance to drive a truck; hence the conundrum, listen to the mind or soul?
Thank you.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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A Community College Training Experience
Graduation is today—Tuesday, July 19, 2016. The past 8 weeks have been an experience like no other. The bonds and relationships built with classmates very much unexpected, but not unwelcome. We made it. The remaining 10 student drivers (of an initial class size of 13) have earned a CDL.
The truck driving training program began on Monday, May 23, 2016. It is 8 weeks, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at the local community college. The curriculum focuses on developing backing and driving abilities through classroom, simulator lab, driving range and roadway driving experiences. A typical day is designed as classroom (8 a.m.-11:30 a.m.), lunch (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.), and driving (12 p.m.-4:30 p.m.).
The classroom curriculum covered the following subjects by lecture, homework assignments, quizzes and exams:
o CDL permit preparation (3 days of prep. for DMV CDL permit exams)
o CDL log book (FMCSA hours of service regulations)
o CSA (FMCSA’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability program)
o Basic control(s) & shifting
o Vehicle systems
o Inspections (pre-trip, en route, post-trip, and air brakes test)
o Backing & docking
o Coupling & uncoupling
o Sliding 5th wheels & tandems
o Preventive maintenance
o Space & speed management
o Night driving & other extreme driving conditions
o Skid control
o Road hazard awareness
o Railroad crossing
o Emergency maneuvers
o Accident procedures
o Handling cargo
o Cargo documents & paperwork
o Transportation technology (GPS, Qualcomm, e-logs etc.)
o Trip planning & transportation security
o Driver health
o Special rigs (doubles, triples, reefer, flatbed etc.)
o Hazardous materials
The driving range and road driving application of knowledge and skills includes:
o 90 degree backing & alley docking maneuvers
o Offset (left & right side) backing maneuvers
o Straight line backing maneuvers
o City & rural driving
o Night driving
o Skid pad driving exercises
The CDL skills test was July 13th, 14th and 15th. (My test was on the 13th of July.) The test: 1) Pre-trip vehicle inspection, 2) Backing maneuvers (straight line, 90 degree and offset [right & left]), and 3) Road test. The past 8 weeks have been challenging, stressful and fatigued, yet very spirited and satisfying. This entire experience and its rewards will always be remembered.
Drive safe and friendly, my friends.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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The Irregular Sleep Cycle of a Truck Driver
Another thing,
I’d also like to extend a very special thank you to all that make the time to respond and help a fellow community member. As of this writing they are:
• Dutch
• Errol V.
• Jim J
• Joseph D.
• Old School
• Robert B. (The Dragon) yes, I breathe fire and other sideshow tricks
• Steve L.
Again, receiving the insight of each of your personal experiences with managing sleep cycles is pure gold. Cheers!
Happy driving and god bless, my friends.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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The Irregular Sleep Cycle of a Truck Driver
Errol V.,
Thank you very much. Receiving insight from seasoned drivers such as you gives clear perspective of the realities of the sleep cycle of a truck driver. No, unfortunately, I have not traveled to Europe or Asia. Although, I have known and met many frequent international travelers and know of their experiences with jet lag.
Good show on the trivia bit!
*Trivia for the day: bookkeeper: the only word on the English language with three consecutive double letters!
How did you come up with it?
Happy driving and god bless, my friends.
Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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Will international travel disqualify me for employment?
Buster’s Buddy,
International travel should not be an issue, so long as you’ve maintained legal U.S. citizenship throughout. As I recall, FMCSA/DOT regulations on background check requirements include employment verification, physical exam (federal medical card), pre-employment drug test, drug & alcohol screen history and motor vehicle records (MVR).
Perhaps, a course of action could be to contact the CDL division of your home-state DOT/DMV to get the official and precise information and answers to your questions.
Good luck, dude.
FMCSA DOT Background Checks