Yuma (for right now), CO
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Just getting back into trucking after about twenty-some-odd years away from it. Going through a school to get re-certified and licensed. Pretty excited about it.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Would love to see pics of the truck.
Hey Scott, I've got some pretty good ones so far, but haven't yet had someone else around to get me in some with the truck, ha ha. I just have to figure out how to get them from my phone to my computer. I hate Windows 10!! It doesn't do any of the things that were standard with Windows before. For now, I'll just have to say that it is really black and reeeeeaally shiny and I absolutely love it!!! Ha ha. I'll work on getting pics of it on here. Would love to use one as my avatar!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Great news. Have fun.
Thanks Scott! I really appreciate it!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Just a quick note as I am so very busy getting ready to hit the road again. Just got my permanent tractor yesterday and have been moving into it all day today. A lot going on...all my stuff was locked in driver storage until late this morning as by the time I got all of the signatures and check-offs and got back to storage with my new tractor, it was locked and the guy had gone home early for Thanksgiving!! Oh NO!!!!!! A lot of people did that yesterday, ha ha.
Anyway, it is a 2015 KW T680 with just 102K on it. I swear that it looks and smells absolutely brand new!! I am so very stoked!! Can't wait to get back out there with it. Put a TV and microwave in it today. Will have to wait a bit for the mini fridge. Anyway, lots of dancin' bananas!!!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Just a quick note-
Just looked at my total mileage and in one month and eleven days of being solo, I have driven 15,181 miles! Wow, it really adds up quick! And that's even with those days that the doctor made me sit and wouldn't let me run! When I read about people talking about running 10,000 miles a month, I thought that sounded kinda high and maybe hard to reach...guess not. Hmmmmmm...
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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The Importance of Trip Planning and Good Timing
Hey there OS. I'm a very rookie solo driver (about a month and a few days) and I have been really surprised at how accurate my trip plans are using my company's method. I am usually right where my plan says I should be and I know my DM loves that I am always on time and can be counted on. I even got one load a day late, but there was extra time before the delivery, so I was able to make up the difference and still made an on-time delivery. There have also been a couple of times that it was important that I get rolling right away and worry about the trip plan on my break after shutting down. Every one of these has resulted in one difficulty or another from me just trying to follow the verbal nav directions without having actually looked at my route beforehand. As a result, I take my planning very seriously and am getting to be someone my DM says she can rely on. And, we all know that that means good loads!!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Don't forget time change this weekend!
LOL I know what you mean. I spent most of yesterday thinking it was Wednesday! When what we are primarily concerned with is the date of the pick-up or delivery and the fact that most of these places are open 24/7, it's real easy to forget the name of the day!!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Well hey there Chickie, No, I guess I hadn't seen this one, but I have now. I wish you the very best of luck in this, having had some trials and tribulations of my own in this first half of the first year back to doing it. I'm just trying to hang in there. You do the same!!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Hey. I'm so glad to see you are doing well out here! You had a really rough start, but join the club!
I know you were wondering about me. Hope you had a chance to see my update from a week or so ago. Still hoping to run in to you someday, but the chances are a little less now that I'm switching to dry van.
But I'll definitely keep an eye out for ya! I'll update with my new truck number as soon as I can. Orientation got pushed back a little as my trainer is on hometime in MD. But I'm definitely enjoying my hometime. Catching up on some desperately needed rest. We were running overnights for the last two or three weeks at TA.
If you still have my email, drop me a line and I'll send you my phone number.
Hey there Chickie! Glad to hear good things! I think I saw the update, is it XPO you're going with? I'll have to look in my e-mail history, but I should still have the address. Good luck!!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Just remember that doctor was not supposed to be looking out for your best interests. Rather, his job is to look out for the company and their insurance rates. He did his job well and now they have an employee proving him wrong. I bet he is loving it.
Nope!!!! Still jacking with me. I was in the middle of a 1600 mile produce run when I got notified yesterday that he is shutting me down until Monday because he couldn't receive some of the telemetry from my CPAP machine and I am supposedly short on usage time. I use it every single time, even though it destroys my sleep patterns instead of helping. By the DOT regs., I shouldn't even be on it anyway, but...whatever!!!! (Stevens decided to use a much lower cut-off number than is required by the regs. is what I was told by the nurse.) Between the sleep study and the machine, that's over $1000.00 out of my pay and back into their pockets!! And... a very easy way for the doctor to keep right on screwing with me. Even my VA doctor asked me, "Wow, what's this guy got against you? He's a real piece of work!" Of course, if he won't let me work, then how they gonna get their money?!?!?!?
Oh, and by the way, I read the article on here about the sleep apnia regs being re-written because of so many people being forced into CPAP therapy who were never intended to be involved or fall under scrutiny. Can't happen fast enough for my taste, though.
I guess that I should know by now that every time I get really happy with what I am doing and how things are going, the sky is about to fall in on it all!! Man, I was covering lots of miles, early to my deliveries, and making really good money there for a while too!! I was really having fun doing it and doing what I was told to do.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Start CDL School for Stevens Transport Mon. 6/6/16 (Whew, glad that one is in that date!!)
Hey there Nancy, Thanks for the compliment! I would have never thought that my life would be interesting to anyone else, but go figure huh? Ha ha. Actually, my doc has me on Propranalol for the tremor and it seems to be working quite well for the most part. He said that it is a really low dose so I may ask him about upping it just a little bit as I do still have a little bit of shaking sometimes, but it's not really bothersome at all.