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Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

Voila! Now my CDL speaks for itself. smile.gif

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

I guess the link "Help & Advice" said it all then. So be it, I will keep the rest to myself (and leave the etiquette to my CDL manual).

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

But to clear the air, I thought it would be assumed that I respect all of you experienced drivers, because I am here... so my opinion is not a dismissal of your advice or status. It is simply an analysis of what I have seen in the job market in my area (and is naturally part of my job seeking adventure). Just thought to share it with you for the sake of philosophy and comradery (of all things), not arguments or accusations. I didn't get a manual on the fine points of truck forum etiquette, so please pardon my french.

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

I don't even mind that the discussion is going in circles. That would be my job after all, as the world turns. thank-you-2.gif

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

Like everyone said, there are options out there. My thing was that the jobs requiring experience were no different in nature. I will be the one driving either way.

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

I get the point, but this was an "it would be nice" if the employment options were as standardized as the CDL requirements type of discussion. Not that I am wanting a CDL earner of the year award.

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

Or make that "extraordinaire"... at least I can spell CDL (hey, that sounds like a slogan)! smile.gif

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

Actually I'd like to get a T-shirt with "CDL Extrordinare" in big bold type. But then, I'm not experienced enough to have a sense of humor. Back to business as usual (square one with a chip on someone else's shoulder).

Posted:  11 years ago

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Trying to break into OTR with no experience?

I think some were 18 days or more, so maybe they would let Mike have a go at it (not sure who he contacted).

Posted:  11 years ago

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It would be nice if a CDL spoke for itself.

Not to say that my CDL has any meaning (that will be my little secret from now on).

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