Profile For Avvatar

Avvatar's Info

  • Location:
    Denham Springs, LA

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 7 months ago

Avvatar's Bio

I am 39 years old. I served six years as an aircraft mechanic in the Air Force and really enjoy wrenching on things. Ask me about my motorcycle project! I've a beautiful family: a wife and three amazing kids which are my reason for wanting to follow this path. Roehl seems to have a good rep for home time. I'm hoping to be home every two weeks. I'm looking forward to this. I hope I see some of you on the road!


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Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

It appears that if I somehow receive my CDL through other means, Roehl will reevaluate my job offer as "experienced" and send me out with an otr trainer. I have a month to figure this out.

However, I won't lie to you guys. I'm very disheartened. I made poor decisions during my tests that caused me to fail. I got nervous and made bad choices. Normally, I'd chalk it up to inexperience and a nervous disposition and carry on. But as we are talking about a 40 ton rolling death machine, I feel it necessary to rethink.

It appears as though I will owe Roehl the full cost of tuition if I don't get a CDL I the next few weeks. The issue is that Roehl operates in a loophole wherein they are considered on-the-job training, not as a school. This means that I have not attended the classes necessary to test for my CDL.

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

Hello everyone, and welcome to today's episode. Sorry for the long wait, but I'm safely home in Louisiana again. What a long, strange trip it was.

I guess the important things first, eh? i'm sure you're all wondering how my test went. Well...

I failed it.


i hit a curb. auto-fail. no third test. I started the drive home immediately after the test and drove straight through. I'm really upset about it, too. I just made DUMB mistakes. Something about that test got in my head and just festered and grew into panic. it's like I couldn't slow my brain down enough to think rationally.

Brain: "Hey, that's a yellow light, I should STOP." Body: "WTFE, I'm pushing the go juice and driving like I don't know what a trailer is." Brain: "That's a really bad plan." Body: "WHEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee.....!!!!!!"


I don't know where to go from here or what my options really ARE, but I can't look at my two driving tests and say confidently that I should keep trying. I've really let myself down.

This whole experience has been MUCH more difficult than I imagined. I'm happy to take any advice from y'all. I really hadn't planned on failure like this.

have a great monday.

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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Trucker reportedly forced to alter log book before crash awarded $80 million!

Ok, I might be showing my newness, but how do you falsify that on the federally required eld? Paper logs, sure, but ELDs are a different animal, yeah? Also, I hope the other driver (the guy he hit) gets the whole thing.

The lawyer for this idiotic (modern american worker) "driver" should win an award for pulling the wool over SO MANY EYES!!! 80 million for being a spinless idiot who was unwilling to do the right thing and nearly killed someone.

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

Today I got to spend about 6 hours driving. I also did some back ups. WOOOOOOOOooooooooorst offset ever! ev. er. Really. Oh well.

I'm driving first thing in the morning. 7:30/8:00... I've packed up my things and loaded my truck for the ride home. After testing, I'll be on my way home.

My wife is expecting me on Saturday night, I'm hoping to be home before she wakes up. smile.gif

I won't lie to you guys. I know I can do this. I know I have the skill set. I'm just a very nervous human by nature. Important tests are the devil. It's why I failed last time. I'm just hoping I can keep my cool for ONE FREAKIN' HOUR!!!

Send me some prayers tomorrow morning, folks. I can never have too many of those.

Thanks for tuning in today, y'all. I'll post up tomorrow morning.

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

I just had my BEST 90° backup yet! Not up to experienced driver standards, to be sure, but for me it was quite exciting. Everything came together perfectly. WOO!!!

Also, I did a pretty decent drive. I had one left turn in a traffic-laden intersection that was sub-standard. I won't say too much of my shortcomings, but I should have been more patient. All in all, a good drive. My shifting is much improved. I think I'm confident enough to test. I just need to practice until then.

In other exciting news, I met up with EllieMae at lunch. It was a pleasure, and I got to do my usual talking too much. Lol.

Enjoy your day. Tomorrow will be another day, so make good memories and set up for a great tomorrow!

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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Leaving For School On Midnight May 4th

Glad to hear you're safe and sound, Doug. The training is tough mentally, especially the first week. Keep with it! You've been hanging out and planning this for a while. You got it, bud!

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

Today's drive was much improved. My downshifting was better. I need to improve my 7th and 8th gear "spacial recognition". I'm just not used to how close together they are. It IS coming together, though.

I think that if I drove for the test the way I drove today, I would pass. Continue learning, practicing, and perfecting the techniques I know. Get used to the shift points and patterns. Worry less, drive more.

EllieMae, you have a great set of instructors. I know this because they're the same ones I had. Those three will teach you all you need to know and have you prepared for testing. Concentrate on the book first. Get it done and out of the way as quickly as possible. Try the apple grape salad.

That's today's update. I hope y'all had a great weekend and enjoy today. I know it's Monday, but that's ok: we can get through it together!

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

The results are in: I have three classmates who will be retesting next week for various reasons. I have learned that I'll be testing next Friday in a Freightliner. I have been in an International for my entire training. Today I got to drive a Freightliner. I enjoyed it! A different beast, but not a bad experience. The shift pattern is more "tight" than the International. Also, the brakes seem easier to apply smoothly (to my amateur feeling, anyway...)

All in all I think it will be good.

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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I'm going off to Roehl 'cause I need to train!

The rest of my classmates are testing. One has failed. She will be retesting on Tuesday. One of our instructors took a drop and hook out of Gary. I'm getting no drive time. Sadly, all this down time is really dragging my mood down. I try to keep positive, but dang...

Ah well, I hope all of you have a great day today and get some good loads. Drive safely out there: my family's on the roads today.

Posted:  5 years, 9 months ago

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Just finished Roehl GYCDL

Shun, You are AT Marshfield?!?!

Because I'm AT Marshfield.

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