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Owner Op dirt work trucker in Alaska

OK so I'm not OTR or in the contiguous 48 states....why should I/we be left out :'(

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Posted:  4 years ago

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Driver appreciation week

Been awhile since I've logged in for real here. I just wanted to say from one trucker to another. Thank you to all you freight haulers & tankers traveling state to state keeping everything rolling!

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Passed My Road Test!

Thanks for the dancing emojis guys :D it wasn't a pretty pass but a pass none the less. Almost fubar'd myself on the alley dock, they hooked me up on a shorty trailer O.o

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Passed My Road Test!

My CDL Class A Road Test WOOHOO! I'm so glad that is over with. Just need to head down to the dmv tomorrow and have the remove the passenger endorsement/restriction.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Ok so I've reached the age where I've just bought a.....

Love the post. Had me a good giggle, sorry. It's just different for men then women I think. We have smaller bladders and shorter urethras :( Every two hours isn't that weird. I had one child no c-section 14 years ago. My strong kegels can't stop pee from coming out when I sneeze if I'm not ready for it to flex them things! or if I cough too hard lol. I have to pee fairly frequently too, more in the morning. When I'm working (dirt work) most times I don't have the luxury of a bathroom or even a porta potty! (i get to pee next to/under the truck or in the dump box! do it on the regular) so I feel you, I wouldn't say I go 28 times in a day but it's way way WAY more than my guy. I've gotten in the habit of wearing pads or at least liners whether or not aunt flow is visiting. I wouldn't blame you for using some incontinence products during training or hell even on the road if that will work for you. Just in case you end up somewhere that you can not stop but you have to go right then. It always seems to work like that :(

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Good on you for going for something you've always wanted to try. Now while you may think "your milkshake doesn't bring the boys to the yard anymore", keep in mind that "your milkshake will probably just be bringing a different crowd of boys to a different yard" lol. Still be prepared :D.

HI Lynn! Glad to "meet" you and look forward to future posts while you're on your journey :D

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Food for thought: not knowing anything about you guys. Guy response to your question: "a little femininity can go a long way" just a general attempt to look pretty for your man. "maybe some time apart". It's hard to miss someone when they are always there, you kind of yearn for someone if they aren't there all the time. by time apart maybe on your off time go do stuff not together or let him just go wander around without you (one sleeping while other drives doesn't count) lol. But like I said earlier, relationship dynamics, I've no idea what you guys are like as individuals, as a couple, as a team.

Third guy response "try watching some porn" lol

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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A big sleeper. Ba ha ha. There has been MANY MANY times where we literally only had just a couple of minutes for any intimacy. We had to learn how to be okay with that and go for it anyway. We both are happier we have. Sometimes though that won't be enough and we just decide to rain check. Not sure how old your relationship is. I think it gets easier to flat out ask "are you too tired for some action?". We both know that when the other answers that yes...indeed their answer is the truth whether it is a yes, no or other answer like "*sigh* I'm sorry but I am upset about something" or not feeling well - ensue quick chat, rain check, sleep. We do laugh now about "man we are such an old couple" (overly comfortable) talking about other things when we are getting started esp when it is the complete opposite of sexy conversation. I guess sometimes we are mixing the fact that we have such little time for real conversation and sex.

There are times where something is upsetting my dude completely unrelated to me in any way or is too stressed/tired from work. He will not be able to get "in the mood" for anything. I believe this is another one of those relationship dynamic questions not exclusive to truckers lol. It really depends on you both as individuals as a couple. Guess the only advice I may offer as options is to either "jump him" or just flat out say when you can have his full attention, "hey babe. I love you. I need you. i need sex". You both may have to try a few different strategies to figure out what will work for you two.

Some more random personal experiences from us: Earlier on in our relationship my guy would have what I call "self destructive" behavior. Sometimes he would feel jealousy when dealing with the fact that my hobbies and interests are mostly "guy things" I would be around a lot of guys. The self destructive behavior included - not wanting to have sex even though I did because he was thinking about these other guys instead of me wanting to have sex with him lol. (the fact that his ex-wife cheated on him and even ditched him and the kids to move 4000 miles away with some other guy REALLY didn't help but I tried my best to remain understanding of his behavior until we fixed it). At some point he had to realize (and I helped) that sure...maybe I might be around other guys, maybe one of them will make me laugh, maybe one of them might help me with something when you aren't there. But "I want YOU! I am wanting/trying to have sex with you". It took awhile but at some point it clicked and stuck...why would I deny my woman sex with me because I am worried that she might be interested in another guy? Makes no sense and is "self destructive" lol.

I also try to stay on point and direct if I need to bring something up that is bothering me. Start: I am sad. Middle: thing I am sad about. End: what I want or reverse want. It took a lot of practice for me but I always try to start a potentially confrontational sentence with "I [feel][thing][want/reverse want]". When people start off [you] and worst follow it with [thing][my feeling] it automatically sets up the other person to be defensive. example sentences "You keep rejecting me when I try to start something, what am I supposed to do?!" vs "I'm feeling rejected sometimes when I try to start, is there something I can do differently?" it's takes the pressure off of them. More often than not the other at this time instead of firing back will think about you and your feelings since it was "I" sentences and say what is really going on to help you feel better if it really isn't about something you are doing wrong. If it IS something you are doing wrong, listen to what they have to say and consider it. Really have merit behind "is there something I can do differently". Hope for the best, plan for the worst (Kemo life rule #3).

DISCLAIMER: I'm no therapist, couples counselor or anything related. Just your friendly neighborhood Kemo :D. Not responsible for any advice taken not panning out how anyone would prefer.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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What do you eat while on the road? Is it possible to pre-pack meals?

Ohhh he he. reynolds sells crock pot liners made for putting in b4 u start cooking. it's polyethylene (plastic) melting point is 239–275 °F. Don't know what temp crock pots cook at O.o. Only other thing I can think of is to manually line it with some heavy duty aluminum foil before hand, it wont keep it totally clean when you go to take it out but it would help make the clean up easier than nothing, would have to be super careful if you went to stir or scoop some out you wouldn't want to break the foil and get foil bits in your food.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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What do you eat while on the road? Is it possible to pre-pack meals?

I meant the lid locking bits are plastic. It says it's Material: Ceramic, Glass, Stainless Steel. I would think this means the pot part is ceramic which would be good. It's too bad it doesn't explain what parts are what but this would be my guess. I would go physically check it out since the pictures don't show you much other than what it looks like :D

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Sounds like you've got a pretty good game plan and have been studying hard :D It's definitely a lot to remember. You'll be amazed that years, decades even from now you will still remember these things well enough to pass again. It's all important. Before you know it school will be over and you'll be on your way CDL in hand onto the next adventure... :D

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