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Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms

Full list as I could figure. Added Stevens Transport because I couldn't find it anywhere.

CRST- Cant Receive Speeding Tickets

SWIFT- Sure Wish I Finished Training

MAYFLOWER- May All Your Furniture Leave Our Warehouse Entirely Ruined

ROEHL- Runs Over Every Hill Last

WERNER- We Employ Rookies No Experience Required

DIGBY- Did I Go Broke Yet

DIGBY - Damn I've Gone Broke Y'all

JB HUNT- Job Being Holding Up National Traffic

PRIME- PRetending It's My Equipment

SWIFT- Slow Wagons In Fast Traffic

CRST- Completely Rebuilt Schneider Truck

CRST- Crash & Roll Stunt Team

SCHNEIDER- Send Cash Have Not Eaten In Days Emergency Reply

ENGLAND- Every New Guy Leaves after Ninety Days

MILLIS- Maybe I Like It Laying Sideways

SWIFT - Stop Whining, I'm Frickin Trying

CRST - Can't Read, Spell, or Type

PRIME=Please Remember I Am Missouri Educated

CELADON--Can't Ever Leave And Deliver Ontime Nowdays.

Roadway--- Really Old Ass Driver Working Another Year

RYDER---Recruits Young Driver's Elderly Relatives

WEL= We Expect Late

KNIGHT---Know Nothing Ignorant Goofs Hauling Trailers.

CONWAY---Completely Overrated Nuts With A Yearning

PRIME---Paying Recruits In Miserable Experiences

Swift- still wish I had a faster truck

Navajo=Need A Vacation And Job Offer

JB Hunt.----Just Been Hired, Unfortunately Not Trained.

England.---Every New Guy Leaves A New Dent

T.M.C. = Turtles Moving Cargo

JB Hunt. = Just Bondo'd a Hundred New Trucks

A.B.F. - All Broken Freight

SWIFT Student With Incompetent Freaking Trainer

SWIFT - Sure Wish I Fought the Ticket

SWIFT - Single White Illiterate Farm Trucker

JB HUNT - Just Back Home Until Night Time

WERNER - Where Every Recruit Needs Every Restraint

KLLM - Kinky Little Love Monkey

KLLM---Kant Leave Lower Mississippi

CRST - - Crash and Roll Stunt Team

CRST = Can't Remember Schit Today

Swift - single white irritable female trainer.

CRST--Can't reach sixty three

TYSON--Trucker, You're Staying Over Night.

Roehl....Rolling Over Every Hill Last

UPS--Unauthorized Parking Specialists

APL : all pride lost

APL : Always placing last

Knight - - Know Nothing Idiot Got Hired Today

MCT-- Mexican Chicken Trucks

MDR - - Mississippi Drug Run

BNSF - - Butt Nasty Stinky Farts

CFI-- Complete Freaking Idiot

CRST-- Can't Read Simple Text

CRST - - Can't Remember S*#* today

CRST - - Caution Really Slow Truck

SWIFT- Stevie Wonder Institute For Truckers

England - Every new guy leaves after ninety days

Stevens Transport - - - Student Training Enthusiast eVery Nubie Scared Trucks Run All Night Stubborn People Routing Them

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