Houston, TX
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In CDL School
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Posted: 7 years ago
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Any drivers here work for National Carriers
Good Morning Trucking Truth Family! I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I am sure I'm not the first person who has struggled with the " First Company Jitters". Its hard to choose! I have narrowed my first company down to 2 contenders. NATIONAL Carriers/ Crete Carriers. Both have pros and cons and I've weighed them out and still cant settle on One. I have a friend that worked for Crete starting out and she keeps telling me Crete is the better of both companies she said she worked for National for a short time and loved there trucks but the pay/miles weren't as good as Crete. Crete starts off a little higher than NCI but NCI gives 2 raises within the first year. Plus NCI has 100% automatic fleet with trucks that comes with refrigerators and memory foam mattresses. Nci says I would be out on the road with a trainer for about 3 weeks before I will get the chance to upgrade. Crete said 8weeks training with 3-4 days off after the first 4 weeks and 3-4 weeks off the last 4 weeks of training. Plus Crete doesn't have any automatics. Ive seen reviews on google on both companies. Haven't seen anything on YouTube about NCI as far as personal experiences with drivers so Im here attempting to speak with someone who possibly for Nci and can give me first hand feedback regarding the company. Let me Know. Thanks
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Local food service as a rookie
Great Diary Rob! boy it feels good to see you out there doing what you want to do and enjoying it. That has to be sweet being home every night, working 4 days, and still making good money while driving. I'm super proud of you and look forward to hearing more about your journey.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Thanks for responding John. Are you currently working at Werner? I am wondering about the training process. I know its typically the same with most major companies but I have heard that Schneider does not allow the trainer to sleep while you're driving and that the trainer is up coaching or answering questions, monitoring you the whole while driving. Which is something I would love to have. Is there any feed back you can give me about being a rookie with Werner. Thanks
I can try to help with any questions you may have with Werner, alsocongrats on the cdl!
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Thank you Errol V!
Hi Danielle, congratulations on getting that CDL done!
In choosing a company, I'd say most of the big ones are much the same. It's in the details where you look for your likes and dislikes, such as pet & rider policy, home time options,etc.
I looked in our Trucking Company Reviews, there's nothing for National Carriers. Others here should come in with their own experience or knowledge.
You can try TT's all-at-once application, Apply For Truck Driving Jobs and enjoy the concept of turning down jobs if they don't suit you.
Here's our "kit" to help decide on a company:
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Good day drivers and soon to be drivers, I recently graduated cdl school,10/31/2017 to be exact and I am searching for my first company. I have already made it in my mind that I'm going to stick with my first company for at least a year. But I'm stuck on which company I would like to go with. I have narrowed my choices down to Schneider, Werner, National Carriers. I've spoken to recruiters at all 3 companies and all of them have a lot of perks. I've even spoken with a few drivers for Schneider and received some great feedback. My question is does anyone here work or have worked with national carriers. I enjoy reading diaries on here just to get views from drivers regarding their experiences with certain companies. And I haven't been able to locate anything about national carriers besides the driver facing cameras and fully automatic fleet. Please if anyone has any information on National Carriers let me know. I look forward to hearing from you guys! Thanks :)
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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New Beginnings Chapter One(Houston Community College
Thank you Rob!
way to go!!!
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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New Beginnings Chapter One(Houston Community College
I passed when I tell you God was with me every step of the way!! When I arrived I had to sit in the hallway in a chair right near the exit door to go to the yard where the road test was about to start. I literally felt my heart jumpin pt of my chest. I asked the instructor once I got in the truck before we started could I start in first gear? He said sternly no smirk no grin just a serious stern look no ma’am that’s absolutely too slow. Now I told you guys I had issues the first time around doing the road test with stalling in third gear during the takeoff so I didn’t want to start in third so like I said before I had no choice but to start in second. When I lifted the clutch I try to put my right foot on the gas amd he said immediately no fuel let the truck idle out so I did at every intersection and every light and it worked ! This is honestly a dram come true I just took my time with my downshifting and upshifting and lord and behold I am happy to say I am now class a license holder Omg I’m still enriched with joy and excitement 5hours and 45 min later!!! I’ll be stocked about this for the rest of my days!!!! Anywho it’s been what seemed like a long journey and I know this is just the beginning I’m excited for the future!
How did your test go today?
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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New Beginnings Chapter One(Houston Community College
Thank you G-town. I've made up my mind to start in second. Its better then stalling the truck in 3rd gear trying to do what everybody else is doing. I cant wait to tell you guys that I finally got my license!! its coming! :)
Danielle there is nothing in the CDL road test requiring a driver to start from a dead stop in third gear. If you are more comfortable starting in second, don't hesitate.
Good luck!
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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New Beginnings Chapter One(Houston Community College
Thanks Rob! I appreciate that. I have an issue starting from third gear. I have tried to correct it but it just hasn't clicked but that wont slow me down every time I get on the practice range after I go around the entire track I stop and try to start in 3rd without hopping off the clutch or stalling the vehicle. I'm getting better but I think I'm still going to take my instructors advice and just start in 1st or second gear. then upshift while I gain momentum. Nervous isn't the word for how I felt in that driver seat. Lol I was horrified. but You're right now I know what I did wrong and I am more confident. I will get it this time. I appreciate the encouraging words again Rob!
Nice job passing the first 2 sections! Don't let it get you down there are many people who it takes a couple times to pass. At least you know what you did wrong and how to prevent it from happening again. I'm guessing you were just nervous.
You got this!!!
Posted: 7 years ago
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Any drivers here work for National Carriers
Wow really? I wonder why my recruiter never mentioned that. She did tell me if I don't feel comfortable driving a manual after training I could request an automatic. I have heard only good thinks about Crete. But being with a trainer for 2 months is kind of a long time. However its a lot of time to learn versus being thrown to the wolves. I have already gotten the rental confirmation with Crete but I have doubts. I'm not really sure if that's the way I want to go. I know that one of the two will be my first company. I know that I don't want to put off starting any longer, and I know that either way it goes Im going to have to suck it up and get it figured out. Thanks for your response. Do you plan on documenting your training experience?