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Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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I couldn't find anything on Google that was a clear answer so I figured I'd ask the experts.. thanks in advance!
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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hello everyone long time no see. I haven't gotten an in-cab signal from my free pass in a couple days now however it still pays tolls. Has anyone run into this before I'm thinking it might be batteries.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
So you MIGHT NOT get the points - but it WILL APPEAR ON YOUR RECORD.
But hey - was just trying to help.
You keep ignoring those regulatory signs though. Have a nice day.
Rickipedia 10-10 on the side...
Right. Which of course, sucks but it's not game over which is what I was worried about. Again, I appreciate u doing the research sir, glad u got thick skin
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
Good grief you're a smart ass.
I'm just sending back the shots fired at me lol.. don't take it to heart Rick I appreciate your research buddy
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
I double checked with my lawyer AND called penndot.. they both said the points don't carry over.. yes the violation will, that's where your drivers compact comes in, but the violation holds zero points.. I don't have time to drop statute numbers n all that, u can do that yourself if need be.. anyway, thought I'd share...
I guess the whole truck driving thing was the best career move you could have made after all :)
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
Figured I'd give u guys a heads up.. apparently, you can't accumulate any points on your license for any violation that was caught outside of your home state.. (this is via DriversLegal)
MEANING... keep an eye on your driver side mirror u old foagies, LL BANDITS COMIN THROUGH!!!
(just not in PA.. you're safe in PA)
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
I did catch that, but for the sake of learning, I was planning on pointing it out when the thread started beating a dead horse. You beat me to it!
There - fixed that for ya...
You ain't kiddin..
Anyway, I got the answers I needed from this post, and for that I honestly thank you guys. Lol I knew it was gonna come with my due amount of flak, comes with the newbie territory.. For the record, I didn't go anywhere, ill continue to post on this forum until I **** a mod off enough to ban me. (im sure it'll happen). I'm just laid over in a deadzone and didn't feel it necessary to keep walking back and fourth to the truck stop to reply to the same things I've already replied to. You guys aren't nearly as offensive or "mean" as you pipe yourselves up to be lol. If that were true you wouldn't have given me all the valuable info I've gotten off this thread. For that, I seriously thank yous. I'ma disable notifications for this thread but feel free to add another 4 pages about how stupid I am for trying to pass a guy when there's signs "EVERYWHERE!!" lol..
(P.s. yes the handle was purely sarcasm, I thought it fitting for the situation and it was the first thing that came to my head. If yous want I'd be happy to change it to Lumpy McLumptaker? Since it seems that would be more fitting now... Jus lemme know)
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
Lol you're too kind
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Trainee needs advice!! Caught a violation last night
I honestly don't feel like I did anything wrong
Oh, here we go again with the personal responsibility thing.........
Really? You missed a series of like 50 signs, each the size of a small building, and then drove illegally in the left lane but you don't "feel" like you've done anything wrong? What does that even mean? You should feel exactly like you did several things wrong, because you did. That's quite an oddball statement, don't you think?
I actually thought we were being exceedingly nice because most of us know that area well enough to know which series of signs you missed. If you're not seeing all those signs, what else are you missing that's right in front of you?
Own it, friend. You messed up. It's no big deal unless you start complaining that we're not coddling you enough or pointing fingers or refusing to man up to your mistakes. Then it goes downhill in a hurry around here because we won't have that kind of stuff. We're professionals. We hold ourselves and each other to much higher standards than the average driver. If we make a mistake we own it. Simple as that.
nice to have someone give some advice Instead of chewing me out for not seeing signs
Sure, cuz what could possibly happen just because you miss maybe a low bridge sign for instance?
Or maybe a sign for a sharp curve ahead?
What's the big deal, right? It's not like there's a teaching moment in here somewhere that might prevent bigger catastrophes down the road, right?
OK.. I'll give u that.. what I meant to say is my violation is extremely minor as opposed to what else may have happened.. I'm not asking anyone for "coddling" I just don't need 3 people that are supposed to be giving me advice, tell me the signs are everywhere. I know that. I got a dot officer and a violation to tell me that.. but thanks
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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PrePass Problems
No beep, no light. And my company told me to call finance on monday.(this was fri). Still waiting on a reply.