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  • Eric H.
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Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Started training for Roehl This week.

Awesome. We may have seen each other if you was down for breakfast this morning. I'm just up here in the room reading a couple of chapters then go and post in my Training Diary. But so far, this place is pretty awesome.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Transport: Get Your CDL Diary

Well, here's a quick and short update before I go walk around a bit....

My roommate finally arrived. He drove himself down and luckily he doesn't mind me riding with him to and from Fox Valley.

He seems like a pretty cool dude. Anyway. I just wanted to throw that out there at you all. Before I fall asleep before I'm ready, I'm gonna take a quick stroll. Maybe go out and kill my lungs a bit more....

So until next time TT. Tomorrow is the beginning of an amazing journey!!!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Started training for Roehl This week.

Don't you take your tests this week? If so and so I don't forget, good luck!!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Started training for Roehl This week.

I didn't bring anything to wear in there. And I'm sure they'd frown at someone going in their boxers lmao 😂😂

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Started training for Roehl This week.

Buddy, you forgot to mention how awesome these rooms are. Just me in mine right now. Waiting on the roommate to show up.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Transport: Get Your CDL Diary

Ladies and gentlemen, after a tiring Greyhound ride up here to Appleton, I've made it.

That 8 hour layover in Chicago was killer. Especially when you're a smoker and run out. And don't know the area.

I've been chillin in my room since around 2:15. And let me tell you. This is one nice hotel they put you up in. I'm still waiting on my roommate who hasn't arrived yet.

For anyone looking into Roehl. So far... so good. I even decided to be a penny pincher and grabbed me some peanut butter, jelly, and some bread for dinner. Simple, fairly chip, and... well who doesn't like PB&J?!?!?

My room overlooks the heated pool. It's a quick walk outside to get that smoke in.

I'm ready to get orientation done tomorrow and into the truck. But, to the guy who just drove in here.... he needs some work on his shifting. He was grinding gears like mad crazy. He wasn't with Roehl, but still.

So, once I get in tomorroe evening, do the homework I'll more than likely have, grab a bite to eat, and maybe a shower (Already did that too) I'll give you all the down low on Day 1.

But for now, I'm gonna lay back in this comfy bed, watch some TV (Even though I hate TV) and just relax. For fellow smokers who may be paying $4-5 a pack. . . . I just paid like 7 or 8 for a pack of L&M'S. JUST SO YOU'RE AWARE. I may try quitting soon. At least cut back.

Well, I'm done rambling. So until tomorrow.... unless I decide to update on what my roommate is like....

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Started training for Roehl This week.

If it would follow me up there I'd bring it. Although today it's in the 30s the temps are supposed to go back up in the 50s and 60s.

But it is still winter. . . So the gradual temp increase will be better than this bi-polar Kentucky weather....

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Started training for Roehl This week.

J.D., stop talking about snow lol I have to head that way Saturday (Won't be in Appleton till Sunday). Here in Kentucky it's around 70° and it's almost 11Am with a high of 75 later today.

Maybe I can bring this weather with me too

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Transport: Get Your CDL Diary

Have I mentioned how I love Wednesdays? No? Well now you all know! After a week of intense study and enough practice tests to make me nearly go crazy.... I passed.

Now I'm just waiting to hear back from Abby at Roehl. And more than likely I'll be headed up to Wisconsin to start on the 27th as planned.

I'm more than ready to go. I'm more than ready to begin this journey and become a sponge. I am ready to learn everything I can and then some. I'm sure I'll be somewhat nervous getting back into a truck from the past Company school. But I just have to remember that Roehl isn't the same. They do things different. And different is good.

My next post will probably have to do with my adventure going up there by Greyhound. Especially the 8 hour lay over in Chi-town!!

If anyone has never ridden a Greyhound.... well, you see some crazy ish!!! Sure, it takes forever and it's like being in a Sardine can, but for me it's worth it for the entertainment you'll see along the way!!

So until then everyone!!! Live long and prosper!!!

**Oh, and I almost forgot to thank Brett again for the High End Training. If it wasn't for that and the repetition I'm not sure I would have passed!!)

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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A True Story About The Consequences of Refusing Loads

I haven't even begun training yet but I already have a better attitude then them. Once I'm in my own truck I don't care where the load is going, I'll be more then happy to take it.

I don't get those two drivers either. If your wheels aren't turning you're not making money. Or, well at least not any good money....

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