Canton, GA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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57 years old. Driving a school bus for seven years. Married to a wonderful women named Deb who is being very supportive right now with this big change in our life. Always wanted to drive a big rig since I was a kid. Now my dream is on its way to being fulfilled. I have been a pastor for the last ten years. Time to move on.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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H O WOLDING - Orientation and training
Well, I leave Monday morning for Amherst Wisconsin to begin orientation and training at H O WOLDING. I am going try to post my experiences there since they are a medium-size company. I believe it will give those of you who are still in process of choosing a company a look at a company other than one of the larger ones. I'm not saying the larger ones are bad but I think when making this type of lifestyle change one needs to look at all that's available out there. As it has been said "there is no perfect company, there's just one that's perfect for you." The reason I chose H O WOLDING was:
1. I could run regional once I went solo.
2. Their home time policy was good for me.
3. The pay although not highest starting pay was adequate for me.
4. After many conversations with Carol in recruiting I knew this company was for me, so far they have done everything they said they would do, they have been honesty with me about everything I have asked. Family is important to them, you can look at their Facebook page and see that. I know I won't be just a number there I will be a person with a name.
From what I can tell from all my research they are a good company, I've talked to one's in the trucking industry and they said they are a good company. I've not found hardly any negative comments about them. I'm hoping my driver trainer will be a good one, but I'm determined to get through the time with them with a good attitude and hard work so I can move on to my own truck. I'm looking forward to the challenges and the learning experiences I will receive during training.
I will keep you posted as I go.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Ok I know if you take blood pressure medicine you have to have the bottle showing the prescription with you in the truck. I was told by the classroom instructor that if taking vitamins you have to have the original bottle or packages they come in you can't use one of these daily pill organizer boxes to keep them in. I have looked in the FMC Safety regulations book and I can't find anything that specifically says this. I take several vitamins everyday I would like to know if it's legal to use these daily pill box dispensors to keep all my medication and vitamins in.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Changed The Login System To Keep You Logged In
Can't stay logged in using my Kindle Fire.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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FAREWELL and HUGE THANKS to Trucking Truth!!!
Gary, Sorry to hear you're not going into trucking but I respect you for being willing to weigh all things and make a decision that this is not for you. Better to admit it now than later when you have invested time and money in it. Wish the best you. Think about us Georgia Boys when you see a truck going down the highway.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Tracey, That was a great testimony I was truly blessed by it. I only tried drinking once when I was around twelve years old and I decided that was not a life I wanted to live. I never did drugs either again was not the kind of life I wanted. I had an alcoholic stepfather which was another deterrent tor me. But the greatest thing that changed my life at age twelve was I was born again, I gave my life to him and He has kept me all these years. At age 57 He is still my guide,and my shield. Again great testimony of how He can transform one's life because your life is a testimony of that. I hope to meet you face to face one day, maybe when I go solo I will get through Newman and will get a chance. God Bless and have a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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The Official Merry Christmas Thread!!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Thanks for all the advice and direction all of have given. God Bless you all and be safe.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Passed my final. I am a Schneider driver now.
Congratulations Richard, I know you have worked hard to achieve this and you certainly can feel proud of your accomplishment and success. If you have some time before January 6 call me or text me let's have breakfast or lunch I would love to hear about your experiences of training.
Get some well deserved rest and have a wonderful Christmas at home.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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This is the truck that I passed my CDL test in yesterday. It was a long day but in the end I passed. The others ask me what my grade was, I told them I didn't ask because all I cared about was that I passed.
It has been 8 long weekends in order to achieve this and I just got to say "I'm darn proud of myself for this achievement." The greatest comment I got was from my son who said "Dad, I'm proud of you." That was worth it all for me.
As you may noticed I changed my profile from "In CDL School" to "Driver in Training" next stop Amherst Wisconsin to H.O. Wolding to start the next chapter in this story. Looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for the future.
God Bless Everyone and Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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This Friday December 20th will be my last day driving a school bus. I wanted to make this post because I believe School Bus Drivers are alot like Truck Drivers. They are a close knit group of people who typically look out for one another. They get on the radios and warn each other of traffic situations and dangers, weather, road conditions. All in all they become very close and watch out for their fellow drivers.
This plaque is from my bus driving friends that I have known for seven years and it was very encouraging for me for them to show their appreciation to me as one of them.
I can't wait to make truck driving friends like these people who I will never forget.
By the way I told them that when I get my own truck I am going to hang the plaque up to remind me of them and that they are there with me to help keep me safe in my travels.
You can't buy friends like this.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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H O WOLDING - Orientation and training
Well I'm trying to get to Amherst Wisconsin, got out of Atlanta made it to Detroit they have changed flight times at least 4 times in the last three hours. Hoping to get out of here so I can go where it is even colder
I guess this is good practice for truck driving in the winter for a Georgia boy.