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  • Firehog
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Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Headed to Prime CDL training!

Yesterday was my 12th day at prime training. Most of my class picked up trainers and were gone about 4 days ago.. I finally got trainer yesterday I am logged into the truck and should be headed out monday morning. sleep study only cost me about 5 day delay. But at same time some on my class are still here amd have not got trainer yet. if you get delayed like i did or for paper work or anything else you kind of get left to your own a little bit so dont panic just relax and ask a lot of question where your suposed to go evey day. You really have to be patient. i used the time to get all my pretrip done and do my own company tour since i missed the one the class did when i had to do the sleep study.

I heard they were training new trainers so I went to the Practice pad my self and spent all day just watching them and asking questions, learned a lot and one of them picked me up as my trainer.

Headed out Monday on the road for my 10K, Very excited, Trainer seems real great and down to earth contry boy like me. dancing.gif

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Headed to Prime CDL training!

Ok sleep test completed. Finally got my permit today. Officially got changed to Flat Bed. Learning to be patient and how to wait. Great life lesson. Just waiting for psd road trainer. Amen. Thanks TT community. Me and iwii are ready hit the road on new adventure.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Prime Inc. CDL training. Springfield, Missouri

Turtle, I know you busy so thanks for taking the time to share your experince. I have securd fire equipment and about every farming implement for years was just worried I would run into something and go how the heck do I keep that on my trailer. You eased my mind a little. Thanks again

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Company Training and Non-Compete

To quantify i have 30 years business ownership experience with non compete clauses. It does not matter what the clause says because they can write anything they want, the question is can they enforce what they wrote.

If they terminate you then you are released from the non compete clause. It only applies if you quit. If your State is a right to work state then it is not even enforceable if you quit. Call your unemployment office in your state and they can tell you if you are in a right to work state. With that said if you owe them money until it is paid most companies will inform others of that and good chance you will not get hired.

A non complete clause is mainly enforced when it is a business relation ship and you sold that right as independant business person for monetary amount. Example i sold my company for $ amount anf in that contract part of that payment was to not compete within 100 miles for 3 years, very specific and enforcable in that case.

I worked with business owners in my field in all 50 states and non of them ever won an enforcement of a non complete cause on a employee. It was subject at every meeting for 30 years.

Hope it helps

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Prime Inc. CDL training. Springfield, Missouri

Turtle, I am at Prime right now got held up by sleep test before i could get my med card because I had a negative test in past. I finished it all today and will get my permit tomorrow. Because of my blood pressure I started working out 4 to 6 months ago before coming lost 60 pounds before i got here and 10 to 15 more here, been working out at milinium gym twice a day. Now that i am in best shape in 30 years i am want to change my mind from reffer and go flatbed. That,s where my heart is just wanted to get in shape. I have one question, during your PSD and TT do you get a lot of training on load securment. When to use proper tools and or makeshift supports. Any information would be helpful because I know every load will be different.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Not what you’d expect during a pre-trip.

Mr Inspector as we approach the vehicle you will see there is no leaks just the normal aligater and I belive it is Properly mounted and secure. Not cracked bent or broken. It is not missing any TEETH!,!rofl-2.gif

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Headed to Prime CDL training!

Hey Firehog, I'm glad you're doing good. I'm curious about the sleep apnea issue. I started orientation two weeks ago today and have been on the road with my trainer for one week. We are in Salt Lake City now, about to head back to Springfield for me to test for CDL. I got slated for the sleep test as well, but I was written a short term med card and was able to get my permit first. I take my sleep test after I earn my CDL, and they will deduct the amount out of my settlements in payments. Was this not an option for you? I find it odd that you weren't given a med card and have to pay up front.

Either way, it sounds like you have it all under control. I'm happy for you! Good luck out there.

Paul yes most did like you. One other and I fell into a liability issue because we had past sleep test done then they consider you a risk until you do the test here. So They hold the med card until you complete the test. My last test was 17 years ago but I was being honest and disclosed it on my health form I had surgery to fix the problem. Since i never needed a new test after surgery because I was fine the only test on my record was the bad one i took. you are considered to possibly have sleep apenea and I was considered all ready proven to have it, thats the differeance. I took it las night and got out this morning. They said i needed a new physical within 3 days but that was bad information. when I got there they said I was good to go since I had a physical last week. Tomorrow they will sign med card so should go DMV and get permit tommorow. Not to far behind because 1/3 of my class still waiting on PSD road trainers. FYI you will need to retake your physical when you do your sleep test. Also please remember this !!!!!!!!! Make them turn down the ac in the room, it must have been 50 or lower and I shivered for 2 hours and they counted that as episodes. They went over my test and it did show i was awake but they still counted it. I already named my CPAP machine iwii pronunced (eewe). (is what It Is) cost of doing business.

Lukily had plenty time to do pre trip, I can do it blind folded. stay safe

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Applying to Companies After Being Self-Employed

Stacy, I was self employed for 30 years and sold my business and chose Prime Transport and am in school now. You would have to give them last 5 years of just your Schedule F from your taxes or Schedule C if you were filing that way. i also had to go to IRS and get tax transcript for same 5 years. it only took me hour at IRS office to get it and free. They also wanted letter from my accountant but since I filled my own taxes I got a letter from my banker that verified i was in business for More than 5 years.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Headed to Prime CDL training!

Correction sleep test is $500 and CPAP is $700 for total $1200.

Today practicing pre trip some more. Finally got it all down. Actually great company to be at if delayed like I am. Full gym weights room and excellent food.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Headed to Prime CDL training!

Update end of last week, nothing new just continued to work on sims and practice Pre trip on a truck they have in parking lot. Still feeding me good. Training staff is awsome.

sLEEP APNEA!!!! I had a test in the past and had an issue but had tonsil and uvula surgery to correct problem and did not require a CPAP machne after that. So I was not allowed to get my med card and permit eventhough I past all the test in two days. I will have to take another sleep test and if fail get a cpap machine and pay for it upfront cash or credit card before I can get my med card to get my permit. $500 for sleep tes and $1200 for CPAP machine if I fail. Luckily I have the money or I would be sent home. I take my sleep test today so all in all it will delay me about a week. Is What it is! just be prepared.

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