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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 3 months, 4 weeks ago
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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.
Thank you for explaining to Brett about genetics are the basis for how we as humans will process what we eat. No 2 of us are the same and even siblings have different body styles.
I am 75 years old and I weigh the same now as I did in high school, 210 and I am 6'1" but the only difference is I have had ulcerative colitis and Crohns Disease since I was about 30.
I have a hard time maintaining my weight and twice I have had weight loss of over 50 lbs. in a month's time along with the uncomfortable symptoms associated with these diseases.
I drove for 44 years and it was a challenge to eat properly and watch for problems that are associated with my issues. That tv commercial with the flatbed driver having to run to the mens room is no joke. I can attest to that.
I too follow a meat diet out of choice, no vegetables, few fruits, milk and water. I visit my doctor twice a year for blood work and check ups and all my numbers are within recommendations. I also have had surgery for removal of diseased small bowel and my diet does not seem to affect my Disease one way or another.
Bottom line is that even though we are all humans we vary by genetics and personal choice of how and what we eat. Brett's choices benefit him and mine for me given my personal situation. No one is perfect so let this post go to sleep as TT is supposed to aid new drivers not diagnose the way we should eat.
Thanks and sorry for the lengthy response.
Posted: 4 months ago
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Small portable toilets in trucks
Amazon has lockers all around the country and at some truckstops too. If you know where you would be going you can place an order and have it sent to the locker.
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.
Great reply BK. To stand up for your rights and beliefs are quite impressive.
Posted: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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What drugs can truckers do without getting caught
Just what we need is a drug user wanting to know if there are legal drugs to use as a truck driver. Take the advice that was posted, caffeine and nicotine are your options. If that isn't acceptable to you than check in to a drug rehab program but stay out of a truck for everyone's safety.
Posted: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Frustrated driver. Long layover. No pay.
You come here with what you felt was a problem but yet the company was a good one that was according to you. When you do not receive the answer you where looking for you get whiney and argumentative just like a child. Sorry that you feel the way you but don't let the door hit you in the azz. Bye-bye
Posted: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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I don't know how you drivers of today can stand all the new fangled devices in these trucks. Electronic logs, sensors going for everything, cameras watching your every move and now they are talking to you too. I am so glad that my 44 years ended in 2011 before all the follies.
Posted: 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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Sorry drivers but the wife and I got sick on the way back to Tennessee with flu or something and had to cut it short. We are back in Tennessee now until Nov. 1 and then head to Pensacola for the winter. Being as I felt ill and coughing and sneezing I wouldn't have done a meet and take the chance of getting someone else sick. Maybe on the next trip and thanks for your thinking about me.
Posted: 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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A good (terrible?) reminder to ALWAYS check your latch
An old school method that always worked for me was to set trailer brakes, pull forward until you feel the truck won't go any further and set the tractor brakes. It has never failed me in my 44 years on the road. Just like you were taught to set trailer brakes and back up on the kingpin allows you to easily unhook the fifth wheel.
Posted: 5 months ago
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Glad that you are alright. Your true professionalism guided you through a potential very serious situation. The whole situation being caught by the camera was truly great and I would hope that the so called driver loses his CDL forever and possibly some jail time is in order. His disregard for the safety of anyone but himself is unacceptable. Good luck.
Posted: 3 months, 1 week ago
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Please vote today
It's about time to put all this political hatred behind us. The election is over, Donald Trump won, Congress is Republican controlled again so maybe the policies will be easier to pass. To keep stoking the fires is not productive to unity and peace. After all we are still Americans and for the good of our country we just need to move forward and let the next 4 years speak for themselves.