Roanoke, VA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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I managed people for over thirty years in the restaurant business. Drove flat bed for a year with Melton then went to work for Pepsi.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Heaviest Weight You've Hauled?
I had many loads that were over 79,000. Roofing shingles, lumber, and some sort of special stuff for football fields. We were told to keep our personal items to a minimum to keep our empty weight down. I never ran over weight, but always had trouble getting the scale operators to do a split weight for the rear axles.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Most local companies that pay a decent salary will require at least one year of experience. The exceptions will be very few companies and those that have a high turnover due to the physicality of the job. There are many class B opportunities, but most do not pay very much. I drove OTR for almost a year and I now work for Pepsi filling vending machines. My wife had cancer and needed my support at home. I am very fortunate to have a decent paying job that does not require more physically than my 60 year old body can withstand.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Newb Questions About CDL Training And Qualifications
I paid for CDL school in my town. I feel like the school here in Roanoke, Va. is probably better than most, as they would allow you to practice until you felt comfortable going for the DMV test. I was thinking this was a good decision for me as I could go to school locally. If I had a do-over I would go somewhere with company training. Much of the time I spent at school was waiting on my turn to drive or to practice backing, etc. If you like riding in the truck while other students take their turn you can learn some things by watching their mistakes! The equipment for the most part was ten or more years old. I was fortunate that I had an eighteen year work history and no medical issues. I had several offers within days of receiving my CDL. If I was in your shoes I would definitely go for company sponsored training.
Posted: 6 years ago
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I have only done flatbed. I had loads that took 15 chains to secure. The heat of summer never felt so hot! If you improperly tarp it can start peeling off as you go down the road. Having to stop and re-tarp is no fun! No extra pay for do overs. I enjoyed the physical labor, but the challenge of properly securing and tarping was more than I expected. If I had it to do again I believe I would choose dry van.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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How do you handle illness on the road?
I can attest to the PIA this can be, I started with new tarps, but after a couple of repowers I had to spend hours patching old tarps. One repower load I had was not properly secured and it was very difficult to get the load to stop sliding out. I suspect that was the reason the driver had an "emergency". I had to add straps and tarp a very tall load to keep it from shifting. I never complained about these because it is a necessity, especially if you want to get home!
Posted: 6 years, 4 months ago
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Thinking about dumping my corporate job
I managed people for many years, got into trucking at the age of 58. Wish I would have done it much earlier. Very challenging but I am only responsible for myself!
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
Interesting to read about all of the diverse experience that everyone had before becoming a truck driver. I spent over 30 years managing other people. First in a restaurant and later in a hospital. Pay was good, but the stress level was sometimes just too much. I have been driving a couple of years now and plan to retire from my current company.
Posted: 6 years, 7 months ago
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I was lucky, had several different instructors at CDL school. Some were much better and more patient. Realize that you are in a business that has people that are not well versed in coddling! My OTR trainer was very impatient and I went through four weeks of hell! The school I attended allowed me to come in on weekends and get in extra backing practice. They also were committed to my success. I am almost 60 years old and I did not "get it" as fast as some of the other students. I did make it and drive OTR for a year. I am now driving local. Realize the stress level of the teacher, having someone else at the controls of a vehicle like this is something I could never do!
Posted: 1 year, 11 months ago
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Can’t find a job after being terminated from Schneider
I was terminated for three minor incidents in one year, I was devastated but kept applying and was hired for a local Pepsi delivery driver. I was also hired by another OTR company in Denver but declined after the offer at Pepsi. Physical job but I am home every day and the pay is good. Keep applying and somebody will give you a second chance!