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Posted: 2 years ago
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Hows it goin now that it's been a few month Scott? Any big changes?
As of 9-1-22 we are now owned by Heartland. We will still be CFI just like Millis is still Millis and Smith is still Smith. We had a town hall with the owner of Heartland. I was able to be there. He answered our questions and had some very kind words. The want our older trailers gone and new ones coming in. Trailer supply is short and slow right now. They are rolling in. We will shortly be able to use their terminals. As time goes by there my be some small changes. I'm not worried about it.
I also got to run up to dispatch and spend a bit of time with my fleet manager. It was great seeing our ops center back up to full speed with everyone back. Our recruiting department was buzzing as well.
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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In no particular order:
Iowa 80 in Walcott, IA
Petro in Laramie, WY
TA in Amarillo, TX (walking distance to Big Texan and always parking)
Ohio turnpike rest stops (huge parking lots)
Loves in Moses Lakes, WA
Bosselmans on i80, NE
Petro in Fargo, ND
Loves in Monroe, LA (close to Americold in Delhi)
The Casino (can't remember name) in Albuquerque, NM
Space Age (I think thats what its called) near the 82/84 turnoff in Oregon
Sinclair in Baker City, OR
And a hidden gem. MR.GAS on the 84 just east of Boise, ID.
Quick Trips in general in Wisconsin. Some of them have truck parking and the stores are great.
Petro in Rochelle, IL
There are also a number of DCs that have great overnight parking amenities. There is one in Irving, TX (I want to say XPO) that has showers and great overnight parking
Never been to the Boise stagecoach, but I hear great things. I live in Caldwell, ID so it is counter intuitive for me to shut down there.
I love all the kwik trips, and as far as the Rochelle petro goes I'm a fan too but that new pilot on the other side of the interstate has the biggest showers I've seen. I'm 6'7" and could lay down in there and make snow angels if I wanted too.
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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And a correction for your Chicagoland misunderstanding.
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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Not sure about you bird, but as a lifelong Southside, south suburb and resident of Thornton and calumet townships I'm happy to correct you and direct you to the website for riverdale illinois villageofriverdale.net.
They also send their high school students to Thornridge highschool in neighboring dolton il which is part of district 215 which also encompasses Thornwood high school. Oddly enough Thornwood high school backs right up to the northbound side of 294 right at the lincoln oasis you fuel at. And just so happens to be my alma mater. Lol
On a nosier note for packrat, is that a jr shugel drop lot? Could you park a personal vehicle there while on the road or your truck for hometime?
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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The city of Chicago, not counting the Chicagoland area is made up of 77 community areas as it is called. Riverdale is one of them. Just like englewood, back of the yards, Lincoln park etc.
I'm parked in Riverdale, IL for the night. Another sketchy looking neighborhood.
Yeah Riverdale is sketch. I’m at the oasis off of 294 in South Holland at the moment getting fuel. Heading out to Fort Wayne area again for a reefer this time.
Riverdale . . . isn't that a TV show ?!?!?
Not to nitpick, riverdale is a very small chicago neighborhood it is also bordered by a village....... named riverdale. Very dumb but also very Chicagoland, lol.
Also bad decisions all around boys, I'm gonna assume packrat stayed at the loves on 94 which is awful, and who fuels at 294 service plazas??????
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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We also have a secure gated drop lot just south of joliet in elwood where we rent spaces, we cant park there though. I believe it's a Georgia Pacific facility. Since the merge the extra parking has been a godsend though. Atlanta especially, theres three big terminals there. Cartersville north of the city on 75, atlanta off of 285 right where 20 meets, and smith has one on the southeast side.
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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The only changes with Heartland is more places to park around the country. They will be helping us update our trailer fleet. We are treated real well. Safety comes before on time.
I had a face to face talk with my fleet manager and he said the office was looking forward to the Heartland deal. I was in Joplin and at the town hall with the President of Heartland. He had great things to say. Millis Transfer was bought by Heartland a few years ago and they have not had any major changes.
Come join the family.
I'm confused on the Heartland thing. What exactly did they purchase? I read somewhere they didnt get dedicated or refrigerated. Also do you guys have a drop yard in chicago? Curious if I might be able to park there for hometime. I havent seen any CFI at any of our millis or heartland terminals yet, but I know some of our guys have parked at your w memphis terminal.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity
Michael is home on his break, leaving early tomorrow morning, but he shared a story I hadn't heard before that I found interesting.
He said that when his last team driver (I'll call him "Roger") at CR England was in training he was being trained by "Alice" and another trainee "Jose" was with them. Roger was driving and stopped at a truck stop and Jose moved to the top bunk to sleep and after a while Roger and Alice went in the truck stop to grab something quick and then came back to the truck and drove off. They got down the road a ways before they got an angry phone call from Jose cussing them out for leaving him behind at the truck stop. They had assumed he was still sleeping in the top bunk and laughed at themselves as they drove back to get Jose.
Anybody hear of someone accidentally being left behind?
By the way, it is against CR England policy for someone to sleep in the top bunk while the truck is in motion.
I know a member here who for millis who might have left a student at a loves in Blythesville Ark.
PLEASE, DO tell! If it wasn't you, it's either Pothole Petey, or .. omigosh.. PACKRAT?!?
Inquiring minds, wanna know!
~ Anne & Tom ~
ps: They've been advertising some interesting stuff lately, we may look into, re: Tom's Job elim.
pps: Odds on Pack ~ !
I can confirm it's not packrat. That I know of but I'm 99% he never did that. But I am 100% sure someone else did. Lol
Lookin at millis? Day cab stuff outta trenton? Or for heartland, they got day Cabs out of columbus. I'm sure millis might too, the day cab side of the company is a mystery to us all what those dark siders do.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity
Michael is home on his break, leaving early tomorrow morning, but he shared a story I hadn't heard before that I found interesting.
He said that when his last team driver (I'll call him "Roger") at CR England was in training he was being trained by "Alice" and another trainee "Jose" was with them. Roger was driving and stopped at a truck stop and Jose moved to the top bunk to sleep and after a while Roger and Alice went in the truck stop to grab something quick and then came back to the truck and drove off. They got down the road a ways before they got an angry phone call from Jose cussing them out for leaving him behind at the truck stop. They had assumed he was still sleeping in the top bunk and laughed at themselves as they drove back to get Jose.
Anybody hear of someone accidentally being left behind?
By the way, it is against CR England policy for someone to sleep in the top bunk while the truck is in motion.
I know a member here who for millis who might have left a student at a loves in Blythesville Ark.
Posted: 1 year, 11 months ago
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Pulling some Budweiser with NFI
You definitely need permits for running beer. Heres some from a few states you mentioned. Also NJ requires a sticker on your cab similiar to an IFTA sticker.