oak island, NC
Driving Status:
Rookie Team Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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I say go for it! I'm 49. Just started driving in January. I love it
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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How do I get something mailed to me while I'm otr
I'm home in NC on home time. Got my eye exam but my contacts won't be in for 10 days. How does one get something mailed to them otr? I may not be back to NC for a couple months
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I'm still here. 😂. I Don't post much because I'm still learning and adjusting
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you everybody for the support. This world has all kinds of people and they are all in this field also. I take each set back as a learning opportunity. It has all worked out for the good so far. I had some trials but it led me to what seams to be a great team mate so far. If I had got off that truck earlier he would not have upgraded yet and I met have ended up with worse. It all comes down to God puts me where I need to be when I need to be there. Why fight the impossible? Just have faith.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Robert, I had a urine but they do random hair follicle test. Some of my classmates had hair follicle
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you all for your support. I was waiting on an assignment today at the terminal when I ran into a guy that I met a couple months ago. We have managed to run into each other several times over the last couple months. Anyway he was looking for a truck to do his phase 2 in and I was looking for a team mate. It all worked out and I now have a team mate that I think will work out great. Here's to hopefully some good runs and the opportunity to improve my skills.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I agree. Not blaming the company for a couple people in it. My only frustration with the company is that it is extremely hard to get in touch with anybody when you need to. I know they are going through changes. I just hate that I leave messages or they say they will call me back and I never hear from them. It will all work out. I have no doubt about that
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you old school. I am a survivor. Lol. I just take it all as a learning experience. I'm not impressed with my company. However I will honor my commitment, get some hard earned experience, and go from there. By the time my year is up I will be able to make a well informed decision on whether to stay or move on.
Posted: 5 years, 10 months ago
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I was going to try to though it out with my CO driver. She was calling me some pretty nasty names. Very aggressive driving and major anger issues. I just couldn't take it. So, we had a load to Chicago, about 15 minutes from one of our facilities. We pulled in about 1am Saturday and could not deliver until 10am Monday so I went to our facility for the weekend. I called my weekend driver manager and he told me to get my stuff and he'd put me in a motel until they found me another truck. This morning, Sunday, he called me and said the truck is mine. My former Co driver was leaving the truck. I go back to the yard. I find the truck but no trailer. I call my dm. He doesn't know where the load is but he's checking into it. I then look over the messages on the Qualcomm. I see where she had asked about insurance cards and where somebody had sent her info on a towing company. I call the towing company to find out that she had driven under a too low under laws and tore the top off of the trailer. Towing company has the trailer. They transferred the load to one of their refers and they are going to deliver the load. Still waiting for my dm to call me. But I guess I'm solo for the time being.
Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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Down time.
We run team so not much down time. When we get it then it's time to do laundry, relax, watch tv, and take a walk. We also cook on the truck so grocery run and food prep