Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Fatality Due to Apparently Improperly Secured Flatbed Load
I wonder if a 4 wheeler brake checked him? If they did, I would hope they would be charged with manslaughter. Article said the cause for his hard braking was not known and under investigation. Maybe his dash cam got smashed or they just aren't releasing it yet.
Sad times.
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Best 3 trucking companies to work for in SW Missouri
Brett, I often am at odds with the harshness of your responses. But I always see the wisdom of your statements. And this is another one that rings true. Your harsh ass is smart, wise, and dead on in your assessment. I'd rather get the "straight poop" in an inglorious manner than smoke blown up my ass.
Thanks, your post made a lot of sense and had wisdom of years of experience.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks all for the information. To be completely honest, I didn't put much stock into the people "talking smack" about their previous employers. But there were multiple over less than a week.
I hope to only deal with reputable companies that can consistently keep their equipment in good working order. Hope being the key word. Also good info to know regarding smaller companies should I decide to be an o/o in a few years.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Best 3 trucking companies to work for in SW Missouri
I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks. My top 3 picks right now are:
RBX Transland DOT international
Close behind might be:
ACT Wil-Trans/Jim Palmer CTI
Any thoughts? I'm researching them on the forums and the interweb as well. Any insider info (that isn't tarnished cause the wronged you)?
Thanks, all.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Good info from all. I appreciate it.
I usually take what I hear with a grain of salt (or several grains!). I tend to look for multiple sources for information.
When I hear something that doesn't sound quite right, then I ask others with much more experience and professional knowledge.
I heard that some companies allow their trucks to travel that would fail inspections from at least 2 sources. It was about two different companies.
So I asked about it here and found out that it is against FMCSA regulations, a mechanic must sign off on it, the driver should take personal responsibility if their truck is broken, the driver should take pictures to protect themselves from a less than virtuous company, the importance of periodic maintenance, and finally, the importance of a driver inspection.
Sounds like some pretty sage advice, if you ask me. Granted, the internet and forums might be horrible for some advice, but sounds like this one is spot on.
As always, I'll keep the filter up, but what I'm hearing sounds like good stuff. Thanks all!
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Morning, all.
I have been reading various forums and have talked to a few drivers that were complaining about different companies and the topic that worries me is that several people have said their company trucks won't "pass DOT inspection."
Is this really a thing? Seems to me that the DOT inspection would be the bare minimum to pass. It also seems odd that people from different companies are saying this.
Not naming companies but was just curious what the community experience is with this.
Thanks in advance.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks all. Makes sense that the background is attached to SSN/DOB/Name then pulls up a list. Don't have anything to worry about, as I didn't lie about anything, just seemed odd that it went back so far.
Safe driving.
Posted: 5 years, 6 months ago
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New driver here.
Not going to mention any company names, but is it "normal" for a company to go back 30+ years in a background check?
Seems a bit excessive in my opinion . . . .
Thanks in advance.
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Murphy's Law for truckers.
For students . . . . The ONE maneuver that you are the worst at is the one you will get. AND, expect a full truck pre-trip.
Just sayin . . .