Profile For Victor P.

Victor P.'s Info

  • Location:
    gibsonton, FL

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 2 months ago

Victor P.'s Bio

i should be starting school dec 16th if God permits! my backgrounds has been in driving a taxi, but i think this will be more money, less hours, praise the Lord! I am getting the school free of charge. looking for a company that is flexible, local and long distance, i do have a great clean dmv record. i know how to treat people, 56 years young.

I like to joke around at local businesses

sing original comedy songs

sing old school love songs hmm maybe i will drive a truck in the full length pink bunny outfit, who knows! ;)

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Posted:  11 years ago

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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms

These are very good!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!

This is strange, all the center line reflectors on this stretch of interstate are red, not white like the last one.

thats a good one sandman!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Stevens Transport

Thanks Brett. After talking with the recruiter, since I'll be getting my CDL here, I will only have orientation the first week, then get paired up with the "trainer" to drive their backlot course and as long as I can show I can handle a rig, we can be out on the road as quick as the second week. But, that was a recruiter talking, so a grain of salt is used to digest any info. But always looking forward. I feel your advice of sticking out for a year at least is some of the best I have seen. And once I get through their "OTR Training Period", I can team with a friend who is starting their orientation on 2/16. And of course the recruiter hinted at the lease program. Your advice to stay away from the lease program is embedded in my head!! Goodness, this site is awesome!

i spoke with stevens about being a team, the lady there said stevens is a "solo based" company, not much benefit in being a "team" there! but i did hear good things from werner about teams, they said the teams make over $1,000 a week consistently, some have even told me about much more than that 1,300 to 1,500! so it pays to see what the company is based on i guess solo or teams or both! i think th name of the lady was wendy at stevens i was liking stevens because they have a bigger bed and hot spot in the system! i hear wener has hot spot also but the recruiter failed to mention it!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!




"Ok good, I can choke him now."



i take it you are a trainer? believe me some people are always thinking that of me! the pastor of my church doesn't want amything to do with me except to tell me this is bad and that is even worse!

imagine the trainer is sleeping peacefully breathing deeply 10 minutes later i say


LOL i do have a very sick mind

i know already!

i'mma baaaaaad boy!


Soon to be a trainer.

I only thought that because that's exactly how I felt during almost my entire training period. That guy was a wacko.

i thought all trainers were a little crazy?! or i thought all trainers are supposed to put you through crazy times to see if you will be able to take it! i have yet to hear about a good normal experience with a trainer, i hope they exist!?

now imagine this, the trainer is sound asleep and you start talking like edward g robinson or one of those gangsters in those old gangster movies!

or even worse

start rapping like one of new gangster rappers! "gonna get you wet"!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!

How about.....

"Awwww $%^^&**! Blue lights! I am taking him out!"

:D great! very good!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!

"Ok good, I can choke him now."

i take it you are a trainer? believe me some people are always thinking that of me! the pastor of my church doesn't want amything to do with me except to tell me this is bad and that is even worse!

imagine the trainer is sleeping peacefully breathing deeply 10 minutes later i say


LOL i do have a very sick mind

i know already!

i'mma baaaaaad boy!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!

I don't think he WOULD actually say those things. He was just saying that while he was driving and the trainer was sleeping, he thought of these things to say. It is funny as hell! I wish I was that witty to think stuff up like that. Thanks for giving me a life.

are you very asleep now my good trainer ok very softly we start this song and get louder and louder it's an oldie but a goodie!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!

When TSB and I were teaming....I used to think up things to do to him for what I thought was the harsh training conditions he forced on not letting me use the cruise until I could manage to hold the truck at an even speed with the pedal..( I got the biggest calf muscles from doing my legs don't match). Or making me tell him what the road signs said...AFTER I passed them..So I would do things...probably not the brightest things in the racing with a line of trucks..TSB woke up when he heard on the cb that I'd passed the lead truck, and I was "puttin' this puppy back on the porch"...I thought I was doin' the max on the speedo...He told me that by the tach, I was probably doin' well over 110mph..scared me !!!. So even tho you plot and plan these evil paybacks for assumed shuns...keep em between your ears...they can't be good for ya !!!

so if the trainer asks me what the sign says it not a good idea to say

It says "WRONG WAY"


you guys are ok!

and who knows maybe saying these things to your trainer will bring out a human side to him/her a little laughter is like medicine, some people don't like to laugh, but it might break through later on! i hope i see you guys at some truck stop and we can have some laughs, i love cracking jokes and even being the one joked on! i don't care as lang as we are having a good time!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Is a little joking around ok here, when i am driving and my trainer is sleeping deeply, things i shouldn't say!


i bet that would bring him out of the big sleep!

or saying


I better be nice not everybody likes my brand of humor!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Ok the lights have come on! i now know how the trailer works! did offset today! awesome!

Learning new skills does not come as easy as it did when we were 20 does it? Keep up the hard work and it will all pay off.

at 56! wow thank you Jesus, i think finally all the lsd i did in the 70's are finally out of my system! :D i wonder who made up this procedure? at 45 degrees , one turn of the wheel! wow!

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