Profile For Mike D.

Mike D.'s Info

  • Location:
    Temple, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    4 years, 4 months ago

Mike D.'s Bio

Living in Temple, TX., for now. Four kids. Insane ex wife. Start school with Millis in August. Old newbie.

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Posted:  1 year, 5 months ago

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Texas Hazmat Endorsement

Thanks, everyone. Much appreciated.

Posted:  1 year, 5 months ago

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Texas Hazmat Endorsement

Since I received my CDL in 2020, am I correct that I do NOT need to pass the ELD training requirement to test for my hazmat?

I've been reading a lot and it seems like I don't because I received it before 2022, but I can't reach anyone by phone and want to confirm before I show up to my test I scheduled online and am sent away

Thanks for any information.

Posted:  3 years ago

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ATS? Good company or Not?

Are you still with Wylie?

You should check out EW Wylie, though.....

Just saying šŸ˜‰šŸ˜

Posted:  3 years ago

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E W WYLIE questions

I'm thinking about switching to flatbed with EW Wylie, anyone work for them or have any opinions about them?


Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Need help with issue

While I believe this post is from a troll, it's still a plausible scenario.

If it's true, the only issue I would have is with any trainer, male or female, gay or trans, being overly sexual with a student in the truck as that would be unprofessional.

Your job would be to train and teach your student to be professional and keep your private life, private.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Need help with issue

As long as he doesn't act inappropriate with you, and he's a good trainer, overall, then I'd just be accepting of his lifestyle choice and tough it out.

But that's just my opinion.

Hey guys, Iā€™m going to ask for advice and be as respectful as I can. Iā€™ve been a long time lurker and really enjoy this site and the advice you all give. Iā€™m working for a major carrier (would prefer not to say who) and on my trainers truck. My trainer is 34 and has been driving for 5 years. The issue Iā€™m having is he is gay, very flamboyant, and very emotional. He wears makeup, wears very short shorts on the truck, sometimes wears halter tops, etc. Several times he has flirted with truckers over the CB calling them honey, baby, cutie, etc. Its driving me absolutely crazy! Iā€™m just very uncomfortable with this situation. Heā€™s been a pretty good trainer but I donā€™t want to be around this for 30-45 days. I was raised with values that donā€™t support/agree with his lifestyle and I donā€™t want to be living with him in a box for this long. I understand I will have to deal with people I donā€™t agree with in this industry and that is just fine, but thereā€™s a difference between dealing with people and temporarily living with them. Instead of being PC, please think about what you would do if you were in this situation and let me know. Thanks

Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Mailing address

I know I've seen a link on how to set up a mailing address in your home state if you plan on living out of your truck.

If anyone knows where to look or find that information, I'd appreciate it.

Posted:  3 years, 10 months ago

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Drug Testing history question

I'm old but new to truck driving. This is a great forum.

I'm flat out going to judge your decision making. Did uou decide, six weeks ago you wanted to become a truck driver?

To not know the drug testing regulations is poor planning on your part and will possibly bite you in the hind end.

Acting like being clean for six months is an achievement shows a lack of understanding and bad judgment so I wouldn't act too cavalier about it to a prospective employer.

I wish you luck, but this is a high risk career so you might take it more serious, going forward.

Hey y'all, I've been reading all through this site. You're some very helpful, very entertaining folks.

My question pertains to drug testing. I do not currently hold a CDL or permit or anything. It's just been a career path I've had my eyes on for a few years when construction gets old.

Last month I failed a pre-employment drug test for a construction company. I thought I was clean, I hadn't used anything for like 6 weeks after a trip to the Rockies, but I guess my fat ass was holding onto some metabolites.

My question is, have I screwed myself out of getting my CDL for the next 5 years? Am I in a database as a drug addict now and untouchable by carriers?

Posted:  4 years ago

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Western Express Second Chance Advice

Good luck.


See if you get any more bites next week. If not, reconnect with the WE recruiter and begin Day 1 of getting your driving career back on track.

Stop back here and let us know how things are going. We always enjoy reading success stories, so become one, okay?

"Embrace The Suck!"



I've been looking for some time now and of the companies that accepted me, western was the only that will allow me to bring my dog along, I know that seems minuscule but I can't just abandon my boy. I went ahead and gave my WE recruiter the green light and I'll be joining the team. I'll keep you guys updated and do everything I can to make it a success. Thank you for the advice and words of encouragement!

Posted:  4 years ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

Who did you end up choosing?

Iā€™m a beauty school dropout!

Serious answer, Iā€™ve worked front-desk type jobs my whole life, struggling to make ends meet the entire time. Tried the college thing, I couldnā€™t pick a major and years of studying plus compounding student loans made it so not worth it for me. So, I worked, I traveled the world a little bit, spent a couple summers in Italy as an au pair, worked some more, and started to lean into some of my passions, cosmetology being one of them. I enrolled in school and not a week later, COVID hit. My job description changed from ā€œhairdresserā€ to ā€œfront-line workerā€ and ā€œself-sacrificerā€ overnight, and that was NOT what I wanted to do. Not for minimum wage at least. Plus, the public response that they ā€œneededā€ their haircuts and highlights..... people are dying, Karen.

So, I did some more soul searching, and came across trucking by chance! Then I discovered this website, hours of research turned into weeks into months and well, my first day of training starts any minute now!

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