Profile For Randy S.

Randy S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Poplar Grove, IL

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    4 years, 1 month ago

Randy S.'s Bio

Former driver looking to get behind the wheel again

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Posted:  11 months ago

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Any TMC Drivers on the Forum?

IMHO, Maverick may be a better fit if you're older. I got a tentative job offer from them and I'm 58. I have a solid work history, no tickets or DUI's or any other none sense, and was almost immediately denied when I applied to TMC on a few weeks ago.

Posted:  11 months, 1 week ago

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Have CDL but recent no recent experience.

Well, it looks like the trucking gods heard me *****ing and moaning because I received a call today from Maverick Transportation with a tentative offer! I’ll start sometime in January and I’m really looking forward to it. I preferred flatbed to keep me in shape and get home on weekends. We have two grandkids. Refer just didn’t appeal to me from the research I have done. I won’t rule it out in the future.

I did keep my medical card up to date because somehow I knew I would get back in a truck.

I looked into Prime but their website didn’t mention refresher courses, unless I missed something. As far as going back to Veriha, they were good to me but it really would be my last option.

Thank you all for the replies/advice. I really appreciate it. I’ll keep you updated as the new job progresses.


Posted:  11 months, 1 week ago

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Have CDL but recent no recent experience.

Ok, I'm going to rant a little so here we go! After I retired from 25 years as a LEO, I obtained my CDL through Veriha Driving Academy in 2021. Had to leave before my contract ended due to family health issues, paid the contract off and kept my CDL current. Overall I have about 6 months experience. Now 58 years old, in good health, no tickets or other issues. I haven't driven a truck since late 2021 and want to get back into driving again but most companies want recent experience. Understandable. Several companies take recent grads with no experience. Some companies have refresher courses but not looking to do refer (KLLM). I applied to TMC and, apparently, was almost immediately denied. Not sure why. Too old? My frustration is that I have a valid CDL and, although I don't have recent experience, it would take less time to get me back up to speed that somebody with no experience. Why don't companies hire guys (or ladies) like me?

Posted:  4 years ago

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CDL Apprenticeship Training: Wilson Logistics vs. Veriha Trucking?!

Thank you Anne!

Posted:  4 years ago

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CDL Apprenticeship Training: Wilson Logistics vs. Veriha Trucking?!

I was hoping someone would chime in about theses two companies. I'm especially interested in Veriha.

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