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Posted:  1 week, 6 days ago

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Inward Facing Cameras & AI

It's a significant amount of drivers that I still see puffing a long down the road. I see more vapes than actual smokes though. That's going to be a "fun" riot to deal with! Let's put nicotine addicts in stressful situations, and remove their vice..... 🀣




Larry T. said 'tattle on us when we hold that cigarette a bit too long.' My company is banning smoking and vaping in all trucks starting Sept 2nd. I'm wondering if they can/will tweak the inward cameras to watch for that.



What??? That is nuts. And yes, they can use the cameras to tell


I wonder if anybody has been able to estimate the percentage of drivers who smoke. It’s gotta be a sizeable number. Smoking is so addictive I also wonder how many drivers would quit a company that banned smoking inside their trucks.

Posted:  2 weeks, 4 days ago

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There is a 1st time for everything...

So, basically your OOF-DA with TMC, prepared you for "stop, walk it over, decide on an option" rather than keep going! Progress!

Yep, luckily I only needed one officer to block, and we were both suitably impressed with my blind side alley dock to get out of it 😳 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

Posted:  2 weeks, 4 days ago

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Preparedness for November to January.

I always think about Reginald Denny when I see any kind of crowd just "hanging out" near a street or a parking lot. I didn't understand a whole lot about it back then, (I was 12) but I can see how we are headed for a similar powderkeg, regardless of which "side" "wins the election."

Davy wether we like it or not politics and societial issues play a huge role that we have to operate in like it or not.

Some will be too young to rememember the Los Angles riots in late april 1992. I was sent down there as a mutual aid request and it was horrific.

For our express purpose of looking back it was a truck driver by the name Reginald Denny we need to think about.

Denny was surrounded by a mob, or maybe some would call them mostly peaceful protesters.

He was stopped by them then pulled from the cab of his truck and severly beaten. He was even struck by someone with a cinder block. He was pooctually resecued by bystanders from the neighborhood. Otherwise they would have killed him. He had nothing to do with anything other than driving across their path.

This in no way possible could be viewed as anything other than a violent felony asssult and as citizens we have every right to defend ourselves from such actions, up to and including lethal force if we feel our life is in imment danger.

I do hope companies have a bit of fore thought before November and actually develop policies regarding this type of incident. As drivers we must stay viligant of our surroundings and play the what if game in our head. Develop your own safety plan for yourself.

The MN/WI/OR riots more recently show us how violent these situations are and history always has had a way of repeating itself.

Posted:  3 weeks ago

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Finally dropped my 1st load

Congrats! It all starts with one.

Posted:  3 weeks, 2 days ago

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Question about my steer tire

If it was me who had curbed the tire, I would know what and how hard I hit, and the appropriate department would know before it even got to the "we aren't replacing it" discussion. In that scenario, if I did it, then I did it and it goes on my record. Remember we are trying to teach people to be accountable for all incidents big or small?

Definitely a no-go from me, as well.

But this can be a rock and a hard place situation...

Did you curb the tire, causing that damage? If so, that can possibly come back on you as a preventable. What do you do now?

Posted:  3 weeks, 2 days ago

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Question about my steer tire

My written response would be exactly this:

That is an impact from being curbed, and visible damage to the sidewall. This truck is not being moved by me, because you will not be sitting next to me in the courtroom when it fails and kills someone.

You are the one who would be sitting at the defence table if this fails and kills someone. You know it's a visible defect the affects a safety critical component. My opinion was, of it was curbed that hard to leave that big of an impact area and have a chunk loose, then I'm not driving it until it's replaced.

Posted:  3 weeks, 5 days ago

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Son heading to Melton's early tomorrow. Very anxious!

I know this is going to sound harsh, but it comes from a place of protection for him.

Do not touch the phone. Do not call him and tell him how much you miss him or how worried you are. Just do not do it.

As said previously, this industry is extremely intolerant of inattention. The first few days and weeks are brutal, with information coming at a new driver quickly. He does not have the mental space to handhold you, and learn how to be successful at it. Him being distracted about how you are affected could cause disastrous things to happen.

Kearsey said it better than I could. He's 23. He is NOT a baby, and it's time you started treating him like a fully functioning adult.

Posted:  1 month ago

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The forum needs more categories

To be perfectly honest, if you think your idea is better, then by all means, go start your own trucking website. I'm sure it will cruise along nicely.

Oh. Crud. I forgot the "sarcasm" font.

Posted:  1 month ago

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I'd like to hear from some LP drivers...

James, I honestly think she is using the alimony card as a scare tactic. You are, at this very moment, bankrupt. You do not have enough money to hold on to an apartment just to keep her πŸ’©

Repeat after me: Let. The. Apartment. Go.

Alimony in NC is dependant on a multitude of factors. One being income disparity. Another being marital contributions.

Alimony has to be requested from the judge in the court with jurisdiction. What is she going to do, if you lose that apartment and everything in it? Sue you? Good luck to her. You cant get blood from a turnip. If you are truly looking to divorce, call a divorce attorney, and do not speak to your wife/ex in any manner other than between the lawyer.

You saw how quickly a person can end their career already. You have been given another chance, at a last chance company. You do not have the mental space to mess around with her stuff. You are one bad phone call from being distracted and emotional enough to destroy your career. Tell her She gets it out in 30 days, or it's abandoned property, and you throw it all away.

Or, you let the apartment evict you, and let them deal with dumping your and her πŸ’©. Again, this is not ideal, but you need to protect your job, and your ability to come through this storm. Stop trying to make her happy if you are really splitting.

Posted:  1 month ago

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I'd like to hear from some LP drivers...

I am currently L/O, and only went that route to get away from a bad personality conflict. I knew the risks and understood what my numbers NEEDED to be, to make it make sense.

With two years as a company driver, there was much hesitation before I pulled that trigger.

Having said that, my advice to you, where you are right now, is under no circumstances would I suggest L/O or L/P. I was in a position much as yourself. You don't have time to worry about the debt you ALREADY owe. Lease is a real fast quick and in a hurry way to amass huge debt and get your A$$ handed to you financially.

I only do it, because I am still, after it is all said and done with taxes and expenses, ahead of where I realistically CAN be if I go home to Montana. Had I lived in a location with more opportunities that fit my skills, that balance would not be worth it.

Spend the first year figuring out how to safely do your job. Those debts will be there waiting, wether you pay the minimums or throw everything at it. This is not a get rich quick situation, and this freight market sucks for it.

None of us on this forum have steered you wrong yet, and I would hate to see you get into a worse situation than you were when you started.

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