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When securing paper rolls with friction mats as a primary method:
- All of these answers.
- The friction mat should stick out from underneath the roll in the direction it is providing securement.
- Make sure friction mats are completely covered by the roll.
- The friction mat should stick out from underneath the roll in the opposite direction for which it is providing securement.
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Requirements for friction mats

If a friction mat is used to provide the principal securement for a paper roll, insert the friction mat so that it sticks out from beneath the footprint of the roll in the direction in which it is providing securement.
If loading and securing paper rolls on a second layer:
- Be sure the bottom layer extends to the front of the vehicle.
- Stack the second layer at the back.
- Make sure heavier rolls are on top.
- Lay the second layer horizontally.
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Stacked Loads
- Load paper rolls on a second layer only if the bottom layer extends to the front of the vehicle.
Prevent forward, rearward, or side-to-side movement:
- Either by the same means required for the bottom layer
- Or by the use of a blocking roll from a lower layer.
- A roll in the rearmost row of any layer must not be raised using dunnage.
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