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During your pre-trip inspection, you must check the oil level and:
- Indicate where the dipstick is located
- Show how to test the oil for water
- Demonstrate how to add oil to the engine
- Rub some oil between your fingers to make sure the oil is free of metal shards and foreign debris
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Oil level:
- Indicate where dipstick is located.
- See that oil level is within safe operating range. Level must be above refill mark.
TruckingTruth's Advice:
What to say to the examiner:
"The dipstick should be pulled to show that the oil level is above the refill mark and in safe operating range."
For belt driven engine components (water pump, alternator, air compressor, etc), how much free play is allowed at the center of each belt?
- No free play at all
- 3/4 inch of free play
- 1.5 inches of free play
- 1 inch of free play
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Engine compartment belts: Check the following belts for snugness (up to 3/4-inch play at center of belt), cracks or frays:
- Power steering belt.
- Water pump belt.
- Alternator belt.
- Air compressor belt.
TruckingTruth's Advice:
When checking belts, tell the examiner:
The belt is not cracked, frayed, or broken and free play is between 1/2in and 3/4in."
When checking the coolant level during the pre-trip inspection, you should:
- Only remove the radiator cap if the engine is hot
- Be sure the coolant level is below the fill line
- Never remove the radiator cap if the engine is hot
- Take a sample of the coolant to check for foreign debris
Quote From The CDL Manual:
Oil level:
- Indicate where dipstick is located.
- See that oil level is within safe operating range. Level must be above refill mark.
TruckingTruth's Advice:
When checking the coolant level, tell the examiner:
"The coolant level is filled above the minimum level and the reservoir is not cracked, broken, or leaking."
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