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Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Sleeper AC without key?

So I still haven’t figured out how to turn the AC on in the sleeper. If I idle the truck it automatically turns off after 10-ish minutes. Leaving it in accessory mode only turns on the fan, which hardly blows any air even on max settings.

Any other ideas? 😓

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Sleeper AC without key?

The only stupid question is the unasked one 😉

In my Freightliner, I either have to have it in accessory to run the heater or the AC or have it idling. The Espar is just the heater, it's not an APU and the truck is turned off to run that.


I just realized in accessory mode it only blows the fan. Which works for now. Guess I have to turn the truck on and leave it idle for the AC to kick on. Thanks.

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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Sleeper AC without key?

Hello. Stupid question: Is it possible to run the AC in the sleeper without the key in the ignition? The AC turns on if I turn the truck on or leave it in accessory mode but I don’t wanna kill the battery. I also don’t want to use unnecessary amounts of gas if I leave the truck on. In my old truck I just turned the APU on and I was set. I don’t see an APU inside this truck. Im driving an international with an Espar heater, if that helps.

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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First Load went terribly wrong! Please Help!

Hey guys! Just checking back in to tell you that you were right! Called Western Express first thing in the morning and told them my situation. They were able to work it out and get me in as quick as possible. I leave tomorrow for orientation!

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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First Load went terribly wrong! Please Help!


We can tell you this...

If there was no ticket and no damage, then there was no accident.

But, wait a minute...

It sounds like your employer was being very kind to you to ask you to resign. What we don't know is if they are putting this information on your DAC report, If they do then you have an accident you need to discuss with your next employer.

Here's my advice: You are going to have to explain why you left your first company. I guess you could tell them you got scared on your first load, panicked and decided to quit. I don't know, maybe you can come up with something better. If you tell them the absolute truth you are probably not going to get hired. Just the fact that you resigned on your first load will scare a lot of them away. I don't think your first employer is intending on putting this on your DAC. I just don't know why they would tell you to resign and then do that to you. There is no way for me to know what they intend.

Give that a try and see what happens.

You learned one valuable lesson that I hope you will never forget. Set your brakes when you exit the tractor!


One piece of information that you are forgetting...


If there was an insurance claim then there WAS an accident.

I kinda realized this a little later. You’re right. The paper trail would be in the insurance. Guess I’ll just keep making phone calls and see what comes up. Thanks!

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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First Load went terribly wrong! Please Help!

I was in a similar situation. Your career is absolutely not killed. Your options have narrowed down, but still there are plenty of them. Western Express is a good one, give it a try. I would suggest to be honest and tell your recruiter the whole truth. They have enough ways to find it out, so why take the risk of being a liar?

Thanks for the information! Many of you guys keep saying to go with Western Express so I’ll just go ahead and give it a shot. I’ll tell them everything and see how it goes. I appreciate the help so far! Wish me luck!

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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First Load went terribly wrong! Please Help!

Hello DirtyDeeds,

Very sad to hear of your experience. The first solo load is tough. I think of all the times I narrowly avoided disaster in my first loads. I’d say many others here could relate their close calls, perhaps only luck stood between them and losing their job.

All I know to say is that you seem to be a standup guy, so don’t give up. You may have to get another job to make ends meet until you get things sorted out. Hopefully, others here will be able to offer you encouragement.

Thank you! I appreciate the positive words! I’m trying to keep my head on straight! Lol

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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First Load went terribly wrong! Please Help!

We can tell you this...

If there was no ticket and no damage, then there was no accident.

But, wait a minute...

It sounds like your employer was being very kind to you to ask you to resign. What we don't know is if they are putting this information on your DAC report, If they do then you have an accident you need to discuss with your next employer.

Here's my advice: You are going to have to explain why you left your first company. I guess you could tell them you got scared on your first load, panicked and decided to quit. I don't know, maybe you can come up with something better. If you tell them the absolute truth you are probably not going to get hired. Just the fact that you resigned on your first load will scare a lot of them away. I don't think your first employer is intending on putting this on your DAC. I just don't know why they would tell you to resign and then do that to you. There is no way for me to know what they intend.

Give that a try and see what happens.

You learned one valuable lesson that I hope you will never forget. Set your brakes when you exit the tractor!

Hey, Old School! So, unfortunately there was some damage. I forgot to write that down. The trailer somehow swung out of the way and didn’t hit anything but the metal piece that holds the mudflap up on the back of the tractor did some damage. 4 parked cars. Luckily no one was inside them. 1 of those cars was only a scratch and a small dent, the other 1 had a decent sized dent on the side, the last two were crushed and done for.

Also, I did ask Swift to see if any accident shows up and all they said was that my previous employer only put that I resigned. They said it was on a “dashboard” or something. I’m guessing that’s what the DAC you guys are talking about is?

Also, I would love to try Western Express or CR England, but i’m afraid that once I fly out to orientation then they’ll find out about the accident and then i’d have to be sent home.

I’ve got the resignation excuse already figured out, and i’ve been helping out a buddy of mine with his moving company driving a straight truck whenever he needs help. I can assure you that I have not forgotten the emergency knob again! That thing gives me PTSD flashbacks every time I look at it.

So if it’s not on the DAC then i’m good?

Posted:  2 years, 11 months ago

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First Load went terribly wrong! Please Help!

Hello, So I’ve been hesitant to make a post about this because It’s embarrassing and I don’t need to leave here feeling worse than I already do about it. But, I’m desperate, so here goes nothing.

I got my CDL earlier this year, did my training with a trainer, and finally got into my own truck. On that day I got my first load, and I also had my first big accident. It wasn’t a driving accident. It was a rollaway. I got out to get the bills of lading paperwork and forgot to set the emergency brake. I know, dangerous. (First load jitters, probably.) Luckily for me no one got hurt, and the police never gave me a ticket. I DID lose my job though, but I was asked to resign so that I “could find another job” instead of being terminated. And I signed the paperwork because that sounded good to me at the time, not realizing that this accident pretty much killed my career, and I didn’t even start it yet. Needless to say, no one wants to give me a job offer (except for 1 company. They saw the accident as a fluke and managed to talk their safety team into giving me a shot. But they’re a flatbed company and i’m terrified of heights). Now that you know the backstory, here’s where I hope I can find someone that can help me answer a question, or at least point me in the right direction for a job. I recently went to the DMV, months after the accident, and requested my driver’s abstract including all my records, and it shows up clean. No accident. Nothing. Now, I know I have to tell any company the truth about any accidents, I don’t want to be a liar, but Swift told me that no one has claimed the accident yet (but couldn’t hire me because I already admitted to it.) and my driving record shows that it’s clean.

Is it possible that It won’t show up if I tell another company that I’m clean? The police did take my license and name down though. That’s why I’m confused as to why it’s not showing up on my record. I just want to figure this out before I admit it to anyone else. I’m desperate, jobless, broke. I need a way to get my foot back in the door. I just got my CDL and didn’t even start my career yet. Please help.

Posted:  3 years, 5 months ago

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Different states with different driving cultures.

I guess no one got what I was trying to say lol. And people saying solid green lights in left turn only lanes exist in NJ... well NOW I know. And they must be in the more country/town areas of NJ, Because in MY little city there isn’t one like that. We hardly have left turn lanes compared to what i’m seeing out here. Hell, even 30-40 minutes away from where I live the roads look different to me. Of course all the laws are the same in every state and city, No one was arguing that. I’m just saying that i’ve never seen a solid green light directing traffic in a left turn only lane. It always had a left arrow. That’s all. Jeez. Lol. It confused me, I brain farted, I failed. Good news is.. today I took my road test again and used this new knowledge to pass my exam. Only got 4 points out of 30. See you guys out there!

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