Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Officially got a new job hauling fuel tankers. Goodbye Prime/OTR
Good Bye my Wise Young Friend and PSD Trainer, Me and JOPA will miss you at Prime Inc.... Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Well it looks like I'd have to do company sponsored training at this point..
I suggest you forget all the "TSBS" you've heard and go with Company Sponsored Training for these reasons...TSBS is Truck Stop Bull****..!
1) No cost major cost's upfront and after a year it's free
2) Better equipment and a 1 to 1 training ratio after orientation
3) You'll already have a Job once you finish the training program plus know the system, dispatcher and most importantly some of the customers you'll eventually be dealing with when you go Solo
4) Paid On the Job Training...Prime Pays $700 a week while in TNT
5) More depth of instruction and time to practice/learn backing before you go Solo
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Probably be the lowest pay of any of the major carriers but hey they do have nice looking trucks besides it's only for the 1st year and then pay picks up...I have a buddy who started with Stevens, stayed for a year and then came to Prime Inc
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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On the subject of Sleep Apnea and CPAP's, what if I bring my own machine? I've been using one for about 10 years now, got the mask and everything.
If I walk in telling them I have this, will they still require me to do the whole study? Trying to sleep with more wires in your head than R2D2 ain't easy even if you don't have sleep apnea..
Hi Paul, I have been using a CPAP for about 15 yrs now and told Prime I had my own machine but I still had to take another sleep study and get a new machine because mine wasn't able to transmit the usage data so they could monitor me on the road... The Study and New Machine was only about 2k via payroll deductions for a yr but if yours has the modem option they may let you slide without the new one
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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What is the best company to start with?
Prime Inc is a good company and they have a good training program...Don't let a couple of bad reviews cloud your mind about them. I went through the Training Program PSD/TNT and have survived everything the road has thrown at me because the length and amount of time riding with a trainer better prepares you for going Solo, once you upgrade. Matter of fact, I like the Training program so much at Prime I started training and have upgraded 4 students so far...Currently I'm running as a Team Truck and can help answer any questions you may have...!
My advice would be to get your CDL through Prime Inc. then work as a Company Driver for a year or 2 and see how the life of a OTR Trucker fits you before ever thinking about lease...You have to know that leasing isn't for everybody and if the truth is told most lease trucks run harder then company trucks and not just because they want to make more money, it's because they have to make more money...
I was company driver for 1 yr and have been lease operator for 8 months and promise you that your success is based on how well you and your dispatcher get along and them knowing they can count on you no matter what to get the load delivered... In closing Prime Inc isn't perfect but it's about the best training company you'll find and a pretty good place to drive afterwards.
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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I'm a Prime Graduate from 2014 and still drive for them...Lots of options and opportunity with Prime Inc and really good equipment for the most part. Training is awesome and Pay is highest for a Newbie Driver of anywhere I know of plus all Trucks have APU's & Invertors if that matters to you, it did to me...
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Another idea is to use a tea kettle and heat water up in the truck since most of the Rest Areas dont have hot/warm running water...I will usually take my shower during the day when the Truck Stops are less crowded..Use bottled water to brush my teeth and baby wipes for the rest if I have to skip a day.
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Does Having An APU/EPU Really Matter?
1) Do you have an APU? Yes, all of Primes Trucks have them but not all of them work all of the time... The Lease Guys can Idle when theirs breakdown if they had the Shop turn off the Anti Idle feature
2) Do you get to idle as much as you like? Yes but only because I'm Lease and buying the fuel
3) Does it cost you anything if you idle above a certain amount? No
4) When choosing a company to work for do you consider whether or not they have APU's as one of the factors? Yes..I have to be comfortable and don't want to Idle the Truck so for me it's a Deal Killer not to have a APU..
Ken C.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Any women gone through Prime training?
I'll be able to ignore most of the comments and am not the type to dress to ask for any extra attention. Is it true that we just get assigned by a list of numbers? Is there any interview process? I mean between student and trainer.
Hi Miss Red...I Train/Instruct at Prime and have a short interview process to see who is really wanting the time/spot on my truck and who I feel is a good fit for how I run my truck. I went through the Program and know it works well if you want it too and apply yourself. Daniel B was my PSD Instructor, Prime was my 1st Company to Drive for and now I'm going on 2 yrs accident free.
You need to be interviewing every Trainer/Instructor that you come into contact with because it's more important for you to find a Good Fit than it is for them to find a Good Student...Nothing worse than getting stuck in a Truck with a butt headed ego maniac jerk who is afraid of showers and likes to yell...:) Feel free to pvt message me if you want to know more about the PSD TNT or Prime Inc. in general
Ken C.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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To start with Roehl or Prime?
Hi Troy...If I was in your shoes I'd look for what will fit me best and offered the best training...I drive for Prime Inc and think their Training Program and what they offer a Newbie are 2nd to none...They will feed you, house you, teach you, plus pay you while you are learning...Can't ask for much more than that in the beginning...Use the High Road Training Program get a head start on the process. Prime has Tanker, Flatbed, Intermodal and some Walmart Dedicated so there are plenty of options besides Reefer. Good Luck which ever route you choose...
Ken C.