Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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The REAL Van Halen!
Saw them in concert for the 1984 album.
Me too! Now we're just aging ourselves....
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Trucking Life 2.0 - Living It, Loving It!
Glad on both counts, you back on the road and her recovery!
Knight has turned out to be a great choice for me, even with the change of trainers (got a great teacher now). Your experience with them was the selling point!
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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And So It Begins... Just Gave My Notice
Well, I'm now officially a South Dakota resident and have passed my CLP exam! The last few weeks were a whirlwind of wrapping up the job I've had for the last 16 years, getting moved out of my apartment, not to mention the transmission dying in my car when I went back to Michigan for Thanksgiving!
As my recruiter thought (though I thought the rules read differently), I was able to transfer my class-B CDL to SD and just had to take the combination test (I also took the tanker test, just to get that endorsement).
Now Wilson is doing the final processing on my app. It's possible I'll start next week, but he said more likely it'll be Dec 20, as they try to limit the class sizes, and next week is pretty full.
Onward and upward!
That's great Matt! I've been out a couple weeks and loving it. Still got a lot to learn, but soaking it up like a sponge!!
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Trucker Life Summarized into One Funny Anecdote
Hours of blissful solitude...punctuated by moments of sheer terror.
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Argument with trainer. Need help!
I wasn't allowed to use the Jake at all during training. Learn to pay attention to signs and control the truck. Get it in the right gear and controlled braking because what happens if you can't use the Jake? What if it's raining or snowing? Learn how to drive without it then you can use it.
I suppose that would apply to manual trans more than autos?
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Argument with trainer. Need help!
I'm shocked that you're not using the Jake. How do you maintain speed on just a slow downhill much less steep declines?! At the last possible moment before heading through Raton Pass he jumped outta bed and showed me low gear... Thankfully.
I've been putting in 8-10 drive shifts. It's fine he's using me for miles, I get time behind the wheel. But I was hoping for the trade of imparting day to day ops for the extra cash he's making. Not one lesson on reading and understanding load assignments. I'll ask about them, telling him what I under they are saying, but get no feedback.
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Argument with trainer. Need help!
Man oh man, TwoSides11...I feel ya brother. I'm on day eight myself and having close to the same experience with my trainer. I was paired up with him because he was going to work through the holiday, but he changed his mind and got home time here in Houston. Thankfully my brother lives about 10 mi from Katy terminal. It was nice to take a break and get to see him. I'm now early waiting in the terminal for my trainer to wake up.
I am remaining coachable but it's difficult when there's no coaching offered. A full week and I've not backed one time. Understandable that this is an area that I need to work in but.... He always wants to get us in the hole. My driving has been pretty damn good from the start, enough for him to fall asleep the first day in the passenger seat. He did however, wake up when I had a trailer blow out 5 hours and in my first shift of driving. I handled it well and I already started to pull over when he screamed "PULL OVER!"
To get him home for the holiday we drove straight through from LA to Houston 27 and 1/2 hours. Team driving on day three. I'm getting really good at utilizing the engine brake. Taking some time to get used to sleeping while the truck is moving... Not very restful at all.
He is taking more home time next week for 4 days and I don't want to sit here in Houston so we're going to route back to Phoenix. I'm hoping to get paired up right away with someone else but only time will tell. I'm not asking for a new trainer, but I'm asking for my training to continue.
His communication skills are sub-par for sure. But not everyone can be a good trainer or teacher, I'm soaking up all I can from him while I have him. In my past profession I trained many many times. I guess my expectations are just a little high.
There was a teachable moment in Wilcox when I turned off the highway the wrong way going to a truck stop. Now that I thought about it I should have gone to the next light turn right next light turn right next light turn left to get back where I wanted. I do wish he'd offered that advice when I was in my pickle instead of letting me panic turn into a parking lot to get turned around. Very teachable moment lost.
Anyway it's a new day and a new chance to learn.
Keep your chin up and keep your eye on the prize!
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Finally on the road with Knight!
Cool to see other knights in here, hopefully you guys will do diaries. I always like to read about others experiences with knight. Plus, you guys can help others with your experience.
I'm taking notes, were running hard and no time to do it justice. So hard, started team on my third day!
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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Sitting in a truck all day
If two hours is frustrating, you night want to reconsider. I'm new, like really new, but I didn't mind long car rides as a driver to begin with. I've done several 10+ drives behind the wheel of a semi over the last several weeks, just a 30 break and maybe a short fuel stop... I'm done for sure by the time it over. Perhaps you can ask around to ride along with someone just to see how you do?