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Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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This goes towards my other post and reply
I've been trying every single day I've been asking for help and forgiveness from trucking companies and recruiters to aspects me I know my Driving record isn't perfect so far every one says no so **** the truck driving industry and the world this is ridiculous
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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Thanks for the help and the reply everyone
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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These are the companies that I've have talked to and everyone say no:
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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You can read my last two post I think I'm pretty much done
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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So now I have talked to pretty much every company that I can think of and every one says no to my application I really have no clue what to do
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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This is for my last post title was given up on the trucking industry
Thanks for the help and information and reply I give it a shot one more time
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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This is for my last post title was given up on the trucking industry
I'm not verbally abusive I have something that called a speech impediment so when I talk on the phone or anything like that it's can be a bit difficult to understand my voice so I communicate through emails and text messages with the Recruiters I no about the other driver because I've talked to them when I was working with the companies before the only thing that I can think of is my lack of commitment to the trucking companies
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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This is for my last post title was given up on the trucking industry
I've posted something about given up on the trucking industry few weeks ago
I've try to give it one last chance
So now when I fill out a applications for trucking companies I get declined or when I try to call a Recruiter to get a update on it to see if i might qualify for anything they hang up on me or no one's pick up either something is going on that I don't no about or there something on my Driving record that I'm not seeing I know my record isn't that good with the the trucking industry but they are driver's that have driving records that is million times worse than mine this getting ridiculous
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
Thanks for all the help and the evidence
Posted: 2 years, 3 months ago
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For my other reply to this website
I give a big thanks for everyone that have been replying on my post for the past month and thanks for the advice
I finally found a company that is willing to approve of my application and they are hiring from South Florida Dutch Maid Logistics Inc i do qualify to get rehire for covenant transport but after what happened last time with team driving that not going to happen so for anyone that is in the same situation that I'm in I did found two companies that are willing to help Western Express & CFI TRANSPORT but if you live in south Florida CFI isn't hiring from South Florida