Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
If I can do a Dedicated lanes something like driving back and forth from point A to point B and just back and forth from cost to cost I think something like that would be perfect for me so I can be less stressful about driving all over the Country
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
I quite because I couldn't handle OTR I can drive the truck just fine and I'm not as neveris like I was before when I first started out with otr but coming from Dedicated OTR isn't for me I was very happy and less stressful with dedicated that I could handle and do perfectly fine it just the Two stupid accidents on my end that shouldn't have never happened in the first place I guess it was just one of those bad weeks
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
My mentor was sleeping because we was doing teams on that account he was didn't have any to do with the discussion making it was all on me and yes I have CFL A with Hazard and Tanker at this point I actually have no clue if I should continue or not with the trucking industry
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
I was running out of Acadia and winter haven Florida every thing was going very well I was doing everything correctly till those two Accidents I know what I have did was F up I can accept those mistakes and responsibilities I F up plan and simple and those two Accidents shouldn't have never happened
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
Thanks for reading my post and the reply
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
Here what happened I was a student Driver for swift Transportation on a Wal-Mart dedicated account now I'm not trying to make swift look like the bad guy or a bad company the blame is on me I can accept that and I have apologized a million times over trying to go back & drive for them again this on me not swift
these Accidents have happen three years ago the first Accidents so I have noticed that the back entrance in to the store for the trucks was block off because of Construction was going on and I did not see another way in to the store the only way in that look safe enough was the front of the store so as I was making a left turn in the front of the store and because I did not go out far enough to make the left turn the back of the Trailer Brake Chambers got hung up on a street median I didn't no what it was caught on only thing that I new It was stuck so final I've gotten unstuck but the back of the Trailer Brake Chambers gotten pulled right off from the Trailer
the second Accidents was so stupid that it shouldn't have happened in the first place I have no clue or idea or what was I was thinking when I did this I'm still confused till this day and it been three years since this accident this was another left turn in to the front store so I went in to the store and I didn't hit anything & as I was going in I don't no why or what made me make this stupid decision I have made a sharp left turn and the Trailer have got hung up on a tree and I stuck we was there at least a few hours trying to get unstuck but we made it through the damage to the Trailer and the tree was pretty bad
I no that I have F up and I should have been more responsible in these kinds of discussions when driving these trucks it not a joke or a game and I F up big time and now I'm paying the price for it I'm struggling very hard every single day I loved that Dedicated walmart account I very happy and very grateful for that job and I was very good at it I just hade a a really bad week that all so
ever since I was Discharge from swift I use to way 200 hundred pounds and now my weight is at 350+ I have been trying to go back to the trucking industry ever since those Accidents I have joined multiple companies trying to make it work I have joined Werner Enterprises western express Convenient transportation and Landair Transport I don't no why I just kept quieting I apologize to those companies for quieting I was just trying make work but I guess I'm still not over it with the two Accidents I have a very clean driving record I have 0 violation I have 0 tickets I have 0 felony I never been to jail or prison and I have 0 CSA score the only thing that is bad on my Driving record is that I have those two Accidents and I kept quieting that it
I can drive those trucks it not difficult for me any more like it was I no that my driving record with the trucking industry isn't where it should be at every since I have gotten my CDL I have hade for three years only six months I'm not proud of it I'm very disappointed with it now I'm at the point where I should just give up with the industry
Posted: 2 years, 7 months ago
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Given up truck driving for good
no one have offer linehaul to me only job offer i get is otr