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  • Papa Bird
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Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Smart phone and quallcoms

I wish my company would atleast sens load headers to my phone, it is always on, when i shut the truck down after about an hour my Qualcomm shuts down and if i want to check to see if the company has sent me anything I have to turn the key on, and wait for it to boot up.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Tomorrow's gonna be fun...

To bad you can't move one bale from over the drives to over the axle with 17040, I'm not a flat bedder, but think that would sure help out.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Fired for company policy, now what?

Hay, don't get so down, ok you screwed up, you know that, it won't happen again, right. Now look at what you do have, there are company's out there that will give you a chance, I'm sure as long as your record is clean other than this that you should be able to find a job, try some of the smaller company's not just the big ones. Your in a hole right now, and you will climb out of it, and climb a mountain, if you decide that's what you are going to do.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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I tried wearing boots when i was in training, had problems with the clutch, so my trainer suggested a light pair of sneakers, which allowed me to "feel" the clutch, that problem disappeared the first day, so I also recommend light footwear, may want to carry boots to, ask your recruiter about that, and two pairs of light footwear, incase one pair gets wet. Good luck.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Have a misdemeanor burglary first time offense

Don't think you have much to worry about with your "criminal record" it was a minor offence, not a felony, and has been a few years, sounds like it lit a fire under you to stay clean and fly straight. The one point that might give you problems is the amount of time that you have had a licence, believe that it is a requirement that you have a licence for one year, that's all that i can see that would hinder you, if so take the time to study up on the regs here, and if this is what you really want to do, go for it, don't ever let a little bump in the road keep you from going down it. Good luck.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Help picking a company

Personally speaking, my 2 cents, I would look at some of these smaller company's, when I was looking my first consideration was one of the large company's, but this smaller company made me an offer, told me what they were willing to do, and it sounded great. My training, after 4 weeks of school was 8 wks long, base pay weekly, they put me in a 15 freightliner (love it) I get home often enough, and they are very concerned with safety, there rigs are maintained on a regular schedule, my dispatcher knows my name, (and uses it) cant see me going anywhere else.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Interesting situation, and difficult decision while in training

Personally I think you should stay with current trainer, the training your getting now is something that most of us didn't get with our trainers, I also think that it shows that your a team player, not just looking out for yourself. Yes your still getting your training pay, but your also prolonging your training, and i am sure that your pay is much lower now than it will be once your out solo. Yes a different trainer will give you a different perspective, and you gamble on the fact that they are as good as the one you have now, and that you get along with them. As for getting that different viewpoint, that's firstly why you posted here on TT, and secondly there are lots of people right here that can give you that, honest, straight forward, to the point info. Personally not going to list them, because what they do is selfless, and kind, and by listing them I'm sure I will miss some of them. They are all my hero's, thanks all.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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US Legal lawyer representation service

Not working for swift, so i dont have a clue who you are talking about, because you never mentioned there name.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Iceless Coolers and 12V Coffee Makers

Can not suggest a cooler as I have not had the need to get one at this time, but as an coffee drinker myself I found it cost effective to come up with a quick easy solution rather than to pay the inflated coffee prices at the truck stops, or going without when at shippers and recivers. My solution was a Coleman butane stove. The butane canisters are small, and the stove it's self is compact, and the great part is set up and heating of water takes about the same amount of time as it takes to walk into the truck stop and purchase a cup. (Yes I do use instant so I don't have to deal with the clean up or disposal of coffee grounds.) In the morning I can get my first cup before ever stepping out of the truck or turning the key, and don't have to worry if it will pull to much power.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Carolina Cargo....yes or no

How many company's have you tried, reason I ask is because I know they are not the only company that will take someone with a shaky past, yea, I got one of those to. I tried at quite a few company's, and didn't even make it to orentation but finally did get a pre hire from USX, I specifically asked if they had fully considered my past, and in writing was told it was not an issue. Yes I had to pay for my schooling, but I was good to go. However when I got to the school they set up a interview with a smaller more local company, we talked, and now I work for them, and love it so far. They know my history, and don't care, all they ask is I do my job the best I can. So if your worried that CC is your only option, I doubt it. They all look at your charges, the time that has passed since, and what you have done since. Keep you head up, there are good company's out there that will give you a chance, you just have to. "Seek and yea shall find."

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