Comments By Deezyl Geezer avatar

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Be careful what you wish for....

The last clip involved a trainee driver going down Donner. They didn't realized there was another driver until the next day. The trainer was in the sleeper. Yeah, poop happens. You make it as safe as you want it.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Virginia-related Questions

I've had the tank endorsement since '89(read old as dirt!). I never had to do a road test with a tanker. The road test requires you to operate a vehicle in the license class you are applying for. Class A is a combination vehicle with a CGVW of 26001 pounds or more in combination with a trailer with a GVW of 10000 or more. So a dump truck pulling a trailer with a 10000lb bulldozer would require the class A, while the truck alone only requires the class B. I wouldn't sweat it. Good luck on your testing.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Virginia-related Questions

If you have to road test with a tank for the endorsement then it's news to me. I have HM 'X' endorsement which includes tank. There are individual HM and tank(N). I always have had the tank on my cdl and have never had or heard of a road test. I can't think of one driving school that even trains on tanks but I'm sure some do.

If you're talking about a mixer truck its a class B. If your talking dry bulk trailer then its class A with the tank(N).

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Student/Mentor phase with Swift

Aside from the mechanical pro or cons, they may be doing it because there is only a small learning curve to operate it. It will shift when it needs to shift based on speed and load. Not a lot of input from the driver. I haven't driven a 'modern' one but I think it would keep the engine from being up against the governor a lot thereby saving fuel and reducing wear. Also less stress on the new driver trying to find the right gear will maneuvering in traffic. I heard Schneider is going to upgrade their entire fleet over the next 2 years.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Gotta determine when to start

Who said 'money isn't everything'? Take the money. It's easy to hate your job. L.O.L

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Cross wind component...Max?

Yeah 6 String, I pulled doubles. Don't look in the mirror too much; it will age you quick!

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Cross wind component...Max?

There isn't one. Too many variables. If it doesn't feel safe it's probably not. If slower speed does not help, stopping is the only option. Don't chance a roll over. Be safe.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Second guessing myself

I agree with the other commenters. Stay in contact and have faith and trust in your family. The first year is tough but keep your eye on the prize. Your family will come out on top for the sacrifice. When I started otr the internet and cell phones weren't even available. It was banks of payphones in the truck stop. Now you have instant contact. Good luck to you and keep posting about your journey.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Leasing A Truck: My Journey

I hope all is well with him too. But anything can happen at any time; the Murphy's Law thing. There's a blizzard in progress in New Mexico with drifting snow to 10 feet! That could be very costly if you stuck in it for days. Digging out of a financial hole might not be possible. From what I've read about Prime if you're a newer driver it seems company is the way to go. Take care all!

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Attending CDL school in May at 45 yrs old

Hi Bob, 45 is young. I'm 60. I drove for about 5 years before getting involved in another trade for 20+ years. Now I'm looking to get back to it. This will be the year! Good luck to you!

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