Bourbon, MO
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Rookie Solo Driver
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Started out as an Industrial Education teacher, then to make decent money- worked in Aerospace as a manufacturing specialist in Defense, and then Commercial. Fly Boeing!! As a Veteran activated for Desert Storm 21Jan1991- can’t forget that day- as an Army Reservist didn’t think I’d ever get activated.
Posted: 2 years ago
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Posted: 2 years ago
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This happened to a friend. Right front drive axle. On interstate with guard rail. When he heard the noise and felt it, he looked and saw a wheel(s) high in the air. 2 reasons I’m writing- 1. He was able to control 1 wheel by keeping the wheel between the trailer and guard rail. This wheel then went to right off the road. The other wheel ended in the median. Thankfully neither wheel hit vehicles, or caused any further damage. The flying wheel(s)- All the traffic behind him slowed down. He then called company- (Reason 2)- He said, “What happened; and Please bring me another truck and my truck will be towed. They did this. He then hooked to loaded trailer and delivered. Also he spent a lot of time finding 1 wheel. The wheel hitting guard rail he found right away. The tire in median he could not see as he walked the road. A man driving by saw the wheel; he caught my friends attention and pointed at wheel. Picture of sheared studs follows:
Posted: 2 years, 1 month ago
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Chris W- The video is very good. He brings up the question- “What could I have done?” A friend told me, about my son’s death- Don’t beat yourself up. As I continued talking, she said- See you just did it again; and Do NOT beat yourself up….. Scott/Cfi- good job.
Chris, I can't even imagine what you're going through. I just happened to watch this video the other day. It may be helpful to you. Whatever, you do, you have my best wishes. Video of a trucker's accident story.
Posted: 2 years, 1 month ago
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Talk to others- Therapy. Being alone right now is not the best. Options- 1. Tomorrow morning call to set up Therapy appt- Call your Dr- they can give you names. 2, Call 988- this is aFederal program started a few months ago to help with mental stuff. Call them RIGHT NOW, after you read this. 3. Are you involved with a church, etc- Call the leader/ pastor. Personally I hope you don’t quit trucking. But there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. 4. I believe in prayer. I still talk to Jesus about my sons death, and I do cry. 5. If you want to go to emergency room- DO IT.
Posted: 2 years, 1 month ago
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Chris W. I buried my 37 year old son this past summer. Died from meth-amphetamine. He was a Superintendent. He worked his way up from journeyman carpenter to Super. Besides the management of other carpenters, he was a working Super. At the funeral there were 20-30 carpenters. That was nice. So what, now? Therapy- yes- talk to others. Again- TALK it out. I have a small handful of men I have talked to. It’s good the trooper said- you were in the right. A friend said- You never get over it, but you learn to deal with it. He also said, what he was told after his wife died- You need to move on. I’m sure I’ll always ask myself- What more should I have done to help my son? I recently got my DOT physical. I talked to the Dr about drug use, my son’s death, etc, etc. She said- You’re angry. I said- No I’m way beyond angry, I’m furious. I’m thinking- what can I do to help others? I believe a person needs to be positive about life- and that’s my view. My life view is Jesus (God) is 100% in control and 100% sovereign. My email- Scott12sc@gmail.com. I can write more if you’re interested. BTW, got 2 year Med card- Yeaa!
Posted: 2 years, 2 months ago
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I wrote- taking home $3900/wk… Yes, I am standing by- that this was said publicly at the Prime Inc Friday 8am weekly Facebook safety meeting. Will I provide a link to the you tube meeting were it was said in 2021? I don’t want to dig thru the you tube videos to find this statement. It was during the pandemic recovery. It was not said, at the meeting, how many months this 3900 average was achieved….. I have no desire to create or be involved in a rabbit trail that deviates from x100’s original purpose of this thread. And this is really all I want to contribute on the 3900 issue.
Posted: 2 years, 2 months ago
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To me, if a person wants OTR, Prime would b at the top of the list. The owner clearly is growing the company which is a tremendous opportunity. They just acquired LW Miller, Logan UT. In the past year, or so, the Lease guys were taking home $3900/ wk; and that was the avg, so many guys were making much more. Of course with the Byden Recession, things have slowed. Watch the company meeting 8am on Fridays. QUESTION- Does anyone else have the beautiful HQs/ terminals like Prime, Springfield Mo does?
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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May need help moving on from Roehl
Turtle- Glad you pointed that out for the bad advice.
Stevo- Penalty for manslaughter- A range of four years and six months to 18 years with a median sentence length of 10 years.
I put a piece of aluminum behind the cover blocking the radar.
Yeah, real smart.
Now THERE is evidence for a simple manslaughter conviction.... Even if the accident wasn't your fault.
Completely irresponsible of you to put out advice like that.
Posted: 2 years, 4 months ago
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May need help moving on from Roehl
Uncle- “Just to be clear”. If you decide to buck the system.. IOW to not do what you said by not fulfilling CRST contract..THIS is great. You will now learn the hard way. You’ve gotten great advice by many people. It’ll be interesting what you write a year from now. I’ll make a prophetic statement- “The whole world will now come crashing on your entitled head”.
Posted: 1 year, 10 months ago
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GODD Samaritan law. Will someone post this? Also where it does or does not apply. My understanding, under this law, you are not liable. It’s interesting that the 20 yr Emt will not carry it. One true situation that happened to a law enforcement officer- He stopped an illegal alien, who was driving; the alien got the better of the LEO- he was on top of the Leo who was on the ground, and he was beating him. The Leo was yelling- shoot him. I remember the video but not the outcome. I personally would stop, kick the alien with my heavy Carolina boots, and then if he charged me, I would respond appropriately. ……. Another thing, about drugs/narcan- I buried my meth addict son summer 2022. He was a hands on Construction Superintendent. Yes when I get back into trucking, I will carry narcan, if it’s legal and allowed.