Profile For eagle1976

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    Company Driver In Training

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    9 years, 9 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Anyone here have any experience or know anything about driving for McLane? Generally looking for how they are to work for, I'm aware of the driver unload side of it. Thanks

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Discuss your problems about wrong driver's directions and how to avoid them.

Funny, I'm reading this sitting here waiting to be unloaded, and not trusting the gps I called the 90 and asked for directions. Was told to get off on exit 141 and two lefts. There was no exit 141...and 20 miles to do a u turn. I guess the map is still the only one who doesn't lie lol.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Considering offers - Werner vs. Prime - what's the catch?

I have a lightweight truck, if you're by yourself it isn't bad and the extra money is nice. That being said getting a full size is no problem, simply tell them you plan on having a full time rider with you and they don't make a big deal of it. I know about five people who did it that way ( company drivers).

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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May or Prime Trucking to Start Out

Being in a lightweight myself, it's good for one person when you want the extra cash. You don't want one if there will be two people, just not enough room. And as long as your willing to run, prime will give you the miles.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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How is Henderson trucking?

Just don't tell a Henderson driver that prime owns them know, one of the prime guys made that mistake at a Walmart dc and SHE almost put him down. Pretty comical. For your question, I've run into a lot of Henderson drivers and they all seem happy.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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What Would A Pro Driver Do?

Be careful with state detours. Some will say no trucks allowed, some don't and you find out when your a mile down a two lane pa road and have to back it out. Not really a lot of fun there.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Sorry for the late reply. I'm ageing quickly and as a result I'm starting to forget things I shouldn't.

Being that it's been 7 years since you last drive you'll probably have to start from the bottom. In other words, you're pretty much coming in just like someone who has never driven a truck before- except you have a huge advantage because you used to drive.

It's just been too long for them to offer you a refresher course so I don't see that happening.

Speak to your recruiter and they will tell you exactly what's going on. But my guess is that you're going to have to go through both the PSD/TNT phases.

I went in with class a but no driving in eight years. You have to go thru psd and tnt as if you've never drove. But it's not bad. Find a trainer who has a good rep for rolling and the thirty thousand miles won't take that long. Plus you'll make above the tnt guarantee with someone who wants to run.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Prime Training


It's a good program, I had no complaints. I did get very lucky and had a PSD instructor and a TNT trainer who I got along with very well and am still friends with. Your mileage may vary with that. Any specific questions?


Hi The Dude ,Was the PSD training 2 to 4 weeks? Also did you deliver actual loads during that phase? How long was your TNT training? Were you assigned good equipment when you went solo? Thanks tarheel59

The psd training is 75 hours. Easy to get it in less than two weeks with the right trainer. During psd most trainers will just let you drive to get your hours and practice pti and backing. It will be while delivering loads tho. You'll learn everything else in the tnt phase. So far as trucks prime has nice ones, it's just luck of the draw whether you get a 2013 or a 2016. I got a 2014 but it runs great.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Prime insurance benefits are they expensive?

Most all large companies have good insurance. For a single person with the highest level of coverage will pay in the neighborhood of $55 to $60 a week. Not sure of top coverage for your family.

Primes will be higher. They say they do it because of the high number of people who leave in the first year. I forget the exact numbers but it will cost you twice as much your first year and then reduce.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Cdl permit test HELP!!

So far as hazmat, don't worry about it yet. It isn't required until you become a solo driver.

As for the permit test, when I went through it there were three of us who came in already having our cdl and the week was a peice of cake. We sat for two straight days with nothing to do but drink coffee and talk.

That being said, there were a few who came in and hadn't studied for the permit at all. All but one of them were sent home because they couldn't pass the permit test.

If you can get the permit before you come you'll have a much easier time.

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