Bronx, NY
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Back again...with new problems
Hello Everyone,
It has been some time since I last posted. I am going into my 8th month as a solo driver with Prime and I have come to that point that every driver hates. My truck broke down on me 3 times already and all 3 times has been for the same thing. It a derate problem all 3 lights - check engine, stop engine, engine and the one light on the furl gauge for the def. The tank for the def reads full the code that I get is EEC 061. The has over 290 thousand miles on it this is starting to get to me...for simple reason I am making no money while I sit for the repairs to get done.
I am in Gary,In at the Petro waiting till monday to take the truck over the Frieghtliner shop. I guess I will just wait it out I only have 4 more months to make a year I think..lol I have too check on that with personal..
Any idea on my problem will be helpful and thanks again..
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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This truck has put in over 270,000 miles on it..Is only now starting to break down on me. I am parked at a shipper and I am losing air pressure. Now I have contact road assist let them know on what is going on with this truck..I have made a list of this that is breaking down so far I have 6 items..the last one is a crazy one the speedometer fell into the dash board.. lol...
Trucking you have to love it
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Hey, everyone sorry that I have taken so long to post on here Prime keeps moving all the time.. Well I seen two trailers dropped so far.. One was a Americold in TN, and other one at Tyson in AR. Both was dropped by what looks to me as long time drivers..but I could be wrong. the driver in AR made two big mistakes.. One he did not move his tandems up that it would have made turning easier. From the tight spot that the trailer was in. Second mistake was he did not check too see if his lock jaw was closed all the way around the king pin. When that trailer came off the back of that bob tail it almost smashed into the other trailers in front it.. Or he did not back all the way in.. The other driver in TN my guess is that he thought his trailer was locked in place till he made a hard left turn in the parking lot..or the turn he did in that lot was not a good idea..part of the lot has dip and a speed bump my guess is that he hit one of these making that lest turn and off came the trailer..
That is way my trainer made me check and check and recheck every time I hook up to a trailer. and thank GOD for that..I follow 3 steps of unhooking a trailer and 4 steps on hooking to a trailer.. That's just me other people have other ways..but hey..
So for I have logged over 20,000 miles.. from upstate ny to cali. loving it
bye for now
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Questions about Prime - Lease vs Company Drivers
Does anybody know anything about the 1 man tractors Prime offers? The web page says that Prime pays more if you drive this tractor, that it only has a drivers seat (no passenger) and that the bunk space is smaller.
Any pics of the the two tractors side by side? Are they so small they are claustrophobic (lol) do they have an APU?
just curious, as I am considering Prime, and may not mind doing the smaller rig.
Are they more prone to break downs? Are they governed lower? Are they more prone to being affected by the heavy trailer?
Any insight is appreciated.
I'm pretty sure you're talking about a lightweight truck that only Prime offers. It comes with a passenger seat, but 90% of the drivers take it out for the extra space. So it's technically not just a 1-seat truck.
The short description of them is they basically weigh a lot less than your traditional truck. The bunk is smaller, it doesn't come with any cabinets or storage closets. It's just the front driving area and a bed. They are made with lighter materials. The thing is, these can haul up to 49k of freight, meanwhile I can only haul up to 44k of freight. That's a huge difference to the customer.
They are not more prone to breakdowns, in fact, every single one they have is brand new. They are governed at 57mph.
And they are not more prone to be affected by a heavy trailer. I'm not really sure what you mean by that too be honest. Basically, they can haul *more* weight than the traditional full sized truck.
For pictures just google "Freightliner Cascadia Lightweight Truck" and then google "Freightliner Cascadia Fullsize Truck". You'll immediately notice the difference. The average pay for a rookie is roughly .28cpm, on a lightweight truck the pay is .41cpm. Huge difference financially.... If you can deal with the extremely limited space.
Hey, I drive for Prime and a Freightliner Cascadia Lightweight Truck.. This was offered to me when I finished my over road training.. The company gave me 5 cents more if I was to take it. And I did and let me tell you it better than 26 cent a mile. Plus, we was just given a 1 cent more from the company for having a great year "2012". Yes, the truck is built for one person but you can always have a guest with you for a month. You just have know how to work in a small truck..
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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Need Help setting up Corba 29 LTD Classic
Just bought the corba 29ltd classic and bought two wilson 2000 trucker 3500 watts antennas. Tried to cal it last night but I keep getting a red light on the ant led. The meter keeps going into the red when I check the swr. The only thing left for me to do is try to replace the wire or cut the antenna down to size, I drive a freightliner cascadia.
Almost forgot I am using the truck's wiring for my CB.
Thanks for any help.
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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Second month OTR with Prime inc.
Hey it's great hearing an update from ya!
Well if you're running out of hours then it's safe to say the company is keeping you busy, eh? How do you like things over there so far? Do you have a decent dispatcher? Are you getting some nice runs?
Well, I must say that my fleet manager keeps me moving..just today I had to turn down a load that the weekend manager gave me.. I guess he did not see that my dot was going to end on the 25th. So now I am back at Prime just relaxing till tomorrow when I go see the doctor and get a new med card.. As far as runs go I don't have any problems..they do keep me busy..The crazy thing is that when I came into the lot it was hard to find a parking spot..they must be low on load due to the 4th of july weekend coming up..
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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Second month OTR with Prime inc.
Well, I must say that it's been lots of fun driving over the road..as a solo driver..I had to get used too sleeping in rest area's on ramps, off ramps. At TA's like now..lol I'm a load right now to AR. to a walmart DC center..is a drop and hook..I love it..once drop and pick an empty I head back to HQ for my DOT..it ends on the 25th. It was a good thing that I told my fleet manager he was about to send me to the east cost..so he gave me this load from OH to AR in 2 days..I picked up on the 21st and is due on the 23rd.. I ran hard on my clock on the 21st 10hrs of driving and 6 hrs today..I am only 2 hrs away from making my drop..but it has to be on the day is due..the best thing is I have from midnight tonight till 1130pm sunday to make the drop. Once I get my 11 hrs back at midnight..I will hit the road in the morning about 8am make my drop and head to Prime HQ..and site there for two days to rest my 70 I hope..lol
I am looking forward to the next 10 months here at Prime..I need to be able to drive in the winter once i get passed that and head into spring again..then I can call my self a OTR driver...
Is a shame that out of a class of 35 only 5 of us are left..Once I have a year under my belt I might look for a job closer to home..
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Has anyone here worked for Prime inc
I work for Prime..I have been with them since Nov. 2012 from Nov. to April of this year..I was only a PSD and a second seat driver..Plus you have to keep in mind on the trainer that you might get..some are good and they will help through..but others..are like sharks..talk with the trainer ask questions..feel them out..is best to get one who lives near you are in the same state.. I live in NYC and my trainer lives in Chicago..so home time was a bit of a challenge..But..the most important thing is are you ready for this? This is a life changing event you won't be home till you make it to the end.. And that's being a solo driver and once you but in a month of work in than you can ask your feet manager about home time..it's best to work 4 weeks out and then take the 4 days off..they will work with you..I am looking forward to my home time.. Well good luck and welcome to Prime...
They told me that i can get teamed up after my training is over with. Is that true? My wife knows that i'm going to do this and after we get enough money saved up i'm going send for them to come to Springfield mo to be closer to me
Yes, you can... That is a good thing to do...but keep in mind that your job is on the road and as a team driver you will be all over the 48 states..like I said if you team up with a good driver that also lives in springfield mo..than it will work out just great..
enjoy the ride..
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Has anyone here worked for Prime inc
I work for Prime..I have been with them since Nov. 2012 from Nov. to April of this year..I was only a PSD and a second seat driver..Plus you have to keep in mind on the trainer that you might get..some are good and they will help through..but others..are like sharks..talk with the trainer ask questions..feel them out..is best to get one who lives near you are in the same state.. I live in NYC and my trainer lives in Chicago..so home time was a bit of a challenge..But..the most important thing is are you ready for this? This is a life changing event you won't be home till you make it to the end.. And that's being a solo driver and once you but in a month of work in than you can ask your feet manager about home time..it's best to work 4 weeks out and then take the 4 days off..they will work with you..I am looking forward to my home time.. Well good luck and welcome to Prime...
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Questions about Prime - Lease vs Company Drivers
Hey, I have driven a light weight truck for a year in the refer division. I was paid .35 ct a mile right off the back when I was done with the tnt program. I was given lots of miles and had to deal with lots of pain in the rear location and people. But hey that is part of the job, now I am in the tanker division of Prime getting paid .44 ct a mile. My truck was governed at 59mph with out the cruse control...with cruse control up to 62mph. But the only bad thing about it is that the rpms are also governed so when you hit a hill. You will lose all of your speed and you will have to down shift to 9th or even down to 7th gear... Wish you the best in Prime..