My mom and grandmother (both truckers) told me to beware of black ice. I don't suppose anyone knows of a way to spot it before it becomes trouble or any particular areas where it is prone to show up.
I understand it's called black ice for a reason but...still. Figured I'd ask.
My mom and grandmother (both truckers) told me to beware of black ice. I don't suppose anyone knows of a way to spot it before it becomes trouble or any particular areas where it is prone to show up.
I understand it's called black ice for a reason but...still. Figured I'd ask.
Bridges are prone to black ice first well before it pops up on the road ways so make sure to take it easy on bridges also if you have fog lights keep them on at night if you're on a dry road and the road in front of you looks wet or shines from the fog lights it's usually a good sign of black ice.
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I've been driving for a little while now but just figured i would make this thread some of the experienced guys could drop some suggestions and the rookies ask questions if they have them as well.