Asheville, NC
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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I am very comfortable with who I am, so I have never been reluctant to ask for help or give it when needed. I learned the qualities of friendship and loyalty. I learned that to be a good leader, one must be a good follower and lead by example. Like most people, I have had my fair share of struggles and triumphs. With experience and age has come patience and understanding. I feel that empathy is a very important quality.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center, Fletcher, NC trainging diary
3rd day of 2nd week. st week was classroom and passing permit test. This week. 1st day, backing up every way all day, same 2nd day. today, drove on the highway for 1 1/2 hours. then backing up and uncoupled and coupled trailer. I am exhausted. instructors are great and I am having fun and learning. at 49 yrs old I am exhausted. I am typing this lying down with laptop on my belly prior to slipping into coma.
Maybey its just me, but the instructors at Alliance in Fletcher are GREAT! friendly and really walk you through everything. ya get off track "ok, pull up, try it again." "chase the trailer" "follow it around" "IDLE!" LOL! any way, im fading
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center, Fletcher, NC trainging diary
Day 3 finished lectures on Air brakes, combinations, coupling. Me and my 2 classmates will be taking our exam for our CDL Permit tomorrow! I'm going to crank out some practice tests on CDL Study buddy!
Really psyched! talk to ya later !
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center, Fletcher, NC trainging diary
Ok, I miss spelled Training in the title, I'm tired. spellcheck has killed my spelling.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center, Fletcher, NC trainging diary
See also: Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center Review
So, I have 2 days in the books. The whole staff is very experienced and friendly. The first day was some minimal paperwork, and a trip to the Pardee Hospital clinic for the DOT physical. Like an idiot, I drank 2 Mtn Dew Kickstart energy drink that morning, forgetting about my physical, so I had to chill in a dark room for 15 minute to let my blood pressure drop. I finally got it where it needed to be. (whew) Once I get driving, a nice brisk walk at the end of each day and more fruits and veggies, and I'll be good to go.
My Instructor for the last few days, and perhaps, for the rest of the school is Mr. Beason. He is smart, experienced, and has great style. He keeps it interesting! I am a private student versus the CR England student that share the school with us. I only have 2 classmates! so we will get lots of good training!
I am really enjoying everything, knowing that every soon, I'll be on my way to making money, and becoming a professional trucker.
time for bed!
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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WOW! That is just GREAT!! heartwarming if I may be so bold. Almost brought a tear to my eye. These are tough times for a lot of us, It's nice to see that people still care. Sometimes it seems no one does. very nice indeed!
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I am no expert and I can't disagree that studies can be biased. That aside, cigarette smoke makes confined spaces very uncomfortable. I just pray to Jesus that my trainer is a non-smoker. If not, I'll just grin and bear it like when I was in the Navy. It sucked, but I dealt with it.
bear, BEAR IT! Brett we need spellcheck on here!! LOL
*Bare* ;)
Hey Vamp!! I had to google Southwick, I grew up in Marstons Mills on the Cape. No, I wasn't one of the rich brats from Osterville. Anyway, shout out to a fellow New Englander! I am starting school Dec 7th. Good luck with school!!
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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Ok, there's a Museum for everything
There sure is, here's a few:
the Pez Museum http://www.burlingamepezmuseum.com/
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I was wondering, where do you park your vehicle when your driving, if your a company driver?
Usually - at home.
Unless you live close to where your orientation/training is going to be - you are likely going to be taking "commercial transport" to your initial starting point in the process.
When you get out OTR, and get "home time", you are usually going to bring your rig home - or park it somewhere real close to home (if you can't actually park it at home).
I've been wondering the same thing - as I'll essentially have to "go homeless" for the first year or so (if I ever get my butt out there) - so everything that's not sold or in storage, will be in my vehicle.
From what I hear - most companies have "secure parking" at their terminals. How secure "secure parking" actually is - when leaving your vehicle there for a few weeks - has yet to be determined.
I'd be interested to hear how others have dealt with this - but for the most part - a majority of the folks here, are probably going to be "maintaining a homestead" to go HOME TO - when they enter the industry. I, on the other hand - will not be.
Welp, I'm in exactly the same boat. No home, basically homeless. my training is local to me, I'm going to Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center in Arden, North Carolina, starting this Monday. I'm just thinking after training. I guess I'll be parking in the "secure parking"
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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I was wondering, where do you park your vehicle when your driving, if your a company driver?
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center, Fletcher, NC trainging diary
1st day of my 3rd week. drove and observed all day. Drove through lots of small towns on mountain roads. Lots of down shifting, 90 degree turns. getting the shift pattern and hi/lo switch down pat. feels good. 2 more days before Christmas break. filled out some aps. need to find time to call recruiters back. got my Hard copy of my CDL learners permit today. looks cool! everything moving fast now. So much to do. need to cram in some pre trip inspection study in too. Everything is "Properly mounted and secured" !!!!
Happy Holidays everyone!