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  • Fire-Man
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Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Bad Endings

You really do have to remain vigilant when it comes to keeping a great attitude and not letting the little things get to you. That's why so many veteran drivers are either pleasant as a monk or a bundle of frustration. Over time you either learn to focus on the positives and get better at enjoying each moment out there or you let the negatives pile up and you become miserable and frustrated all the time. I hope people understand that this really is a choice you make each moment of your life. It's not a personality trait you're born with and must live with.

So have fun out there and never stop appreciating how nice you have it. Because a quick swap of lives with almost anyone in the world would be a stunning revelation in how much of a paradise our lives our in this great country and these great times. We're rich, fat, and happy because of all of the struggles and sacrifices the generations that came before us made. Two world wars, a great depression, a holocaust, and a drought of biblical proportions just in the first half of the 20th century alone. And that's what awaited many people who just came off the boats from oversees, broke, unable to communicate, and clueless about how to make it in this land.

I think the better you understand History, even just American History, the more you'll appreciate how lucky we are. The odds of being born a healthy, happy human being in the United States in the 21st century are infinitely small. The opportunity should be enjoyed and appreciated immensely.


Truer words have rarely been spoken!

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Truck vs Motorcycle riding... just curious!

Each require their own kind of concentration, but I think you already answered your own question. Driving a commercial truck carries way more responsibility, and requires more concentration - it's also a different kind of concentration. When riding my motorcycle, I'm aware and concerned enough to make sure somebody doesn't kill ME - it's more self-preservation, from other motorists and even those blasted small animals crossing a country road that could send you airborne if you hit them right. With a commercial truck, you're concerned about others' safety, your own safety, and the responsibility of handling your company's load - not to mention being sure to obey all the numerous laws that come with handling a commercial vehicle.

Riding a bike requires you to be more aware than probably other motorists, so on that note, you may already be at least more conscientious than your typical steering wheel holder.

I wholeheartedly agree with the above. Driving a truck requires far more concentration, and overall skill, than riding a bike. You can generally get out of, or stay out of, trouble on a bike than you can in a truck. This alone reduces the stress and concentration required while riding. When riding I am, as previously mentioned, more concerned with things that can hurt me rather than what my actions or inattentiveness can do to myself and others. I will say that riding, IMHO, safer for me than driving a car... far fewer distractions.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Slight change in plans

I personally think things happen for a reason and I admire the fact you are conscientious enough to not leave others in a difficult position. It shows much about your character and professionalism and Prime will be lucky to have you when you do start!

I'll second that...not many people show that amount of maturity and intestinal fortitude. Great job and good luck!

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Roehl driver training from start to end.....


Great the responses you have received you have a train full of interested followers. You have certainly caught the essence, in words, of your world, as a student and rookie driver. That takes talent and in your circumstances - extraordinary effort. If you choose to continue down this road you will certainly find that your train of followers will continue to grow as we wait with baited breath ;-) for the next installment. I wish you continued success on your journey!



Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Interview with TWT

I was wondering if anyone has current information on TWT? If hired, I would be working out of the Gaston, SC terminal.

Thanks in advance,


Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Broke Down In The Hammer Lane

It's funny you mentioned how angry people were. When that happened I had been driving for many years and I knew people were going to freak out. It's a Friday, people are more anxious than ever to get home, and I've got em blocked up entirely. So what I did immediately when it happened was climb out of the truck, lock it, and walked just a short distance away to a group of people that didn't see me get out. So they had no idea I was the driver. I sat around complaining with the mob about how my evening was going to be ruined if they didn't get that stupid truck out of the way!

Now that is funny...thanks for the belly laugh!rofl-2.gif

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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I need some advice on how to handle this........

alright here's my story in a nutshell. I went to swift academy in Tennessee , everything went great passed all my test, got hired on and was out with my mentor entering into my second week with him. Previously several months ago when I filled out my application, under the question have u ever smoked marijuana I replied no. Later while with my mentor I made a remark (jokingly) that I wish I had some weed to settle my nerves while driving ( it was a joke, and I was new..there big trucks people) The next day my mentor told our driver manager about the remark and she told the terminal manager, and they pulled me in the office to ask me about it. While talking to the tm I was also on a conference call from someone from corporate and they asked me if I had ever in my life smoked marijuana and I told them the truth yeah I have. They asked if id b willing to take a **** test and have my belonging searched and I consented and said that was fine. After deciding to have me not take the test or have me searched they ended up firing me for falsifying my application. This all happened last week, and since than I have filled out numerous applications for a new job, but when I tell them what happened at swift they all tell me they cant help me. Can anyone please tell me what to do next, I don't do drugs, I don't even know why I would put that I hadn't ( other than its not something I like to brag about) but I did. What can I do from here on out I have three little girls to take care of, and now these companies think of me as a pile of **** for this... Idk what to do help me out someone thanks and God Bless

Pardner, you might be up the proverbial creek without a paddle but stick with the truth. I would seek smaller companies or a loading dock job to prove yourself to an employer. Maybe from there you can re-launch the driving career.

Good Luck

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Refer, Van, Flat,???

I'm a flat bed fan myself. I've pulled tankers and flatbeds in the Army but prefer flatbed. The scenery changes; in the rear view, its not a box or cylinder on wheels; and out the front window you are not always headed into a yard with docks. <<<< important if repetition does not do it for you. :-)

But really, why do I prefer flats; its about the variety of loads and the challenge of doing different things in different places. dancing-banana.gif

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Well, I did it.....

Please wish me luck, I really need to find a night job and it's going to be tough enough as it is, if anyone has any ideas feel free to post them I don't know how to private message on here yet

good-luck.gif and stay off that end of Broadway at night...too early in your new career to find out there are Lot Lizards there as well.


Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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Question about South Carolina CDL

Just got back from the DMV.. and yes I have to do school here. I got signed up for TDI in Richburg and WIA and unemployment is paying for it. I really enjoyed my time in INDY however maybe this might be better suited for me.. I have to do what is required of me.

I live in SC by the way :-)

Anyways, you are telling me, of course anything here is possible, that if someone transplanted here with a valid CDL they have merely have to do a little paperwork and pay the fee. Yet, a resident that comes back home with a valid CDL must go through training before they can get an SC CDL? Something sounds off here -but of course we are in SC.

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