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Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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Hey so I'm just wondering. I'm about to leave the company I'm at for a local schneider gig. I just want to know what they expect on the road test? I float gears all day and don't really double clutch. Think that might be an issue?
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Sprouts in Arizona, no touch freight. Go in at 1 am every morning.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Hey guys, I was offered a local gig with Schneider running for a grocery store. They told me guys are making around 900 weekly. I'm wondering if anyone can give me some input off Schneider? Do the trucks have anything inside of them? Is the pay really decent? Not sue if I should make the switch or not.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Hey guys, just curious what the daycab guys drive for hours? I've been running a daycab for quite a while now, I was doing 8am till 8pm. I just switched over to 4am to 4pm in hopes that I will get a little more freight. Smart choice? I hate getting home so late especially living in Phoenix, traffic is awful in the morning so I'm hoping the new shift isn't so bad.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Maybe I'm just losing it, but I find it so incredibly difficult to back up a daycab. I used to back up my t680 sleeper into the craziest docks off the sides of busy streets like it was nothing. Now they got me in a daycab and I can barely back onto a dock with hundreds of feet of space. Is it just me or do other people have this issue?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I was actually interested in the lightweight one lol, what's the deal with that one?
...but like Biscuit says, that's ne regional, there may be other positions that vary on home time, depending on where you live. My $0.02, if you do go with Schneider I would try to avoid being assigned one of their 'lightweight solutions' trucks (which they also call 'heavy haul'). If you sign up for ne regional they may try to switch you over by telling you that's the only truck available.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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How many days do you get at home weekly 1?
I do ne regional for Schneider and they get me home on time every week, with like 2 exceptions in the 7 months i've been doing it. And one of those was my fault for not watching my 70 hour clock.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I'd like to get some experiences if I may. I'm currently about to move back up to New England from the southwest. Jb Hunt offered me a daycab spot out of Brattleboro VT but I'm also looking at doing regional for Schneider until their intermodal near my house opens back up. I'm not sure which option would be best, I know the Jb account has been open for over a year which kinda says something. How is the home time with Schneider? The regional says home weekly, but who knows. This decision is beyond stressing me out, not sure what to do at this point. I've read every single review possible.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Just wondering if anyone has experience driving in Europe? I'm looking to make that move eventually, just wondering how difficult it might be as far as license switch, finding a job and things like that. No specific country, I'm pretty open as to where I am looking to move. I was checking out Belarus, or maybe Netherlands. Thanks!
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Level 2 inspection violation
Hey guys so I was running up in the mountains today. I was 12 miles from my destination when I noticed my mudflap started hanging loose. I had nowhere safe to pull over and take a look so I had to keep going. Well I got super lucky and a highway patrol pulled me over and gave me a level 2. He was nice but wrote the mudflap on the inspection. No citation just said to have it fixed and mail the paper in within 15 days. I asked him if my company doesn’t do it in time will it affect me and he said NO it goes on their CSA not mine. My DM said nothing will go against me too. But I just find that hard to believe. Am I all anxious over nothing? I feel stupid for not just pulling off on the side of the highway for a quick fix but I guess an inspection is better than causing an accident or worse...