Profile For MC1371

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    Rochester, MN

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    Experienced Driver

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Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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Back on the road!

Well, the up's would be being active and productive again. Not to mention just getting out of the house! Seriously, not to whine too much but the first few months just sucked. Couldn't do anything. Just walking around the house was a process.

Current negative issues. Just getting back in driving shape (650mi runs are fun but murder on the joints). Then the added joy of replacing equipment and the like. Everything from safety vest, T.V., C.B., blankets, pillows etc etc. You get the idea.

All in all not bad and I have a renewed dedication to fitness and diet.

Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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Do local drivers of trailer trucks make the most money?

As a general rule, the closer to home you stay, the safer the load and the easier to drive the less money you make.

As always there are exceptions but if you're just driving a box truck around town you're looking at hourly pay between $15-$22 an hour.

Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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Back on the road!

Well after almost a full year parked I'm back on the road! Two vertebrae compression fractures, assorted bumps bruises etc. Lots of physical therapy, kyphoplasty and here we are. 1st week back and over 2500 logged!

Now to the how... An excellent example of how even the most innocuous of actions can grab you. I choked on a drink of coffee... That's it, pulled a swig, went down the wrong pipe, blacked out for a moment and my life took a serious turn. ***Nobody other than myself was injured in the accident!



Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Friday Short Haul - International Roadcheck 2021, Nikola hydrogen deal, OOIDA wants truck stop vaccines

Nikola? Weren't they basically busted for "fraud" Their rolling video was of an unpowered truck rolling down a hill. And their press model was basically a cobbled together model that was plugged into an external source to make the lights work.

**Note, I'm not anti alt tech/fuels but last I'd heard GM basically cut these guys off.

Posted:  4 years, 3 months ago

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Help me find my forever trucking home

Without knowing you personally and your goals/desires almost impossible for anyone to give you a realistic recommendation.

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Thank you!!! Been looking for that chart for awhile

Posted:  4 years, 12 months ago

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Friday Short Haul - Millennials and trucking, Truckers Christmas Group, Navistar settlement

Obviously Kearney, is an out of touch imbicile. Someone sold him the bill of goods on the simulator and he thinks it's a game changer.

Wrong! Simulators are nice toys, and a safe way to throw some scenarios at drivers as a training aid. But they definitely should not be even considered in a recruiting pitch.

1. Money. 2. Lifestyle and how it can put more money in your pocket. 3. Company culture. *Not a number, dispatch/DM knows your name. Not left out in the cold "waiting on the word". 4. Options. Local, LTL, Regional, OTR in the house. 5. Realistic home time for new drivers.

Tell the truth. If recruiting new drivers, have a plan, show them the plan.

*Not picking on any specific carrier! Ads that say earn up to $98k per yr. $10k hiring bonus are usually fantasy numbers.

Actually have a driver development plan, show it to new potential hires. If you do XY and Z, you should be able to make minimum of $xx.xx.

A millenial much less an Gen X, is not going to be impressed with a truck simulator that looks like its running on a PS2.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Drivers who speed up when you Pass


*Annoying is driving a 75mph truck behind a 65mph truck passing a 64.5mph truck.


Annoying to you perhaps, but the 65mph truck has just as much of a right to pass as anyone else. The 75mph truck isn't entitled to any special treatment. If you let that kind of stuff get to you, you're in the wrong business.

Apologies you misread my "Annoyance" Think more of a sigh of resignation...

When they're done I'll be back on my merry way without a second thought.

Truly annoyed is reserved for governed trucks blitzing through construction zones. (Think I-39 in Wisc). Or any other reduced speed zone where they think they're getting somewhere faster. Hey it's their ticket and points so more power to them. 9 times out of ten I'll run them down a few miles later anyways.

BTW been awhile since I've been here. Not trying to come across as "SuperTrucker". I learned plenty of patience when I started and found it much more relaxing to chill at 63/64 in the average not that big a difference on the miles you could pull in a day. Faster trucks really only matter in the midwest/west (CA,OR,WA,MT excluded). Then putting down an extra hundred miles in the day means another 1.5 hours saved.

Posted:  5 years, 1 month ago

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Drivers who speed up when you Pass

It's not always a conscious decision. Lots of fleets with 65 governors on them. They lock it in and forget it. Now depending on load and road grade theyll yoyo up and down. Back when I was driving for a mega it was easier and less stressful to lock at 63 and just let everyone pass.

*Annoying is driving a 75mph truck behind a 65mph truck passing a 64.5mph truck.

And has been discussed repeatedly. If you're in the right lane and have a creeper trying to pass. Back off and let them go.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Do Real Truckers Drive Automatic Transmissions? - article by Old School

I'm on board with autos as well now. As a regular in the Chicago area its brought my stress and exhaustion levels way down.

The one thing I was concerned about I figured out how to do this past winter. *Rocking out of an ice/snow patch. (Its a slower, methodical process than using manual.)

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