Comments By Dave D. avatar
  • Dave D.
  • Joined:
  • 11 years, 6 months ago
  • Comments:
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Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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New Truck Driver Career Decisions

Dave I sure hope I didn't steal your seat. That would suck. Kim didn't say why she just asked if I could be there Monday. I sure hope your there Monday morning. Be great to have 1/3 the class from here. Dave I'm going to the 3 week cdl course in Marshfield. I'm thinking you already have your CDL and are going to phase 1 orientation. Those are done on site.

Ahhh well its all good I picked up my License today from DMV though its a paper temp until they can get my plastic one and yes I'm going into Phase 1 orientation in Appleton providing my med stuff clears. Yay you didn't take my seat lol.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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New Truck Driver Career Decisions

I've been with Roehl since April, and went through their RDTC. It's a great school. You guys will love the training you get there. I think Roehl is a fantastic starter company. I'm on the van national fleet and making pretty solid money. Good luck!

Hi Scott, I'm going for Reefer National Fleet myself I'm very anxious to learning all they can teach me and then using that knowledge to be a productive member of the fleet.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Changed the font


All of the i's and t's are bold font rest seems the same


ugh.....this ain't lookin good. I was hopeful for this font but it's starting to look like it has too many issues. Bummer.


I keep getting a recommended for you box in lower right corner, THAT , I do not like as it reopens everytime I switch screen from Reply to thread list


That shows on every page. It should stay in the bottom right hand corner and out of the way.

I've never had the little box in corner before today, I'm using Mozilla Firefox so maybe its my stuff and not yours.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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New Truck Driver Career Decisions

Guys I'm so excited right now. I just got a call from my recruiter. She said she just got my physical back and everything was good, she just needed to finalize a start date. I told her I was free and open to whatever they had available. Her response was ok, well then be here Monday morning ready to go to work. I was stunned and said this Monday. She said yes, they have 1 seat open and it's mine. So I'll finish all the little stuff and hit the road Saturday for Wisconsin.

Hey thats awesome you going to the Appleton Yard? I have my ROEHL recruiter Kodie holding the last seat for me, I wonder if you got the seat she thought she had for me... I'm waiting for their MRO to approve my Cardio results and I should be there, if not there possibly Gary, Indiana. I learned from my recruiter that Gary Indiana is where they do Orientation for their Flatbed drivers normally, but they can probably get me in if they have to.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Changed the font

All of the i's and t's are bold font rest seems the same, not complaining, just different also I keep getting a recommended for you box in lower right corner, THAT , I do not like as it reopens everytime I switch screen from Reply to thread list

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Tractor Amenities

Here is a link I use to get general info then I go exploring the listed Mfr websites directly to get more info/specs. Hope its useful to you.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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OTR - Sundays & Church

I got blown past Elk Mountain last January, does that count? rofl-1.gif

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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dancing-banana.gif So I passed my Pre-trip, Backing exercises, AND Road Test!!!thank-you-2.gif Thank you to all you guys and your supportdancing-dog.gif So I'm minding my business and driving thru some unusually heavy Traffic in Hudson, NH and while sitting at a light I look into my rear view mirror and watch this green Subaru approaching my rear end far too fast, I see the driver look up, grip the steering wheel like a vice and go all bug-eyed as she realizes the same. I let up on my brake a bit cuz I have 12 ft to the car in front of me and maybe it'll be enough room for her to stop in time.....newp So she said she was at fault, the officer was there and acknowledged she said so. NH is not a no fault state (Thank GOD)but now I have a reportable accident on my pristine driving record, I need to tell my recruiter at Roehl about it, but what are the possible ramifications? other than that what a glorious day.dancing.gifthank-you.gifdancing.gifrofl-3.gif

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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DEER SEASON! Truck drivers, have you hit one yet?

Southern Colorado ...well most of Colorado has big mule deer as well as ELK now those will leave a mark a few moose but not usually near roadways. Twilight and just before dawn are when they are most active, I look outside marker posts for a pair of green dots myself not sure if I'm doing it right but its what I do. 160 from Walsenburg to Cortez the Elk are particularly active during the rut.

Posted:  11 years, 3 months ago

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Ahhh Shucks, Brett...Its hard to make a crusty old Lady Trucker blush embarrassed.gif Being on TT has been more than "something to do". When I was on the road, I used to think there was no help for the trucking industry....And now I know there is !! Its not trying to change the industry, its all about CHANGING THE TRUCKERS going into the industry. And i'm proud to say, that I truly enjoy guiding and imparting any wisdom that I have gleaned from to the road to whomever is listening. With todays economy, Trucking has become a haven for older people who can't get a "regular" job..I know, they say that there isn't age discrimination...well let me tell you, its out there and alive and well in the job market. And for women who can't make a living waiting tables, or cashiering a WM..theres is another choice. And we have the privilege to help mold the new truckers going out on our highways, to make them a professional driver, not just a "trucker". I, like the other contributors here on TT take that job seriously...and we have fun doing it !!! SO truck on TT...we are here for the long haul.

I can only speak for myself, but I am REALLY glad Brett has managed to attract all of you "seasoned" drivers to this site. I appreciate the support, the behind the scenes, and first hand experiences of all of the moderators, new and old have comments that have been insighful, and encouraging, this type of forum simply isn't found in public forums anymore and I hope it always will continue to remain as such. Heck maybe one day I'll be able to add my 2 cents with someone else thinking the same way about me. I test for second time this Sat the 26th, I will not repeat past mistakes and God-willing I will be testing for my endorsements and getting my CDL in hand next week.

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