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Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Maiden voyage....done!

I have successfully completed my very first solo run! It's amazing that one can be enveloped in training for four-five months and, when off on their own, they appear to either seemingly forget everything they've learned, or continually second guess each and everything little thing that happens! Yes, that was me all day yesterday and last night!! However, I safely and on time delivered the product! Kinda makes ya feel good!! Now I'm jonesing for my next load....BRING IT ON!!!


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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I love lunch breaks... what are you having or had for your lunch? Any pics?

Just had a Starkist gourmet select Thai Style tuna with crackers and water to drink. Just got my truck and haven't had the chance to install a fridge or microwave. Plus, I'm still sitting at my receiver, waiting on my next load...didn't want to start my clock by heading off to a truck stop...

I think I'll grab some peanut butter with honey as a dessert!! Can't wait until my truck is set up for cooking!!


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Prime inc Springfield CDL training 3/6/2017 female student

Alright Kori!!! Sounds like you're putting the guys to shame and that's awesome! It is so cool to read someone else's diary and be able to visualize where they are, what they are doing, who they are talking to... Thank you for sharing! Keep up the fantastic work and keep us updated as you can!


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Prime Inc. CDL training. Springfield, Missouri


I'm in Pittston ready to finally upgrade, myself! They told my trainer they were out of trucks in Springfield, but that they did have trucks in Pittston, and, because our last load was only an hour away from there, we might want to head there for my upgrade. Unfortunately, no one will be in until Monday (even though we were told they do upgrades 7 days a week). So I'm just chilling in the hotel room for a couple of days, then I'll hopefully have some really good news! So glad you got a new one. If you don't like it, I might be up for a trade!!


Keep on keeping on brother! How to run into you soon... Figuratively, not literally!!


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Prime PSD Springfield MO 02/20/17

Patrick.... Thanks for keeping everyone updated! I really love reading these diaries because they help me reminisce my experiences. Even though I started only 3 1/2 months ago, it seems like an eternity past. It sounds like you are knocking this one outta the park! Congrats on that! Maybe one day the stars will align just right and all us Primates on here will get to meet up at a terminal. Would like to meet with you, turtle, miss mioshi , etc. No, I didn't forget Rainy. I had the honor of meeting her and having dinner with her and a few others while waiting for my PSD trainer. And no, I never got locked up in her dungeon! Keep up the great forward progress my friend! Looking forward to hearing more!


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Making the Jump



Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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So it begins!

Congratulations on your choice!!


One bit of advice... Study hard and often. With that said, relax, trust the process, don't put extra pressure on yourself about passing everything/shifting/backing/ etc (like I did). You'll do great... Just have fun!

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Update on my life

Happy anniversary of your escape through the birth canal!!


And Tractor Man is right...YOUNGSTER!!


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Dash cam?

I was hoping to find a dash cam with a remote where I could tap the remote and the camera would record, say from 30 seconds prior, until I stop it, then archive that footage and continue to record. I ran through a "dust devil" in Arizona, only instead of dust, it was full of tumble weeds... Was pretty awesome! Would have loved to have gotten some footage of that. Would just like to have the ability to quick record things that happen during driving without having to scrub through hours and hours of boring, endless highway. Anyone know of such an animal?


Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Having trouble making up my mind...

I'm currently finishing up my TnT with Prime. I've been told by many that you have the option to go with a light weight or a condo. As my wife will be joining me on the road, I'll be asking for the condo. You shouldn't have any problem asking for a condo. I'm sure Rainy will come in with her wisdom in this momentarily....

And congrats! I'm 61 and having the time of my life! God bless and God Speed!!


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