Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Today was a million times better. I started off on the wrong foot because I was over thinking again. I know the turns, there was no reason to get frustrated so I started singing to myself, so I could only think about the basics. It helped a lot! Went on to mail the left and right offsets over and over.
Started on the alley dock, got it a couple times but basically got the idea so I'm off to a good start with it.
He wants to run a load tomorrow so it's about to get real. I'm excited but cautiously optimistic. I'm ready to learn.
Posted: 6 years ago
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That's awesome man. Love how good so many of my classmates are doing.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Whew, today was, meh.
We worked on straight backing and then offsets. I got the offsets the second or third time and then suddenly my brain decided to crash and I got worse and worse.
Tonight I'll be going over the points and start tomorrow clear minded. Gotta get out of my brain!
Might do a local run tomorrow weather permitting as well. Either way, this is it, gotta get it together and I shall.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Awesome dude, told you it would be today! I had a fantastic day with a fantastic trainer!
Awesome! Excited for us all.
Yay us.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Gonna catch up with him tomorrow to see what's next. Got to watch his current trainee practice backing for his test tomorrow. Good stuff.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Hey everyone....
Posted: 6 years ago
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Mistakenly took one of my wife Adderall thinking it was one of my aspirants. Failed drug test.
"I swear I don't smoke at all! I was just in a room someone was smoking in!"
Posted: 6 years ago
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It just comes natural to me. Those years of pulling lawn equipment paid off.
Good for you, previous knowledge on how a trailer turns is a huge advantage. Lots of us have no concept of that so natural talent has little to do with it. Those struggling probably didn't spend years backing any trailer.
Good luck to you.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Are you backing in a reefer or FB?
It was a flatbed but that was because they just put me on any truck not having a trainer. It'll be reefee but that does help.
I go over pretrip whenever I can. I'm getting to the point I can visualize and do it in my head. Learning names of parts takes time, as a non mechanical person it just takes time and practice. Knowing the names feels important to me beyond just passing a test. I want to know why I'm looking for something not just what I'm looking for.
Everything with this job takes skill. Some things will be harder than others but it's up to me to find a way to learn, otherwise it's not for me. The rules shouldn't change to make it easier to gain more workers. Especially gaining less qualified workers.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO
Yeah I understand, which is why I distracted my brain a little. On the pad it's just about points. Learning how to guide the trailer is starting to come to me which is pretty cool.