Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO

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Britton's Comment
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Howdy! I started a thread in General last week asking for some advice about starting Prime training and it was very helpful so thanks for that!

I am not 100% sure of my start day but I suspect it to be next week or the following so I am jumping the gun a little bit but I thought it would be nice to start the diary and give some information on myself. I am no one special though I may be a little different than most truckers so my perspective may help.

The main thing that makes me different, I would assume, is that I am a vegetarian (pause for jokes), about ten years now, and I know that will be a unique challenge for me. The research I have done however, will help me understand what I need to do to keep myself fed. Specifically being prepared and planning ahead of time. SO, if there any current vegetarians on here I would love to chat, or for future ones I hope to be of help. To the meat eaters, keep your thoughts to yourself, my lack of protein has drained my patience. I kid, maybe.

I'm 32 years old, I have been married 11 years and we have three children. I know there are many of us in the industry with a family so the challenges that come along with it will be a part of my story as well. I'm sure everyone here has stories to share, having kids or not, because most of us have someone at home we all miss.

Other than that I plan on making videos because I imagine it will be fun to do and will hopefully give a more personal story for those interested in Prime and trucking in general.

Anyway! I'll update as soon as I have my training date, should get that soon, as the rest of the pre-training process is done. Look for a video soon if you're interested.

ALSO, anyone going to Prime next week? How cool would it be to have some other folks in videos? Would love that. Anyway, update y'all later.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Turtle's Comment
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Looking forward to watching you progress. Good luck and definitely try to keep us up to date.

Britton's Comment
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Looking forward to watching you progress. Good luck and definitely try to keep us up to date.


Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Word of advice....keep the videos professional and dont be stupid about them. Sssooooo many people make videos and do things that get then sent home. chick filmed the video from the top bunk while the trainer was driving. that is a huge no no. Another talked about how he didnt expect to pass the drug test, and prime never found out about a failed test he took years ago. the best filmed while driving and staring into the phone not looking at the road at all.

profanity has gotten people fired. Prime hates profanity.

the head of training class "there are some we are really proud of and some that are totally embarassing." be sure which you want to be.

its one of the reasons i never put trucking on my blog or youtube channel

good luck!!!.

Michael S.'s Comment
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ALSO, anyone going to Prime next week? How cool would it be to have some other folks in videos? Would love that. Anyway, update y'all later.

I'm starting Prime in Sprimo January 28th

Britton's Comment
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FOR SURE. I 100% understand how some folks are on social media and I'm not looking to dirty the name of a company giving me this chance. I appreciate the comment about filming in the bunk, would not have thought about that one. I can assure you I'll be posting helpful stuff, my own issues aren't meant for the world to see.

Plans have changed slightly as well. After talking to Dustin, who has been awesome, once my fee is locked in I'll be scheduled to go to Pittston for training instead on the 4th next month. It's closer and I'd be waiting for the 28th to head to MO anyway.

I'll post my video soon so you can get an idea how I plan on sharing my experience. I'll be sure to keep an editorial mindset when editing my videos and keep nonsense to myself or with company as it should be.

And good luck Michael!

Jason's Comment
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Getting on the bus late tomorrow; starting Orientation on January 21.

Recruiter created a little crisis today asking about the medical card and my permit (after telling me repeatedly in the past that I have to retest, etc in Sprimo). I got my learners in GA before I applied (to show genuine interest in this path). He seemingly forgot I was headed to MO?!

Not the most audacious start; but he did warn last month that January was going to be 'crazy' busy.


Drive-A-Check Report

A truck drivers DAC report will contain detailed information about their job history of the last 10 years as a CDL driver (as required by the DOT).

It may also contain your criminal history, drug test results, DOT infractions and accident history. The program is strictly voluntary from a company standpoint, but most of the medium-to-large carriers will participate.

Most trucking companies use DAC reports as part of their hiring and background check process. It is extremely important that drivers verify that the information contained in it is correct, and have it fixed if it's not.

Britton's Comment
member avatar

Getting on the bus late tomorrow; starting Orientation on January 21.

Recruiter created a little crisis today asking about the medical card and my permit (after telling me repeatedly in the past that I have to retest, etc in Sprimo). I got my learners in GA before I applied (to show genuine interest in this path). He seemingly forgot I was headed to MO?!

Not the most audacious start; but he did warn last month that January was going to be 'crazy' busy.

Hey, at least you know you will be able to pass that test! Bummer paying double though. All things considered, it's a minor bump and the fact you showed initiative is great. Just keep trucking ahead with that same attitude and you'll do great.


Drive-A-Check Report

A truck drivers DAC report will contain detailed information about their job history of the last 10 years as a CDL driver (as required by the DOT).

It may also contain your criminal history, drug test results, DOT infractions and accident history. The program is strictly voluntary from a company standpoint, but most of the medium-to-large carriers will participate.

Most trucking companies use DAC reports as part of their hiring and background check process. It is extremely important that drivers verify that the information contained in it is correct, and have it fixed if it's not.

Jason's Comment
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Day 2 about to begin. Lost two people yesterday. Bad background check discovered after he’d made the bus trip (which really sucks by the way... to arrive only to be told to leave) and someone else tried to cheat the drug screen. It’s been a little crazy. Last week major water break forced Prime to relocate the entire hotel for two days. The break was under C4 which is the main computer lab... so we’re all limited to a dozen PC’s for CBT... for 90+ that’s rough. Thankfully a few of us have our own. I managed to get drug test, physical, and file review done. Not everyone was so lucky.

Permit test, CBTs, and Simulation training today. Haven’t met the author of this post yet; not knowingly. I’m in Group 2; D Sim group. (Because C-4 is unavailable...they had to split us up; next biggest classroom only holds 55).


Operating While Intoxicated

Britton's Comment
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Haven’t met the author of this post yet; not knowingly. I’m in Group 2; D Sim group. (Because C-4 is unavailable...they had to split us up; next biggest classroom only holds 55).

I haven't started yet. My class date had changed a couple times. Was scheduled for Springfield, then pittston but they ended up being full, so now I'm heading to Springfield on the 28th.


Operating While Intoxicated

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