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  • Buttercup
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Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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So, I can't get the parallel or alley dock

We're going off gap between the landing n mudflap. Larger gap and im too close to the near side cone. Smaller gap and I'm too far out.

Well I'm not sure about what you have been told about alley dock, but for me all I did was put the landing gear post in the middle of my mirror and then I just worked it back slowly until I had it in place

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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So, I can't get the parallel or alley dock

Been at Prime for 2 weeks now and my trainer feels my pre trip and driving is good enough to test. We spent 5 hours backing yesterday (straight back and offset are no poblem). Alley dock and parallel park have me so frustrated though. I can't get it. No matter what I do. Mostly, I can't seem to 'see the solution' to fixing it when I mess up.

This is quite literally the hardest thing I'be done in my entire working life. I don't know if I'm looking for advice or what. I guess I'm just discouraged and not sure what I can do to make things less frustrating. 🙁

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Do Any Of You Get Up This Way?

I don't hike much anymore, since I'm wwayy out of shape. Rattlesnake in willsboro is a pretty, but easy hike. As is silver lake mountain. Shorter drives than the high peaks area.

I sold my canoe a few years back but that said, I have friends who hike and play in the water pretty frequently. I can ask them if they would like company, be ready to do one of the 46 though 😂. I guess Giant isn't too bad, either.

There's also the 'Gulf unique area' in mooers which I guess once served as a moonshine run between the states and canada. Supposedly there's a waterfall and its a short 3 mile walk. I brought my niece up last year but the bugs just about carried us away so we turned back.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Do Any Of You Get Up This Way?

I'm 10 minutes from Peru and moved out of that district a year ago. I went to Peru Elementary school. haha. If you need anything, feel free to contact me!

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Anyone go into Trucking from career burnout?

I'm in the automotive industry now. I used to be so in love with my job. Working in fixed ops has it's stresses and challenges, for sure. Sometimes, I think it's just me. I'm not a good fit for my current job. I guess I was bound to figure it out eventually.

Yes, I retired and sold my business almost 10 years ago. I got burned out ...... from being retired. Like others here, I too had always liked the thought of trucking and as an added bonus, getting paid a decent amount to do it. I am in CDL school and my instructor is several years younger than me yet was a 39 year veteran of the Industry. I have no trouble listening nor staying awake in his class but see some twenty somethings classmates dozing off and staring blankly at the walls. He calls them out nicely about that .... but I think I can sense a possible failure in their career choice as I know not being alert and aware is a recipe for disaster in this business.


Just curious. The actual reason I started looking at this seriously, was what I felt was impending job burnout. Some 16 years after I started in this industry, I feel like it's time to close the book. Not just the chapter. The whole darn book. At one point I was somewhat revived by a promotion to management, but ultimately in my gut I know it's time. It's bittersweet for me. So many years I spent sponging up as much information as possible.


Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Anyone go into Trucking from career burnout?

Just curious. The actual reason I started looking at this seriously, was what I felt was impending job burnout. Some 16 years after I started in this industry, I feel like it's time to close the book. Not just the chapter. The whole darn book. At one point I was somewhat revived by a promotion to management, but ultimately in my gut I know it's time. It's bittersweet for me. So many years I spent sponging up as much information as possible.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Ketogenic diet / Low Carb diet and Trucking

I did weight watchers for a long time and did fairly well on it. I still struggled a bit with weight loss, my doctor suggested a diet based around less grain and more 'whole food' type items. I have a family history of diabetes and heart disease and he felt cutting out starches and sugars was a good idea. His suggestion was more towards a Mediterranean style diet, but I tend to shy away from grocery store fish. Weight watchers was great, but harder for me to maintain. With the keto diet, I rarely worry about calories and as long as my choice is 'healthy' I don't fret much. I still avoid the processed meat. And I don't follow it strictly. If I feel like having an apple, I eat an apple. lol I just don't view pastries and pasta as part of my meal options.

I would recommend Weight Watchers to anyone who has the discipline to track what they eat. Unfortunately, it feels like work to me. Work that I don't like haha. I remember when they had the 'core' plan, it was very much like keto in the whole food aspect. That was my plan of choice until they discontinued it.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Ketogenic diet / Low Carb diet and Trucking

Perfect, thanks for the responses! I have gained a few lbs back since stopping. I'm going to go back to it. Glad to see there are others who are able to truck and do well with it. Now if only I could get an avocado

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Ketogenic diet / Low Carb diet and Trucking

Does anyone follow a Low carb or ketogenic diet? I have followed a ketogenic diet for about a year now, on and off. I lost about 40lbs. Felt great. It's a high fat low carb moderate protein diet. Not the high protein atkins diet. I stopped because I read stories about people failing breathalyzers or ketones in urine suggesting health problems...etc etc. and once I knew I wanted to get into Trucking I was afraid that, my luck, I would end up one of those handfuls that have a bad experience due to the diet itself.

Just wondering if anyone else follows that way of eating? I miss it and how good I felt (plus I love avocados, so, there's that).

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Game: How many Springfields have you been to?

When I first saw companies offering training in "Springfield" I thought immediately of Massachusetts. Hey they have tons of dog shows there... And the only other springfield I know is in VT. Turns out, no CDL facilities in those towns. Well, shoot.

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