Comments By Jerry D. avatar
  • Jerry D.
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Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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How did you learn to drive

Yeah I went back and was just reasing they will even take you with a CDL permit. Its pretty muck what you expect but its a way to get the needed experience. I know I'm not stopping until I'm driving a truck. I also have been told to check with cola companies and beer and other food stuff. That they may have similar programs. I really want to go to school in just looming at other routes to reach my goal. Ivebeen turned down by more than a few companies due to my license being expired for a short period this year and my 2011 felony for forgery. Millis seems to be ok with it. Id just have to wait until january

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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How did you learn to drive

Its a company in Houston a food service they deliver frozen goods. They have a training program for inexperienced drivers. Its not OTR you have a partner. Home daily not great pay but its a foot in the door and experience. I value yalls advice tho. I'm really hoping I get into the millis training institute. I would love to work for them. And like that it has a 500 up front. At least they know a person is serious.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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How did you learn to drive

I have. I also have a goid lead for work with a small company once I get my CDL. Are you saying a company will not hire an inexperienced driver without a certificate. Or lets say I get my license then work for said small company 6 months to a year would they still hold my not going to school against me. Also thank you for answering me I really value your opinion. And want your advice.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Failed drug test

Cant you go somewhere else from what I understand they cant share hair follicle results if you live I. The hiring area of millis they only do urine and seem lime a great company. There is a whole list of companies that only do urine test on here. I'm sure some of this knowledgeable guys on here will ring in withgoos advice

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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How did you learn to drive

I'm currious how many guys on here went to school or company cdl training. And who didn't. Also who just got their permit and learned to drive on their own. Im thinking of going that route because I'm having problem finding a company to give me a shot because my license was expired for a while not suspended anyways they want at least a year active license. My step father is a driver and has his own truck. I take my permit next week how important is school or training. Am I making a mistake not going to some type of training

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Practice test


I'm studying fir cdl permit using tools on here. I noticed its for Illinois. Im in Texas are they all the same or does someone here know of a good app or website for studying for Texas CDL permits


Hi Jerry, type in section 14 in the search bar. I hope this helps.

Hey thanks bud I really appreciate it

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Practice test

I'm studying fir cdl permit using tools on here. I noticed its for Illinois. Im in Texas are they all the same or does someone here know of a good app or website for studying for Texas CDL permits

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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This might be a little long so thanks for taking the time to read I'm gonna try to be as candid as I can maybe someone will have a little advice for me. I want to drive its in my family I finally am at the point were I think the time is right. Problem is im getting rejected like a fat boy on prom night. So this is why first I was charged for forgery for counterfeit money in 2011 and sentenced in 2014 to five years. I served 18 month in texas then was released in September 2015. And since completed my parole. That is the only thing on my record no drugs, duo any misdemeanors. While in prison my license expired when I got out I could not renew because of tickets no (moving violations) that I was not able to appear for do to being in prison. In Texas if you dont show up you cant renew your license. So I worked out a payment plan that I could afford with my crappy ex con job and eventually paid them off and got my license renewed it was never suspended and I didnt have any surcharges. I got my ive had my license for a few months. So I've been turned down for my criminal record at one company because my license isnt over a year active. Becauss I have not been out over 4 years and because my felony is recent. Does anyone have advice on a company who might give me an opportunity. Crst. Crenfland. Pam. Roehl. Raider express. All so far have had one of those reasons not to hire me. I feel real down because this is something ive always wanted to do. I spent so much time on the road with my grandpas and step dad that it feels like I'm gonna miss out on something really important to me. Thanks again to those who made it to the end.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Driver Resource Center

Sorry thought it was in the title driver resource center

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Driver Resource Center

Any drivers gone through DRC. Any information about them would be appreciated.

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