Profile For Jason

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    Atlanta, GA

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Jason's Bio

Completed Prime PSD/TNT Program, been A seat solo driver almost a year. Do to family obligations I stayed company first year (paying off loan), took my company LW lease (only 104weeks) Feb 2020. Tumultuous times.

Considering double down. Talking to Success Lease about doing Condo and becoming a Trainer. This is definitely where I should have been 25 years ago. Damn!

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Posted:  4 years, 9 months ago

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How's Everyone Doing? How is Freight? Not Many Posts Lately

Prime has been hum drum, biz as usual. I’ve had some light weeks <1K gross but i run solo. For me the cutbacks at meat plants has been brutal. Nothing specific but I used to haul beef once/week...and haven’t had one for almost two is telling on my bottom line.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!


Do though know how jaded you sound from this? You are like the boy who let the world burn because he couldn’t get his way! WTF.. thought you were mature... wow...and you are just a little boy having a tantrum... does that mean all your previous advice was BS?!


I'm not jaded at all. Quite the opposite in fact. If I was jaded I wouldn't have dedicated the last 12 years of my life helping people get their careers started successfully in this industry.

I'm also not sure what it is about my response that makes you think I'm trying to get my way or throwing a tantrum. I'm not concerned in the least. I've told you what I know. My job is done here. Now it's up to you to do what you like with my advice. You're free to use it or ignore it, it's all the same to me.

Then in the scheme of things you should have no issues with me posting my Settlement checks with Prime week by week for a few months.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!


Seriously? I’m under no onus to report anything other than my settlements. Exactly what is required to show success under this level of limelight?


Seriously, don't waste your time. That was a poor request, to be honest. Weekly settlements don't prove anything.

Just go do your thing and forget about us. You don't need us. You have it all figured out already.

Besides, if you're so confident in your plan then why are you wasting your time trying to convince us you're right?

Do though know how jaded you sound from this? You are like the boy who let the world burn because he couldn’t get his way! WTF.. thought you were mature... wow...and you are just a little boy having a tantrum... does that mean all your previous advice was BS?!

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!

You will fail. Lease is the dumbest thing going in the industry, doubly so for someone with zero experience behind the wheel or writing the checks. Actually, more like hemorrhaging money. You have no clue what you’re doing. Obvious that you don’t read the tons of advice given here.

Thus the community? Is committed. So what in the face of this opposition would be considered success?

Seriously? I’m under no onus to report anything other than my settlements. Exactly what is required to show success under this level of limelight?

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!

I think when moderators suddenly require approval of responses where before it was given is answer enough no matter how this turns out.

Don’t fret-= your training program is still best; but beyond that- your are all too BAIS to matter.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!

It’s quite hilarious- or sickening per your viewpoint how folks are waiting on my response to your BS... no Bull****... better?

Truth is I’ve done my research. I’ve done my due delugence and the trucking industry today... isn’t what is was 5 years, even 2 years ago. Its an evolving industry... so folks, no offense, who try to lay down the law as black/white, who are no longer in the mix... come off as bias and BS or worse.

Truly- I apreciate all your viewpoints- they force me to think of the variables... but today you are full of ****; that’s how you come off with your nay sayer on lease etc. You need to re-educate yourself on the reality of it,

I’d readily agree leasing isn’t for everyone.. just as Britton made obvious OTR... isn’t for everyone regardless.

Those of us- who have no family, friends, etc... who can submit on $500/week forever,... can do quite well making more than that building up a reserve, etc... and eventually getting ourselves paid 6 figures.

Yes- I’m the exception perhaps- you need to get over it... already!

Think I”even proven I’m not going away... more am I going to go anywhere quietly.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!

Please post your weekly settlements on this site for us to see what we are missing. Seriously.......we want a weekly update.....will you commit to doing that?

Absolutely I will.

So long as my posting does not violate some company policy I will happily post my weekly settlement. I have no secrets to hide.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!

I still value your comments Rainy; even If I don’t take your advice to heart. Thanks for taking your time.

That said- I can address a few of them.

I am well aware of how negligence works. Just two days ago my latest Trainer got in a hurry and went trailer to trailer at a Tyson Plant; another $1000 error. As this was the 2nd time a trainer has done this with me in the truck... starting to feel like a bad penny or something. If it had been another truck he’d traded paint with it would have been $1K for the truck alone!

Lease or company- you are responsible for your mistakes.

As for the idiots running low bridges that’s easy: Garmon(?) or Rand McNally.

Qualcomm SUCKS! Generously...but the voice address is the worst I’ve ever seen. “Stay right,” it says when the exit’s on the left. “Take exit 101,” it says but there’s 3 options A, B, and C... which one???? And then of course it’ll tell you every flocking place exit B will go... 45 seconds worth but when you have 100 yds at 55mph to decide... by the time it gets done reciting the decision is long made and done. That said- if you can sort out all it’s faults it has never led me wrong.

Garmon and Rand McNally however- ugh! QC failed in Wi last week... kept getting errors because the road we were on and/or one in the route was prohibited. So Trainer said to use Garmon... which immediately told us to turn down a road with a 7 ton wt limit! (And we’re hauling 40K lbs).

I don’t understand Prime’s reasoning putting QC down low under then dashboard. You are practically lookin out the passenger window to look at it while everyone puts their Garmon, etc above the dash where they can see the road and its directions at the same time. So is it any wonder that folks inevitably use it?

I won’t make that decision; and if I do lease purchase- I can reposition the QC where it should be... not where Prime delegates it. Good, proper pre- planning- and there won’t be stupid mistakes depending on other GPS devices. And if QC takes me under a low bridge...

Money wise- I have no illusions as a solo driver my income will be half or less of what he’s showing me. It’s the potential though that’s worth investing in. Whether you haul dog food or diamonds- it’s all the same for company drivers; but lease not so much.

It’s the carrot for Trainers to do TNT. They get cheap help while qualifying for level 3-5 high value loads which is where the big payouts come from.

Are there other incentives? Likely, but nothing better than high value 5.

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Prime CDL Training - Springfield, MO

I have moved my comments, etc to a new thread in General Forums. Thanks for all the comments I received and your attention so far.

I wish Britton the best of luck; and for acknowledging his limitations. No matter his financial situation- he knows what matters most- family!

Again, best of luck

Posted:  5 years, 10 months ago

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Sold on Leasing... no, Lease Purchase!

I was commenting on Britton’s thread before; but since he’s given up on OTR seems pointless now. It was actually a typo that I said he wasn’t doing well; but forum doesn’t let you edit after posting. Maybe it was prophetic?!

I’m afraid the $328K W-2... and more recently the $10.5K 7 day settlement I contributed too (of which he took home $6.5K...he shared his Prime Settlement with me)... has convinced me to go lease when I upgrade in 3 weeks.

Old School(?) the W-2 is from ADP who he hired to manage his book-keeping and issue himself a real paycheck every week from the LLC he created for his trucking venture. You know when you rent, apply for a loan, etc... they all want proof of income; and a paycheck from a recognizable entity goes a long way.

He’s agreed to mentor me through the process: forming an LLC, Corp Banking, getting a ‘real’ paycheck every week, etc.

I’m in NC right now while he attends a family function. Did he leave me at a truck stop for 3 days? Most would I think. No, he put me in the room next to his at the Hyatt for $200/night. The guy has his flaws, but looking after his trainee’s isn’t one of them! This room is bigger than my last apartment!

Unlike Britton i’m loving being on the road. I might like my current temporary digs, but I’d rather be on the road right now. Idk- there’s nothing I want to do here; and my budget is limited. At this point in my life- this place is ‘far, far out of my league’.

As will happen OTR I’ve talked to other lease truckers and every one has 1 regret...not going lease purchase.

That big end of lease bonus is crap as I can see. The truck has to be returned in mint condition- every blemish, scratch, and wear is reason to take money out of the bonus.

But if you own it on completion- I could sell it for cheap as is...and still get twice the money!~

I have my eye on Freightliner’s Driver Loft Option. Successleasing hasn’t returned my inquiry yet. It might not even be possible. I do miss one thing above all else being on the road. It’s not family... well not the human part... I do miss family dog but bringing an 80lb mastiff on a truck would be cruel. No, I miss my desktop PC. I was an avid, chronic MMO gamer last 15 years or so. I miss having a PC workstation, etc and a laptop won’t cut it... I’m that guy who took a week vacation at the 9 to 5 job... just to sit at home in front of my PC for 7 days straight. If I could get that on a truck...

Don’t misunderstand- I have no intention of being an owner/operator. I still need and will likely always need Prime or another to line up work for me. I’m just looking at the bottom line and I’m in this for the money, then the adventure. Family, wife, kids, mortgage, etc... none of that is in the picture right now. It’s not even on the table!

Hope others are doing well!

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