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Posted: 11 months, 1 week ago
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This one kinda hit home for me. The semi driver lived close to where I lived before starting to drive. The report states he was not at fault. A van carrying Amish turned in front of him. Of the Amish, only a 2 year old survived. The truck driver was ejected from the truck. Maybe not wearing a seatbelt? I don’t know if he would have survived regardless from the looks of the wreckage, but maybe. RIP Driver.
Posted: 12 months ago
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A New Truckers App from TT: What Would You Like To See?
The paper on the outside of the window is to show what I wrote on the window. The camera really didn't see it without the paper there. When I'm going into a new place that has a lot of weird directions according to my Garmin, Google maps and my Atlas, I figure out the best route and write it on the window with those dry erase markers. When I'm done with the trip then I easily erase it.
I use my Garmin GPS. I did like my brother's older Rand McNally, but it took a dump and I couldn't get it fixed. I also use Trucker Path and Google maps as well as my Atlas. I use the states 511 apps that I run through a lot. Now that I am with this new company, I have to add more 511 apps.
This last trip with ATVs and side by sides or whatever you call them, the whole trailer only had 14,000 on it. Monday night Wyoming posted winds at 55+ mph, so I parked it. It was 40 plus mph yesterday going across Wyoming. A wind speed and direction app would have been nice to have. I'll have to look some up.
You are very welcome Bruce. Our PeopleNet has that pilot navigation thing on the ELD. I accidentally hit the navigation button and that female's voice just drove me nuts and I couldn't find a way to turn her down. After I got to my first drop, I went exploring and was able to change it to a male voice and turn it down. I really didn't like the directions that it came up with to Idaho Falls. This is my stomping grounds and I know different roads that can make the trip quicker or shorter and it kept wanting me to make a bunch of turns that were not even truck friendly.
Hey Laura, I also use a dry erase marker but have stopped writing on my driver door window because when I lower the window it erases the writing. Do you have this problem? Or do you just never open your window, lol ?
Posted: 1 year ago
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I've been running miles and miles Miles and miles, miles and miles
Posted: 1 year, 1 month ago
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Graduating next week and looking to start with a good company that doesn’t do hair follicle.
“I live in El Paso now. I’m from Newburgh, N.Y.”
Anthony, I did work for a construction company from Newburgh called Storm King, Inc. Did you ever hear of it when you lived there?
Posted: 1 year, 5 months ago
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Yellow officially ceased operations will file bankruptcy
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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New driver, will I need to do OTR as a team member ?
Bill, team driving is not for everyone.
However, being with a trainer is an entirely different consideration. I try to encourage new drivers to take into serious consideration their allotment of time with a road trainer when choosing a company to pursue. I had less than two weeks but would have greatly benefited from a longer time out with a trainer.
Don’t be too eager to get out there by yourself at first. Two weeks with a trainer should be bare minimum. A month or two is much better. Check out Prime’s training program, they really do it right.
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity
Yesterday I went to a Pilot for fuel. All the lanes were busy, so I pulled up behind another truck to wait. Almost immediately, the truck in front pulled ahead. I thought I was pretty lucky, because whatever line I get in is usually the slowest. Even at the grocery store.
So I get out to start the pump and find out the screen is broken and can’t process my transaction. Then I have to pull through, swing around and get in line at another pump. Ok, this time the pump works and I get my fuel. I pulled ahead and went into the store for a few items. As I was checking out at the counter, I told the lady that pump 21 was not working and I put a safety cone in the lane so other drivers wouldn’t go in that lane. She said: “We know that pump is broken, but where did you get the cone from?”
Instead of answering about the cone, I said: “If you knew the pump was out of order, why didn’t someone here block it off so other drivers wouldn’t have to waste their time in that lane?” Then I just shook my head and left the store.
Thank you for letting me vent. Lol
Posted: 10 months, 1 week ago
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The risk of complacency
The agency said its findings are a cautionary lesson for all mariners.
“Repetition and monotony can cause even the most experienced and skilled mariner to become complacent and lose situational awareness,” the report said. “Developing strategies that help maintain focus is a good practice. These strategies may include continuous scanning of instruments and surroundings outside the wheelhouse, strict adherence to procedures, eliminating distractions, changing position or moving (standing up or walking around), and getting enough sleep and exercise.”
Same for drivers! Good stuff, Harvey.